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19927. Ulgine Barrows - 8/2/2006 7:36:37 AM

19924. Jenerator - 8/1/2006 4:46:43 PM

I wouldn't have had kids if I lived 150 years ago. Medicine has come a loooooooooooooooong way!

you might want to reconsider your phrasing.
such as, I'm glad I didn't die giving birth 150 years ago and I'm so glad there are so many more nets to help a woman in childbirth.

heh, yeah, you wouldn't have had kids.
You wouldn't have had a choice.

I am SO glad I did.

19928. Ulgine Barrows - 8/2/2006 8:18:13 AM

sorry.....gotta post this

Gonna buy a fast car
Put on my lead boots
And take a long, long drive
I may end up spending all my money
But I'll still be alive

19929. Magoseph - 8/2/2006 1:48:59 PM

Hello, everybody!

19930. Jenerator - 8/2/2006 2:07:32 PM


If phrasing it your way makes more sense to you, that's fine. The bottom line is I am glad to be alive today rather than 150 years ago.

Imagine having your period back then.(hence the phrase 'on the rag')

Or a cavity back then.

NO thanks!

19931. judithathome - 8/2/2006 3:16:20 PM

But since you'd have no comparison, you'd probably have done just fine. Sure, knowing the ease we have now in living, I'd not want to return to the past but if I didn't know life could be like it is today, I'd have been fine with it back then.

The slow paced life when even hearing from people took days, not seconds...the freshly grown food and unpolluted air...the little things that brought happiness and the beauty of undeveloped land.

19932. Jenerator - 8/2/2006 4:12:13 PM


I wouldn't have been fine, I would have probably died from an abcessed tooth, tetanus, or child birth. At 35, I would have been an old maid, too!;-)

19933. judithathome - 8/2/2006 6:58:59 PM

Oh, I seriously doubt that...by 35, you'd have probably been a widow twice over.

19934. Jenerator - 8/2/2006 10:42:21 PM



19935. lemwalker - 8/3/2006 2:31:33 AM

I live near a small town. One of the young Marines killed last week was from here. Parents born here too. It is all so sad.

19936. jexster - 8/3/2006 4:10:00 AM


My bet...5.2

19937. jexster - 8/3/2006 4:12:51 AM

19938. jexster - 8/3/2006 4:24:55 AM

4.7 shit this building shakes

19939. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 5:29:34 AM

Hang on, Jex!

19940. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 5:30:03 AM

I'm so sorry to hear that, Lem. Something like that really affects the entire community.

19941. Magoseph - 8/3/2006 1:01:09 PM

Tragic, it makes one so angry.

19942. wonkers2 - 8/3/2006 3:01:22 PM

Light earthquake hits San Francisco.

19943. PsychProf - 8/3/2006 3:18:07 PM

Left SF last week after a four day stay. Timing is everything.

19944. Trillium - 8/3/2006 4:06:59 PM

Hmm. Since I just recently finished reading a collection of websites on childbirth in developing countries, I might as well post one of the links on obstetric fistula:


For a lot of people, it's still "150 years ago" where childbearing is concerned. Apparently obstructed labor happens in about 5 out of 100 cases. It's a problem that is especially difficult for teen/pubescent mothers, who may be small because of age, and in addition because of malnutrition.

Obstetric fistula is gross, so sorry about that aspect of my post. The problem of delivery in those cases is similar to what's described in partial birth abortion movies, except it takes much longer; the baby's head is too large to pass, baby dies, and the mother may have to suffer up to a week later until decomposition is sufficient for it to pass. In the meantime a great deal of damage occurs to the guts of the mother.

I too am glad that advanced medical help is available in our particular area of the globe. I used to be very pro-midwife-natural childbirth; and I still like having that option, but more people could acknowledge -- wow is the existence of clean surgical facilities and experienced surgeons a GOOD THING. A blessing, as many people would describe it.

19945. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 4:35:18 PM

Hey Trillium! Long time no see!

Thanks for the info. I'll paste a copy of it into the Health thread as well.

19946. Magoseph - 8/3/2006 5:16:02 PM

Trillium, I would not have survived my elder son’s birth, had I been born in one of the developing countries your article mentions.

Ali, yesterday, I went to the French Google, looking for a specific family name and was astounded to find that our family’s name is more ancient than my mother’s maiden name—-We always thought that a Viking went down the Rhône in the 1800’s and distributed his DNA down to us. Actually, if one came down, it was in the 1600’s and that put to shame the other side of the family. I say this because the two families intermingled three times during the last century and my mother’s family never liked the unions thus made, believing they were sullying their God-given blood, although they were too distant to cause any damage.

Apparently, records of births and deaths that are on the internet now are much more complete than they were a few years ago. It is rather amazing what I found out about the people who lived so long ago.

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