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19194. Macnas - 4/25/2006 3:46:39 PM

Thats not helping, I know.

Anyway, what about an instrumental for your prologue, say something like the music to "the maids of mournes shore" or "down by the sally gardens"? That would sound very nice with just guitar and flute.

19195. arkymalarky - 4/25/2006 4:21:05 PM

Seven pages into an 8 page minimum paper, and I'm just now to the main topic. Editing will be in order, but I do better if I write it first then go back and edit.

Then to start the other one, hopefully knocking out four or five pages of it before morning, and I will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel in this first semester of grad school. I will turn in the one I'm working on now tomorrow night and finish the second up by next week sometime.

I already know my schedule at work and wrt rural education advocacy will be much reduced, starting this summer. After a busy June, grad school will be easier as well, since I got the most time-consuming classes out of the way first--not intentionally, it just worked out that way.

Bob and I plan to celebrate after my twelve 12-hour days in a June seminar by spending at least half of July in Colorado. It's the carrot I keep in front of me at all times.

19196. Macnas - 4/25/2006 4:21:46 PM

Come to think of it, "Carolans concerto" would be very good too.

19197. PelleNilsson - 4/25/2006 4:42:35 PM

If I were you, iiibbb, I would describe the kind of music I'd want and let my friends come up with some proposals. Having said that - and disregarding "contemporary" - I think that some of Mozart's flute concertos or a section of Vivaldi's "Spring" are fine joyous pieces. Beethoven's "Ode to Joy" from his 9th symphony is also a rather uplifting. And you would be paying tribute to trans-atlantic cooperation and understanding because it is the anthem of EU. You will of course spend the honeymoon in Paris?

But if you insist on at least semi-contemporary which also the older guests have a relation to, I think you can find fine suitable songs with Beatles and Simon & Garfunkel.

19198. Macnas - 4/25/2006 4:44:57 PM

Or there's always the bagpipe.

19199. arkymalarky - 4/25/2006 4:47:44 PM

I would've been left at the altar if I'd had a bagpipe in my wedding. I love it, but Bob hates it for some reason I've never understood. And it would have made me cry. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

19200. arkymalarky - 4/25/2006 4:51:36 PM

I thik Pelle's idea of getting suggestions from friends is best. One man's wine is another man's cheese, and friends who actually hear what you like would probably be really helpful. I love "We've Only Just Begun," but other people don't at all.

19201. PelleNilsson - 4/25/2006 4:59:31 PM

I'm digressing here, but I just thought of Peter Sellers who did a hysterically funny impersonation of Sir Laurence Olivier reading the lyrics of "A Hard Day's Night" in his full Shakespearean mode.

19202. iiibbb - 4/25/2006 5:23:44 PM

19200. arkymalarky - 4/25/2006 4:51:36 PM

I thik Pelle's idea of getting suggestions from friends is best.

Sorta why I'm asking here...

This music is very hard... A lot of nice melodies out there, but when you listen to the words it's all wrong.

P is not into classical so much.

Went to a really good wedding last summer that had a guy do the soundtrack to Shrek... surprisingly good wedding music in that... too bad we can't use the idea. We invited that couple.

19203. Macnas - 4/25/2006 5:40:19 PM

Instrumentals iiibbb lad, never mind the words.

19204. PelleNilsson - 4/25/2006 5:51:34 PM

But people will think of the lyrics when they hear the song. I think "Bridge over troubled waters" would do nicely and would fit the flute with a soft guitar. And then there is the one with the British girl (old now, though) whose name I always forget on the theme "I'll be there when you need me ... just call my name".

19205. alistairconnor - 4/25/2006 5:52:46 PM

And here's to you, Mrs Robinson.

Oh perhaps not.

19206. arkymalarky - 4/25/2006 7:40:05 PM

I should have said irl friends, 3i3b, because they hear what you like to listen to. Bob's nephew is a concert violinist and they had a beautiful string quartet of his friends and colleagues at his wedding, which was the most beautiful wedding I've ever been to. His wife is Malaysian and a pianist, and they had the loveliest blend of Eastern and Western features--colors, music, styles, flowers--everything.

19207. Adam Selene - 4/25/2006 7:43:34 PM

I wish me a happy birthday,
I wish me a happy birthday,
I wish me a happy birthday,
'cause I turned fift-eeeee!

Wheee! I made it! AARP membership, here I come!

19208. arkymalarky - 4/25/2006 7:52:52 PM

Happy birthday Adam!! Hope you have a great landmark day!

19209. judithathome - 4/25/2006 7:58:56 PM

Happy Day, Adam...get yourself down to IHOP and get the Senior Grand Slam!

19210. Adam Selene - 4/25/2006 8:16:35 PM

Senio discounts at 50? Seems like cheating.... I just got my black belt, still bike 20 miles on the weekend and chase my dog for a mile every day... decent money in my 401 k and a 6 figure salary...and I get special treatment? Just doesn't seem right somehow.

19211. wabbit - 4/25/2006 8:23:08 PM

Happy birthday Adam! My discount will kick in in a few more months -- I'm really looking forward to the discount car insurance!

19212. Adam Selene - 4/25/2006 8:31:46 PM

I saw an analysis recently - despite the popular image of the downtrodden senior, the richest segment of Americans are those over 60. Yet they get all these special discounts and are one of the lowest-consuming groups... makes no sense. By all economic theory, loss-leaders should go to those most likely to consume more... the younger generation.

19213. Adam Selene - 4/25/2006 8:41:58 PM

Sorry - IHOP seniors are 55+ according to their web menu.

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