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19723. jexster - 7/6/2006 5:12:52 PM

Yup.."pistachios" unknown at time...the Chief of Police of the town I grew up in ..."Pistache" Langlois...imposing figure every bit of 5'2 and 110 lbs soaking wet..

Peanut Langlois

19725. judithathome - 7/7/2006 12:17:38 AM

And Magos feel free to move my last one, too.

19726. Magoseph - 7/7/2006 5:14:07 AM

Ah, thank you, Judith: 19717, 19721, and 19724 moved to the Inferno.

19727. wonkers2 - 7/7/2006 2:43:16 PM

Good work!

19728. arkymalarky - 7/7/2006 6:25:11 PM

Hope everyone had a safe and happy 4th! I'm enjoying the best part of a vacation--the laundromat.

19729. alistairConnor - 7/7/2006 8:39:57 PM

ah and let me guess : the laundromat is a wifi hotspot?

19730. alistairConnor - 7/7/2006 8:40:49 PM

Come to think of it, Ireland is a modern hi-tek country these days. They probably have wifi in all the pubs. You may hear from me.

19731. Magoseph - 7/7/2006 11:15:21 PM

Hey, Wiz, what about this letter posted the same day above Judith’s letter? Do you think this lady is holier than Judith is? I do.

Display the U.S. flag!

Your choice: Attach it to your house or vehicle, fly it on a pole, wear a red-white-and-blue flag pin, tattoo it on your person, wear the colors!

Fly it only on holidays, fly it all year round 24/7, but display it. Display it to show your respect and love of this country or for whatever reason you choose, but display it.

There are many ways to look at politics and government, but the bottom line is that we love America and what it stands for, despite differing political views.

Just display the U.S. flag.

19732. Ulgine Barrows - 7/8/2006 4:27:50 AM

OK, I probably didn't explain my post well enough. Y'all have complained I make no sense.

In past years, there have been oodles of people posting on the 4th. But this year, not. So I wrote,

19714. Ulgine Barrows - 7/6/2006 2:42:55 AM
Happy 4th, anyway.
What is wrong with you folks? I suppose you think that about me.

And then, 19719. concerned posts
I suppose that 'depends' on what kind of 'cat' you are.

And I totally don't get that, quotes around depends, does that mean the dotage diaper?
What kind of cat I are? Maybe I'm a dog tonight!

19733. Ulgine Barrows - 7/8/2006 4:29:58 AM

I have been wearing flag t shirts and PJs all week.

4th of July is my fave holiday, after Halloween.

I hate Christmas and & Thanksgiving, all that means is cruel drunks, in my family.

19734. judithathome - 7/8/2006 6:00:07 PM

Ulgine, I thought Concerned was addressing the posts about the cats that were trained to pee in the toilet.

19735. jexster - 7/8/2006 8:01:15 PM

Only in San Francisco: Summer in the City

On my way to the corner store, a little kid about 4 or 5 (a GEEK at that age..feature the glasses) asked his father:

"Why does that man have dirt on his skin?"

"That's a sun tan"

19736. judithathome - 7/8/2006 8:36:03 PM

Nice picture, Jex!

19737. jexster - 7/8/2006 11:57:47 PM

That is the rare 5:30 am shot from Marin Headlands...Not as impressive as sunrise seen from the crater of Haleakala volcano on Maui to be sure (I wish I could remember where I put those pics).

That's why we ask our daddies why you outlanders have dirt on your skin

19738. Ulgine Barrows - 7/9/2006 5:52:18 AM

judithathome, ha, thanks for explaining!
Those cat posts did not show up on my screen.

concerned, your comment makes sense in light of that info.

19739. Magoseph - 7/10/2006 12:46:34 PM

Hello, everyone!

Where is everyone? Just come and say hello, will you, please?

19740. judithathome - 7/10/2006 1:13:23 PM


How was your weekend?

19741. Magoseph - 7/10/2006 2:05:26 PM

The weekend was fine, restful, and non-eventful until a storm blew up some transformers last night around ten. I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw two enormous fire trucks right in front here, red lights all around their edges blinking on and off. Quite a scaring sight—-goodness, what happened? When the rain ceased, I went to investigate and was told the fire trucks were here to block the traffic until the electric company arrived.

There was smoke around the area where the transformers went off and you never know what could happen in such a wooded area, said one good-looking kid fireman. Goodness, they all were so young and eager to help us assuage our fears. Then I saw a police car with a crowd around it and, of course, I had to be there and listen to what was going on—well, everyone was rather surprised of this show of force.

I told this to Flexy who said; well, that is what happens when an area suddenly found itself with plenty of real-estate-taxes to spend. Go to the next association’s meeting, it should be rowdy and fun with the new residents questioning the board.

19742. Magoseph - 7/10/2006 2:06:02 PM

Today, Flexy is seeing his doctor to determine if his health can stand the cataract operation this Thursday—if everything is all right this week, then we’ll prepare ourselves for the carotid operation in August.

19743. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/10/2006 2:29:26 PM

Every Good wish, Mago!

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