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19767. alistairConnor - 7/17/2006 5:51:33 PM

Hello folks, we are on the boat to Ireland. We'll be landing about 11 am tomorrow if the Irish border guards are kind (there's a real possibility they will send us straight back...)

19768. Ms. No - 7/17/2006 6:06:30 PM

Why would they do that?

19769. alistairConnor - 7/17/2006 6:12:13 PM

Explained in other thread...

I'm hoping they will be indulgent.

Otherwise I'll just ask for political asylum, I'll be too ashamed to go home.

19770. alistairConnor - 7/17/2006 6:34:06 PM

French cell phone link is becoming unreliable, with the coast dropping out of sight. Talk to you folks later.

19771. judithathome - 7/17/2006 7:18:59 PM

Going to be 104° today and the rest of the week. We've had 6 straight days of 100° or above.

19772. Ms. No - 7/17/2006 9:09:13 PM

Did you order that up especially for me?

Of course it hasn't been that much cooler here, of late.

19773. arkymalarky - 7/18/2006 5:00:12 AM

Ugh. We're on our way home, in a hotel in OK, and dreading the heat. The CO cabin has been hotter than usual the past week, but 90+ with 30% humidity is so much better than 100+ with 80% humidity. Here in OK it's hot but dry, so it's still not too bad.

19774. Ulgine Barrows - 7/18/2006 6:15:30 AM

I forgot to post this last time

19756. judithathome - 7/13/2006 3:08:23 PM


Wow, I haven't seen that in a long time. judithathome, is that the first time you've seen that?

I ask only because I work with a guy that collects coins. One day several years ago, "The Onion" website had a spoof article about the state quarters. The Onion goofed on the state quarters,said there was a new mint program to make pennies for each USA county in every state, finishing the program in 4090 or somesuch nonsense.

Anyway. I sent that Onion article to this guy I work with, and somebody sent it back to him about 18 months later.

Interesting, that HELL EXPLAINED's longetivity on the web. It's a good one.

19775. Ulgine Barrows - 7/18/2006 6:20:07 AM

larky, it's sticky here, heat alert.

Mark Knopfler/Emmylou Harris have a newish album out, "All The Roadrunning".

You will like track 3 of 12,

'This Is Us'

19776. arkymalarky - 7/19/2006 3:41:32 AM

The Wiz/Wonk meeting sounds grand all around. Wish I could've been there.

I'm looking VERY forward to seeing Judith and Keoni and MsNo at the end of the month!

19777. arkymalarky - 7/19/2006 3:45:48 AM

I'll check that one out, Ulgine. If Bro doesn't have the album, he'll be getting it. He loves both of them.

19778. Magoseph - 7/19/2006 12:30:38 PM

Hello, everyone! Ms. Mo, I'm very glad you're fine, you know. Arky, how much time do you have left before work?

We had a perfect weather yesterday, a rare occurence here and it looks the same for today.

19779. arkymalarky - 7/19/2006 4:35:47 PM

Sounds nice, Mags.

I don't even know when we start back. Kids go back Aug 21 and we're probably a week before that. I'm on jury duty between now and the end of December, and I've got to be there July 25. Hopefully I won't be gone from work or class much, but it's really not a good time. Next year would have been much better. I'm going to register today to take 9 hours of graduate classes--Monday night, Thursday night, and Saturday morning--and I hope I can get through everything this semester without anything interfering with those classes. I'm determined to finish up by spring--next summer at the VERY latest.

19780. judithathome - 7/19/2006 7:56:15 PM

Wow, I haven't seen that in a long time. judithathome, is that the first time you've seen that?

Yes, I'd never seen it before...my cousin, who is new to the internet sent it to me.

19781. judithathome - 7/19/2006 7:57:48 PM

Arky, it's good that you and Bob went north...had you stopped in here with us, you'd have NO electricity like I've been with for 2 days. Monday afternnon, the giat 100 year old elm at the back of my yard split in two and it came gracefully down onto my house.

19782. judithathome - 7/19/2006 8:01:11 PM

It's a GIANT elm....and it's going to cost us $5,000 to remove the damned thing. And insurance won't pay because it wasn't a storm, wind, or lightening bolt.

After sitting on the porch all day yesterday waiting for a 9am house call from the electric company that arrived at 6pm and with it reaching 107 degrees, forgive my grumpy ways and profanity. We took Klaus to the kennel so he would be okay...it's been a circus around here.

19783. arkymalarky - 7/19/2006 8:12:56 PM

Oh Judith, that's awful!

I can't imagine dealing with that at any point, much less in this heat. You know you're absolutely welcome to drive down and stay with us while they work on everything.

19784. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/19/2006 11:04:49 PM

Hey ark, welcome back!

Sorry to hear of your bad luck, Judith. We had our Silver Maple come down on us in a Spring storm–$2500. And we had to deal with two baby squirrels whose poor mother didn't make it in the crash on our house, in the middle of the night. I was so grateful that it wasn't an jetliner.

Your insurance will cover the damage to your house, I hope?

19785. judithathome - 7/19/2006 11:16:37 PM

Yes, Wiz...my roofer said it is minimal damage and because it was so little damage there, they might consider kicking in some on the tree removal, which isn't covered.

The last time I had a claim on roof damage the claim cover the entire thing, even though it wasn't really warranted. Teh claims guy was very creative and gave me money for the carport AND the shed and said I could apply it to get an entire new roof...if I wanted and if the other two weren't AS important as a new roof...heh heh. He was really nice about it.

But, I know he said it was a one time pay out for the carport and I'd get no more down the line. Not sure if that included the shed. But hey, those things are cheap to replace and Keoni said he wishes it had just flattened the whole shed...then he'd have the excuse to clean it out once and for all!

19786. arkymalarky - 7/20/2006 12:40:02 AM

Thanks Wiz! And congratulations on the wonderful review. I posted last night without reading and just saw it today in the Arts thread.

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