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19598. arkymalarky - 6/11/2006 2:19:23 AM

I posted this in Arts and Culture, too: new band

19599. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 6/11/2006 4:12:40 PM

Don't pass up this extraordinary series of photos of Hummingbird Chicks–the last photo is a revelation. (Click on "Next Page" in the lower right.)

19600. jexster - 6/12/2006 2:48:05 AM

Congrats to Arky for showing her true colors..a good daughter of the Confederacy!

19601. Ulgine Barrows - 6/12/2006 5:26:52 AM

19599. TheWizardOfWhimsy, thank you for that.
The hummingbirds are lovely.

The newly-hatched on "Next Page" look like rabbit entrails, but what do I know.

And I know I'm slow on the uptake, but there's a whole 'nother world out there called WoW. Some war game, but WoW always meant Wizard of Whimsy to me.

19602. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 6:26:35 AM

All right, Jex. When you gonna break out your accordian?

19603. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 6:28:17 AM

My first experience with death involved a baby hummingbird. I cried all the way through Mary Poppins, even though I'd been dying to see it.

19604. Ulgine Barrows - 6/12/2006 6:37:45 AM

oh, what a death to see, larky. A hummingbird.

My cat bit off the head of a bunny in front of me the other day and an eyeball popped out, round and perfect like a little marble, blue and black .

19605. Ulgine Barrows - 6/12/2006 6:38:54 AM

It was disgusting, and I was riveted to the spot.

19606. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 7:00:33 AM

You'd have a blast out here. I think the worst was a fawn's face in the yard. Not its head, just its face.

19607. Ulgine Barrows - 6/12/2006 7:41:00 AM

nature in all its cruel beauty
some plants wilt
not me

19608. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 8:11:05 AM

Just a rural residence with two big dogs who haul their ill-gotten gains into the yard and leave what's left when they're through playing/eating. Parts is parts, as the old commercial used to say.

19609. Ulgine Barrows - 6/12/2006 8:27:39 AM

we've got 2 cats
they're good hunters

heh, ill-gotten gains
I wouldn't put it that way

19610. Magoseph - 6/12/2006 12:47:11 PM

My sister-in-law is in “Anesthesiology and Reanimation” in Lyon since last Tuesday. She was in a car accident 11 years ago and had health troubles since that time, but no one could do much for her until a well-known surgeon told her differently. Anyway, it came to the fact that her organs—liver, gold bladder, stomach— were in free-fall, liver damaging lung, stomach up-side down, esophagus and diaphragm damaged, etc.

The operation was successful and she’s very slowly getting better. She will stay at the hospital, three or four more weeks, maybe more. We always have been very close, closer actually, than we’re to our own sisters, so I have talked to her kids, mine, cousins, everybody this week—my brother for hours everyday until we knew if she was going to survive the shock of such an extensive operation. Now, her body must get used to her organs being in the right places and Jeanine being fragile, it will be touch and go for a while.

AND Flexi fell on his left wrist Friday, trying to cut a branch—luckily not the right, fortunately. Once we determined that his carotid didn’t provoke the fall and that the x-ray didn’t show anything because the wrist was too swollen—we came home and I haven’t stopped to giggle each time I have to sac-gel his left wrist or when I talk on the phone. Did he really think that he could resume his previous activities? It’ll take another year to drive a car, for goodness’ sakes!

19611. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 2:38:38 PM

My lands, Mags, why so long a recovery? Is he having physical therapy? He may have to make some permanent adjustments. My MIL has one hand and she drives better than I do.

I hope your SIL does well after her surgery, and maybe will feel better than she has since the accident.

19612. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 2:41:58 PM

Ulgine, my assessment of the difference between dogs and cats: cats play with their prey before they kill it, and dogs play with it after--weeks after, if you let them.

My parents went out on their driveway one day to find that all that was left of one of their cat's bird victims was a pair of wings lying on the concrete.

19613. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 2:42:50 PM

Where are you Jex? I was looking forward to hearing a little early morning zydeco!

19614. Magoseph - 6/12/2006 4:36:47 PM

Arky,he had a badly broken right wrist and still is not allowed to exert it too much. Besides, I bet he's much older than your MIL.

We are now waiting for the doctor's office to call us for an x-ray on his left wrist.

19615. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 7:05:12 PM

She's 75.

Good luck with the x-ray.

19616. jexster - 6/12/2006 7:08:18 PM

Why Arky's a Daughter of the Confederacy

I am a Daughter of the Confederacy because I was born a Daughter of the Confederacy. A part of my heritage was that I came into this world with the blood of a soldier in my veins...a soldier who may have had nothing more to leave behind to me and to those who come after me except in heritage...a heritage so rich in honor and glory that it far surpasses any material wealth that could be mine. But it is mine, to cherish, to nurture and to make grace, and to pass along to those yet to come. I am, therefore, a Daughter of the Confederacy because it is my birthright.
I am a Daughter of the Confederacy because I have an obligation to perform. Like the man in the Bible, I was given a talent and it is my duty to do something about it. That is why I've joined a group of ladies whose birthright is the same as mine...an organization which has for its purpose the continuance and furtherance of the true history of the South and the ideals of southern womanhood as embodied in its Constitution.

I am a member of The United Daughters of the Confederacy because I feel it would greatly please my ancestor to know that I am a member. It would please him to know that I appreciate what he did and delight his soldier love to know that I do not consider the cause which he held so dear to be lost or forgotten. Rather, I am extremely proud of the fact that he was a part of it and was numbered among some of the greatest and bravest men which any such cause ever produced.

I am a Daughter of the Confederacy because I can no more help being a Daughter of the Confederacy than I can help being an American, and I feel that I was greatly favored by inheriting a birthright for both.

Written by Mary Nowlin Moon (Mrs. John)
A member of Kirkwood Otey Chapter 10, Lynchburg, Virginia
First read at a Chapter meeting on June 2, 1915

19617. arkymalarky - 6/12/2006 7:09:59 PM

That's nice, but let's hear some Jolie Blonde!

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