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1989. wonkers2 - 12/5/2008 3:26:51 PM

That's an absolutely crazy idea. The Mote don't need no stinkin' personal censors.

1990. wonkers2 - 12/5/2008 3:42:49 PM

What "India stuff?"

1991. vonKreedon - 12/5/2008 5:11:38 PM

To dispute my own argument, the population of the Mote seems to have been very stable over the last several years and Jex obviously has a constituency that contains a significant percentage of that stable population. Any actions to rein in Jex's noise-to-content ratio is likely to displease and perhaps drive away Jex and his constituency, while any migration back to the Mote by those driven out by Jex is uncertain and likely to be slow. So the current population of the Mote should carefully examine the expected cost-benefit to them in taking action to rein in Jex.

1992. judithathome - 12/5/2008 9:36:05 PM

the only thing that keeps us from having frequent erudite discussions here, as of old, is critical mass.

I disagree...of course critical mass would be good but it will be difficult if not impossible to achieve. I've invited several people over here and their reasons for not staying is the format...as 3i3b mentioned, there is no way to stay current in a discussion, the lack of HTML shortcuts drives everyone mad, and the "no edit" fuction drives peole batty. Plus, no search engine.

All other sites have these fuctions...shortcut HTML, edit, page left where you last posted, search function...and people who come here as new posters feel like it's stepping back in time not to have those offered.

Sorry but that's the feedback I've had from nearly everyone I've steered over here.

1993. judithathome - 12/5/2008 9:37:11 PM

Case in point: no edit fuction..."their reasons for not staying ARE...."

1994. wonkers2 - 12/5/2008 10:04:52 PM

Here's one developed by my youngest son which has all the bells and whistles. Participants are automatically emailed when someone replies to a published page or a comment they make in a forum. However, I still prefer the Mote because I get the feeling that I'm among friends rather than a forum with 10 million participants. The Mote needs a few more participants, but not a huge number more. I hope concerned and some of the others will return and that we will see more of VK.

About HubPages

1995. wonkers2 - 12/5/2008 10:42:43 PM

Another thought--I occasionally look in on other discussion forums, and most of them contain a much higher crapola ratio than does The Mote. The level of discussion on many of the popular forums is pretty low. Perhaps I haven't seen the best ones. The ones I've seen aren't very impressive. This includes Slate which attracts a lot of participants most of whom sound like not very bright high school students, religious whackjobs and the like. Name calling and "flaming" is common. I haven't noticed any trolling on Slate. But I have seen complaints of it on another forum.

1996. wonkers2 - 12/5/2008 11:16:21 PM

HubPages forums

1997. jexster - 12/5/2008 11:36:09 PM

1998. jexster - 12/5/2008 11:37:28 PM

AC and Capn Dirty can kiss Wabbit's ass

1999. jexster - 12/5/2008 11:38:35 PM

Wonkers gets a cut for those Hub Pages...

I say


2000. jexster - 12/5/2008 11:40:04 PM

Any actions to rein in Jex's noise-to-content ratio is likely to displease and perhaps drive away Jex and his constituency,

I'm like a bad case of the clap VK..I ain't goin nowhere..leastwise not voluntarily

2001. wonkers2 - 12/5/2008 11:41:02 PM

The Cap'n sez, "No ass kiss'n, but the Cap'n'd drink her bath water." {Where do you get this stuff?)

2002. jexster - 12/5/2008 11:45:05 PM

Here's the deal...

Until Concerned returns (I miss him so!!!) I will lurk and not post until His Appearing on January 20th....

Let's see what happens! Will Wabbit lose 20 pounds of chewed bubblegum from her "fat white ass?"


2003. thoughtful - 12/6/2008 12:05:27 AM

so long jex...enjoy the holidays.

I won't miss all of your posts, but I'll miss a lot of them.

2004. wabbit - 12/6/2008 2:25:40 AM

…wonders where Jexster found my photo…

2005. wonkers2 - 12/6/2008 4:33:58 AM

The Cap'n sez, "Jumpin Jehosaphat! That ain't how I imagined yer, Wabbit, dearie! Cancel the moonlight cruise til the Cap'n gets a bigger sloop!"

2006. wonkers2 - 12/6/2008 4:36:37 AM

HubPages forum

2007. Ulgine Barrows - 12/6/2008 11:49:39 AM

2004....wonders why wabbit posted about 1998 in tiny fon.

That gal's ass is a wonderful thing.

2008. Ulgine Barrows - 12/6/2008 11:50:05 AM


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