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20058. arkymalarky - 8/25/2006 2:14:39 AM

Hey Ohio! I haven't seen the News thread yet, so I hope everything's okay.

CONGRATS TO YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!! It's hard watching them go for the first time.

Please do spend more time here!

20059. wonkers2 - 8/25/2006 3:43:52 AM

Great news, Ohio. You are justly proud. You and your wife must have done something right!

20060. alistairconnor - 8/25/2006 11:05:27 AM

Congrats, Ohio! What's she studying? And how far from home is that university?

20061. PsychProf - 8/25/2006 3:45:11 PM

Congrats to all Ohios on that news.

20062. judithathome - 8/25/2006 6:57:05 PM

Add my congratulations and best wishes to the fray! (no pun...)

20063. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 8/25/2006 8:42:15 PM

Kuddos, Kiddo–it ain't easy in dis cultchaa!

20064. OhioSTOPAS - 8/26/2006 12:40:13 AM

Thanks, everybody!

My daughter is intending to major in Spanish and Latin American Studies, but I wouldn't be surprised if she looks around and changes.

Alistair, New York City is 560 long miles from Columbus. (We know this from many trips when my OTHER daughter was attending college - a different college - in NYC.)

20065. RickNelson - 8/28/2006 4:17:33 PM

Congrats Ohio, great news for your daughter. I can relate intimately to the empty nest (at least in 2003-04) I could. Ours went to Luther for a year, then transferred up home and will be a senior this year. She's still considering her move to get into a Pharmacy program was a good choice. I'm hoping this year puts it all together for her. She's having growing pains right now, as she has finally moved out of the nest again.

We're getting along with our two year old nicely, and that's the reference to 03-04 in a nutshell. Funny how lifey, life can get and happily so.

20066. judithathome - 8/30/2006 7:23:33 PM

Missing the hell outta Magos!

20067. wonkers2 - 8/30/2006 7:30:50 PM

Yeah, where is she?

20068. jexster - 8/30/2006 8:34:34 PM

This is fun. After reading about your birthday, you can click on the link at the bottom of the page to learn what you name says about you.

20069. uzmakk - 8/31/2006 2:30:25 PM

Nancy,(Program Director)

I have not been to a monthly quarry meeting for two months.-- I was in Atlanta and Philly. I believe Mark Ciavarella has decided to hear new evidence, but this I learned from someone who I met at the post office. I'll say no more about this now, but I will tell you a bit of hearsay.

Mark Ciavarella was seen dining with Conrad Falvello, and a Burke (LaRock family) i.e., the opposition plus the judge who is hearing the case. I tried to get verification for this but am under the impression that I will not be able to. However, I will try again. I'll get back into the flow in September. I'd settle for the name of the restaurant, if there be one. To throw the name of a restaurant into the mix with the slightest suggestion that a secret of some kind is known will mean nothing to 99.9% of the population, but it will mean a great deal to the Shiv and Falvello.

This meeting is entirely believeable, not because the Shiv consistently decides against us, but because of Falvello's bizarre behavior at the last hearing before the Sugarloaf supervisors. No witnesses, no testimony, and a 'cat that ate the canary' look on his face. Observers were looking at eachother as if Falvello had stripped down to his underwear, danced on his desk, and mooned them. Don't tell Kevy, but the Shiv is going down. I don't think he knows that the world is changing. Even so, the Shiv remains a very dangerous man. Conahan is no better, of the same cloth, same interests, same corruption. But what would one expect after 70 years of stagnation.

Yours truly huffing and puffing,
James the Insufferable


This is why you have to come to the cafe when its open. 'Cause its real and not fake. Or, perhaps a tiny step closer to reality.

20070. alistairconnor - 8/31/2006 3:48:07 PM

I hope you're changing the names to protect the guilty. They might google you, you know.

I think you should write a screenplay.

20071. uzmakk - 8/31/2006 4:08:56 PM

You and I think alike, Connor. Some times, anyway.

20072. arkymalarky - 9/1/2006 2:36:03 AM

I love it.

20073. Ms. No - 9/1/2006 7:57:58 AM

Do NOT fuck with the Steppe Lord!

20074. alistairconnor - 9/1/2006 8:29:14 AM

Where you been, Nyetskaya?

20075. Ms. No - 9/1/2006 6:03:54 PM

Let's see, when last we heard I was gainfully employed working for a smut reseller in the San Fernando Valley but getting ready to take a trip to Arkansas via Dallas to hook up with the AtHomes and the Malarkies.

So the Wednesday before I left for parts rural, the attorney for our company waltzed by my office and asked if I could come to the conference room for a minute --- they'd been in meetings all week and I assumed they needed something. What they needed was a meeting with a witness (the attorney) so they could lay me off.

They laid off the Controller and two production guys that day as well and others have gone since.

So for three days I panicked then I went to Dallas and tried to put it out of my mind. Monday evening I had an epiphany and realized I wanted to go back to school and get my teaching credential.

So, here I am six weeks later back in Sacramento after ten years, living in Midtown in a building full of cute boys, hooking up with old friends and having completed my second week of classes.

I'm having a blast. I'm so excited I constantly gush over my future plans. It's a big deal for me --- I never knew what I wanted to be when I grew up and while I still don't intend to do much growing up I actually have a goal and a plan for my life now that just revs me every time I think about it.

20076. Ms. No - 9/1/2006 6:05:41 PM

I just looked at the box to my left and noticed that it is an ENZAFRUIT apple box from Hastings, New Zealand.

20077. Ms. No - 9/1/2006 6:32:58 PM

Damn, power outage and I lost the post I was constructing. Let's try this again!

What you all really want to hear is about the trip to Arkansas!

We started off from my folks' place on a Thursday morning fortified with sausage bread and coffee. Judith and Keoni arrived in the Jag and we piled in and off we went with planned stops for liquor and handbags in Texarkansas.

Texarkansas is about halfway to the Malarky's and straddles the state line between Texas and Arkansas. They have a main drag called State Line and on one side of it you can buy and consume alcohol and on the other if you even think of imbibing the demon likker they will douse you in it and set you afire......okay, it isn't quite that extreme, but nearly so. BTW it's the Texas side that's dry.

Our first endeavor was on the wrong side of the line but we made a U-turn and crossed over to the land of libations after trying to buy mixer in a grocery store. The clerk who was helping us really, really wanted to sell us some Triple Sex and wasn't really deterred when I informed her that it was triple SEC and had nothing to do with fornication unless you mix it with a LOT of tequila.

At least now I know I won't end my days alone unless I want to. I can always go back to Texarkanas and pick up a lesbian lifestyle with the Kroger clerk if I get desperate. She was disappointed to find that we weren't going to be partying in Texarkansas but were moving our little road show on down the highway.

We did find the liquor store and Judith picked up an admirer in chaps and leather vest. He was giving her the eye and looking as if he was ready to put her on the bag of his Hog and ride away into the sunset. He was going to have to fight the cowboy for her though and Keoni and I managed to make purchases and get back to her in time to avoid bloodshed or protestations of undying devotion.

Next stop Handbag Heaven (I can't recall the name of the place but it started with a B) Aisles and aisles of cute bags, costume jewelry, scarves, hats and accessories. Keoni's favorite item was the TV den they had set up with a comfy chair and a big screen television. Excellent marketing stategy --- if they men can watch football (or golf as the case may be) while the women shop then everyone is happy and content for hours.

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