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20026. Magoseph - 8/14/2006 3:57:34 PM

Tell me, Ali, what does mean this word bêcheur in French--a relative of mine over the weekend told me that my father was one all his life. Too embarrassed to ask her what it meant, I just want to know now what it means: Arrogant, vain de sa personne, critique des autres ou quoi exactement, s'il the plaît?

20027. judithathome - 8/14/2006 4:09:13 PM

The train trip was wonderful...and both museum exhibits were fabulous. It made me so sad to see how beautifully made things were back in the day and compare it to what passes for "quality living" these days, though.

We decided to come back to Fort Worth for dinner...great new Asian/Mongolian Grill place where we ate like kings! They had a wonderful menu...anything you could possibly want.

20028. alistairconnor - 8/14/2006 4:16:13 PM

From Patrimoine de France :
Personne qui se livre à des critiques malveillantes ou qui prend des airs supérieurs. Quelle bêcheuse, cette fille !

20029. Magoseph - 8/14/2006 6:35:19 PM

Thanks, Ali--I must be going gaga to have forgotten the meaning this word.

20030. arkymalarky - 8/15/2006 1:07:34 AM

Back to work today and schools starts a week from today. Both teaching and taking classes start next week.

20031. Magoseph - 8/15/2006 1:17:03 PM

We won't see much of you from now on, I'm afraid.

20032. Magoseph - 8/15/2006 1:20:10 PM

Flexy will have the two remaining stitches taken out of his left eye this morning. I hope that soon he'll be able to see to read.

20033. RickNelson - 8/15/2006 2:47:19 PM

Hey Mago, kewl you got the 20K.

Best regards that Flexy sees as hoped.

20034. Magoseph - 8/15/2006 7:42:04 PM

Hi, Rick, thanks for the good wishes. How is everything in your family?

Flexy has to have some tests made because one part of his eye concerning the macular degeneration is not healing well. We’ll know more in a few days.

20035. arkymalarky - 8/15/2006 10:20:12 PM

I hope it goes well. I didn't realize he had macular degeneration.

Bob's mother had cataract surgery last week, but there were no complications and it was no-stitch surgery. Hopefully it will allow her to continue to be independent, but her knee is going to need some attention pretty quickly.

I won't be around much starting next week, but I will check in every day I possibly can, because that's part of my personal down-time that I make certain I get daily; and at the end of May I will be back to what I was when I first started in the Fray, except not posting from work. I can't wait.

20036. RickNelson - 8/16/2006 3:00:29 PM

Good luck with a new year Arky.

Mago, as for family, my daughter is trying to set up her first room-mate situation. She's discovering the hard reality of debt load and having to work her butt off to pay bills. I've had to cut her off to make it a reality. She's been a tough nut!

Our son is having terrible twos but they're actually quite logical. He doesn't quite know why things are easy, why he can't have treats all day, or play into the night, or yell until he gets something he's not supposed to play with (cell phone, markers, unsafe toddler items, etc...). He's had his first huge fit at daycare, and it was so out of character the teachers were taken aback. I told them he's started that at home and his ways are changing.

Here we go.

He loves the park, the zoo, Carrousel rides, horsing around, reading, Winnie the Pooh, Elmo, Tellie Tubbies, and all the toddler toys...

Good fun!

20037. RickNelson - 8/16/2006 3:01:18 PM

are = aren't easy

20038. Magoseph - 8/16/2006 4:53:48 PM

Rick, he’s getting more independent, that’s all. He’ll settle soon enough once he accepts the limit about what is permitted. He sounds like an inquisitive, active, and interesting child.

My two sons straightened their finances once they knew nothing anymore was coming their way. It took a while, however, and it was my fault rather than theirs, such a soft touch was I for a long time.


20039. Magoseph - 8/16/2006 5:00:49 PM

Arky, Flexy has macular degeneration in his left eye and whatever they did on this eye didn't quite heal.
We're going back in September and will know more then.

I'm glad that your grandma MIL is fine. I'm happy that you'll be around in the evening and I hope telling us about your day and your studies.

20040. arkymalarky - 8/16/2006 11:43:33 PM

She's just my MIL (Mose's Mamaw). I'm glad too, and hope knee surgery goes as smoothly if it comes to that. At least Bob's sister is here to help now if she needs it so that Bob can handle his full work load.

Keep us posted, and on Flexy's wrists, too. I know you'll have your hands full the next few months.

I'll have classes two nights a week (Thursday and the other's not set yet) and on Saturdays. I don't think they're going to be nearly as demanding as the two I had last spring, though, or the summer seminar. I don't mind writing papers, but they're very time-consuming, and I don't think (after I write the four for the seminar) that I will have any major ones to write with these particular classes.

Then three more this spring, and I'm done.

20041. arkymalarky - 8/16/2006 11:52:05 PM

Thanks Rick!

Aren't transitions great? The two's keep you busy, but they're SO CUTE at that age!

WRT college-age daughters and money, Mose is trying to finish this summer and start grad school in the fall. She's moving to another place, but she went through the debt thing last year, so hopefully she'll manage herself okay. She got everything paid off and hopefully will only have college loans and a small amount of other debt when she graduates. We still help her some: car payment (her high school graduation present), cell phone, and health insurance. I'm going to help her get set up in her new place with the understanding that wedding plans will be deferred until graduation. It's a VERY good trade-off, imo.

20042. Magoseph - 8/17/2006 10:12:15 PM

Yes, it is, Arky. Is her fiancé finished with his schooling?

Flexy's wrist is healed--he's the one carrying groceries in now, a big help since I'm still babying my back. He also take the Butch out for walks. He coming along, except for the right eye. He's tired of being handicapped, I must say.

20043. arkymalarky - 8/17/2006 10:44:32 PM

Yes, he already has his degree.

I skim and miss details a lot these days. I had thought Flexy had broken both wrists. It's good that his wrist is healed and hopefully he'll make good progress with his eye, as well.

20044. Max Macks - 8/17/2006 11:47:15 PM

I had the cataract surgery a couple years ago.
It is just one of the greatest medical procedures
I ever had . The eye surgeon now uses some sort
of lazer "knife" , drops are put in the eye before
and after , The bandage which people having this
done years ago is not longer used. No bandage
no pain (other then worry before hand) and the
whole thing takes less than 20 mintues
10 to get prepared and 10 for the procedure.

20045. Magoseph - 8/18/2006 12:07:11 PM

I agree, Max, that these days, cataract operations are easily done, but not when one has macular degeneration and is of advanced years, in my opinion.

Hello, everyone—Arky, Flexy sprained his left arm badly—not all bad what happened to him this year—at least, he has learned that, although he looks a good ten years younger than most men his age, he must be more cautious these days.

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