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19951. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 11:27:52 PM

Mags, copying posts should neither discourage participation nor affect your numbers. Moving might, but copying means people who might not see something here will see it there, if they're looking for healt news, recipes, etc., which might open up interesting discussions. The post stays in both places.

19952. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 11:29:44 PM

And I will most definitely be looking out for 20,000 (a fantastic #), but Mac slipped one in that I was eyeing in politics just the other day!

What would 20,000 be, btw? A bicentenillenial?

19953. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 11:30:41 PM

I remember that picture, PP! It is a great one of three great Mote Folks.

19954. Magoseph - 8/3/2006 11:31:07 PM

Oh, I know, Arky--really, I was kind of kidding, you know.

19955. arkymalarky - 8/3/2006 11:35:45 PM


19956. arkymalarky - 8/4/2006 1:34:05 AM

Not sure where to post this, so I'll just post here. I have a good friend (really--this isn't about me) who's looking to get out of an ARM and I told him he ought to lock in a rate before the feds meet next week. I'm a financial idiot who lucked into a 4-7/8, so I really don't want to give him bad advice, but I figured he can always redo if things drop significantly later, and if they go up he'll be sol. I'm wondering whether to call him and strongly encourage him to do something tomorrow morning or just figure I've said enough and leave it at that.

19957. arkymalarky - 8/4/2006 1:36:42 AM

And Dear Abby, please respond asap.

Signed Desperate Friend in Arkansas.

19958. Magoseph - 8/4/2006 3:21:29 PM

Arky, after the releases this morning by the government, there was almost an overwhelming consensus that rates wouldn’t be raised at least on a short-term basis. Nevertheless, the market has to be watched very closely as any hint of inflationary pressure affects this market almost instantly.

19959. arkymalarky - 8/5/2006 2:40:09 AM

Thanks Mags! I'll pass that along and they're on their own after that.

I've been shopping in Hot Springs all day. I got some good bargains, but I'm too pooped to peep. Heat+traffic=misery.

19960. arkymalarky - 8/5/2006 3:59:54 AM


Dad's book!

19961. arkymalarky - 8/5/2006 4:57:18 AM

While I'm plugging family members, if you have nothing better to do at 8:00pm Central tomorrow night, check out Bro's band on Acoustic Sounds Cafe on AR public radio: Click on "Posey Hill," second link on the top line for 2006 Aug 5.

19962. arkymalarky - 8/5/2006 5:00:09 AM

I guess to listen you click on the KUAR FM 89 link on that page.

19963. arkymalarky - 8/5/2006 5:06:14 AM


They seem to be having link difficulties.

19964. anomie - 8/5/2006 9:16:12 PM

Very cool looking book, Arky. It's in my cart.

19965. arkymalarky - 8/5/2006 11:10:08 PM

Hey, thanks Anomie!

I read it last December and really liked it a lot.

I would have appreciated a heads-up from Dad in advance wrt a thing or two in there.... ;-)

19966. anomie - 8/6/2006 12:18:35 AM

I should say... Quite an accomplishment to get published and be on Amazon. Not knowing anything about your Dad, apparently he is a war veteran AND author. You must be a very proud Arky.

19967. arkymalarky - 8/6/2006 12:43:41 AM

I really am, though I must say he published the book at his own expense. I assume the publisher put it up on Amazon, and it's also at Borders. Dad's 75, and though he sent excerpts to a couple of publishing companies, he didn't want to wait or peddle it around trying to get someone to pick it up, because he wanted to make sure his Marine buddies got copies before he or they die of old age.

19968. arkymalarky - 8/6/2006 3:12:24 AM

I know I'm biased, but if you didn't hear the link above, you just missed a GREAT performance on LR public radio. Bob and I were both blown away.

19969. Ulgine Barrows - 8/6/2006 4:06:27 AM

19944. Trillium, I had my kid in the 12?-24? hour drive-by-birth time, and I'm still glad of the excellent medical I received.

19970. Trillium - 8/6/2006 7:57:33 PM

Ulgine, I agree.

I have some attention focused on feminist issues lately because of classes that involved reading and discussions... I noticed that some imbalance seems to have crept into popular knowledge over the last decades. This affects how people think about a variety of political, medical and social issues.

I'm all for natural childbirth, long-as-possible breastfeeding, etc. However, I've also heard horrifying stories from women of other generations and situations who desperately needed the technology most of us have access to, here and now... and which is completely lacking in some other areas of the globe, to the tremendous disadvantage of people living there (and not just the women).

It's an odd "chat" topic, but I fell into it because of the comments upthread... plus I have a bit of free time right now and enjoy computerizing.

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