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19896. arkymalarky - 7/30/2006 10:11:44 PM

Hey Prof! It really was. The last of our company just left a few minutes ago.

19897. prolph - 7/31/2006 1:51:39 AM

Arky et al youse guys have got to stop telling about Keone's biscuits OR
semd me some.prolph biscuit deprived.

19898. arkymalarky - 7/31/2006 3:53:26 AM

Better yet, come down next time we get together and get the full menu!

19899. arkymalarky - 7/31/2006 3:54:30 AM

Better yet, come down next time we get together and get the full menu!

19900. arkymalarky - 7/31/2006 3:54:56 AM

As you can see, we're generous with seconds.

19901. Magoseph - 7/31/2006 10:15:01 AM

Hello, Mac--heat advisory today, another day inside keeping Flexy cool and entertained. How are you?

19902. Macnas - 7/31/2006 10:29:06 AM

I'm fine altogether Mago. The weather has changed here, rain showers and cooler winds coming from the southwest.

I don't mind it to be honest, I'm not a great man for the heat, and appreciate the drop in temperature and humidity.

19903. alistairConnor - 7/31/2006 11:07:11 AM

Ah now and you had a fine little climate there last week, and you're glad it's over!

Honestly I can't remember a moment when it was too hot. Pleasantly warm, and I'm fine with the humidity.

Let me know when that weather returns, and I'll come back.

19904. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 1:02:56 PM

100f yesterday and 101 today, 88 tomorrow with the rain coming back.

Dang heat sweat me to the core yesterday. I've had to get some work done in my garage. Rebuilding an older wood storm door, and its screen and glass inserts. Would have liked to hang it today, but dang if I would rather not!

Neighbor's a/c wasn't working, she asked me to look at it for her. She has four kids there 3-16. I looked at it and found some fiddling had caused it. Fiddling in that she had a visitor, who contributed some rent in exchange for work. He looked at the wires for some reason. What he did was disconnect all the wires. Right before the latest heat wave.

They endured the first two days, as I thought she had our Excel Energy fixing it. They didn't come out, so I wonder what's up there. I think she's not exactly working the system. There's some different situation over there. Anyway, I looked at the a/c schematic and had all but one wire set, the last took two tries to get the compressor working. Then she asks me to look at the hot tub.

Sheesh, that same maliciousness happened to it too. This one was very dangerous though. The a/c wires I mentioned are low voltage, but this one was a 50 amp circuit. One of the two feeds was burned off at the circuit breaker, and had melted the breaker housing. I couldn't even budge the breaker itself. Very bad!

I wonder if we would have had an ash heap if the breaker had failed to stop the problem? I think the guy either accidentally or purposely (as she thinks) crossed the wires, to short it?

Everyone needs good folk like arkys and friends.

A month ago I looked at an outlet she said wasn't working and that the circuit kept blowing. She or that same visitor had tried to change the outlet to a GFI, because someone told them it was a good idea. The problem is when someone works with early twentieth century wires yeah gotta know what you're doing. They grounded the hot to the metal box and it welded to it.

That man is villainous, if he's doing this stuff?

19905. Macnas - 7/31/2006 1:09:37 PM

Rick, that sounds very strange.

I think you should get her to call a certified electrician and get a survey done of her power and earthing.

Whatever it might cost, it would be better than the house burning down around her.

19906. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 1:14:38 PM

There's poverty involved Mac. I'm just about all she'll get, I'm trying to get the name or some way of getting ahold of the owner she's renting from. But, I'll only use that as a last resort. I know the previous owner very well and I know everything is to code. I know this for a fact. The problem is in that man who stayed with her. She called him an uncle? I don't know or care really, but he did some f'ed up stuff. It appears to be malicious or very stupid stuff? I don't know?

But, that was all he did, accordin to her, The circuit board would blow a breaker if anything else was wrong and nothings wrong now. I fixed the last thing and she promised to leave the hot tub alone.

19907. alistairConnor - 7/31/2006 1:23:37 PM

"there's poverty involved"...

well yes, poverty and A/C I can understand, but poverty and a hot tub?

I'm not denying the poverty, it's just that for the energy-conscious, the idea is completely surrealist. I very much doubt that poor people will be able to afford A/C for much longer, with rising energy prices.

19908. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 1:33:58 PM

renters alistair, they've landed a good deal.

The house isn't very well laid out, the kitchen is small, though they put a second floor on the original in the early 90's. The old owner that is. This new one is a problem. Renting it after buying it from my other neighbor realtor. That realestate sale was to be to the owner occupier from the story I was told, but it turned out they just wanted to illegally flip the property. They got around the law by trying contract for deed. But, now they're just renting it.

Now I've info that the owners are now an only owner. And She has never been seen. I'm around a lot, so if she comes around, I've yet to notice. This is a good thing for the renter and bad for the owner. Bad for me too. The renter has damaged some things.

They can be fixed. But it's still not the best way to keep up that house.

19909. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 1:38:05 PM

The renter doesn't work, and from our talks, I would guess she mover her family from Chicago or some other big city. Logic is Chicago because it's closest persay.

I know what being poor is all about, been there, done that.

She's doing it, and doing good, but I don't exactly know how.

She's not been gone on any day. So, what money is coming in has to be govt? Or maybe some settlment? I don't know, but the hot tub was the previous owners, he had a lot of joint pain.

19910. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 1:39:35 PM

20k millenial, that'ld be a good one, eh?

19911. Macnas - 7/31/2006 1:45:56 PM

Rick, it sounds like you are being very good to them. However, things like this have a nasty way of dragging you in, and what now seems like being a good neighbor, could end up with you in court.

I know it sounds very mean-minded, but if there is malicious intent, or just cack-handed wiring, it's something that has to be resolved promptly.
If you're happy that's all there is to it, fine.

Just remember, you are the last guy who was at the wiring.

19912. RickNelson - 7/31/2006 2:21:35 PM

You're right Mac, fortunately all I did was hook up the low voltage a/c. That has no way of causing fire or other porblems. So, yeah, I'm happy 'nuf, but my fees being waved because of neighborliness isn't the way I do things. I did it for those kids.

19913. arkymalarky - 7/31/2006 3:52:24 PM

It is difficult living next to struggling people with small kids. You can't not help, somehow, but it really can put you in a bind. Bob's mother was in that situation and Bob was concerned for her safety, especially from the two boys, who stole and vandalized around the neighborhood until the sheriff threatened to take them from the home. The mother and husband (not father) finally split, went into bankruptcy, and Bob's nephew bought the tiny lot so there won't be problems in the future, but those two boys are likely doomed. I'm sure none of us will ever know unless they make the news.

Good luck to you and her, Rick. You have a great heart.

19914. judithathome - 8/1/2006 2:36:37 AM

Our weekend was great...great hosts, company, food, and weather. Fabulous...and I am still feeling it. Meaning, it wore me out...ha!

What contributed to the tiredness was the strain when one of our tires started splitting and we were worried about the car all the way until we got to a larger town on the way...we got the tires roatated and carried on and then the same problem happened but at least we knew which tire...and finally Keoni took MsNo's suggestion and used the spare.

He's getting new tires Wednesday.

I wish now his daughter was getting married in December instead of in 5 days. Maybe I'll feel more lively in the next few...

19915. arkymalarky - 8/1/2006 4:07:21 AM

I can relate! I took a nap this afternoon and I'm hoping to get back into the swing of things tomorrow.

I hope y'all have a great time next weekend as well, and that the weather is as moderate as it was here this weekend. If it had stayed what it was when we got home from CO (110F), the weekend would have been very different--not nearly as much porch time.

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