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20113. Ms. No - 9/7/2006 4:07:22 AM

Just spent an hour or so rapping with my upstairs neighbor getting the scoop on everyone who lives around and talking about what changes mid-town/downtown Sacto has undergone in my absence. We're planning to put together a yard-party in the next month or so before it gets too cool. Everyone in my section of the building is relatively new --- he's been here the longest and that's only since March.

I have very cool neighbors, I'm quite pleased.

Classes are still great although I had a bit of a doubletake moment last night when one of the people in our discussion group said he believed that some of the witchcraft going on in the Salem era was real.

He believes that witches and Satanists have real powers.

I was kind of disappointed because he's otherwise a pretty nice kid. The night class isn't quite as good for discussions as the day class but it's larger and it isn't an honors class so there's no weeding out process. There's so much more that I'd like to talk about regarding the readings but there isn't really the opportunity to do so and I tend to look a bit freaky when I'm drawing conclusions and connections between the Puritans and the modern world. I can see the gleam in the professors eye when I start to go into a bit of this stuff though so at least I know HE thinks it's cool. ;->

20114. Ms. No - 9/7/2006 4:08:12 AM


My mom and I still get teary eyed at the end of every visit. I think it's sweet. It's good to have family that you not only love, but LIKE enough to care when you're out of their company.

20115. Ulgine Barrows - 9/7/2006 6:51:41 AM

That sounds lovely, Ms. No, I wish I knew how to get there.

My memory tells me the whole house, but mainly my mom, breathed a sigh of relief when visitors left.

My son hates me, too, apparently, when his dad is out of town.

I wonder if I am mentally abusing him, but then I don't think he is recognizing his potential. And I should push him harder. He's lazy.

He wouldn't take any of my suggestions for the paper he has to write, due Friday. He still wants me to show up tomorrow for our regular Thursday lunch.

It's wretched, and I probably won't remember it a month from today.

eh, he misses his dad, and I miss my husband. I guess the lot of us like life in a ditch that never changes.

20116. Ms. No - 9/7/2006 8:07:52 AM


You'd be welcome anytime. We could sit around playing good tunes and sipping cool beverages while watching the parade of young male flesh go by.

20117. Ulgine Barrows - 9/7/2006 8:12:29 AM

I remember my mom saying right about this time in her life - she wanted to run away - damn those patterns run deep.

I guess I just wasn't made for these times
Every time I get the inspiration
To go change things around
No one wants to help me look for places
Where new things might be found
Where can I turn when my fair weather friends cop out
What's it all about

~ Beach Boys

20118. Ulgine Barrows - 9/7/2006 8:27:34 AM

goodbye, I think you're all lovely.

And I'm off, that is how it goes.

20119. Ulgine Barrows - 9/7/2006 8:32:48 AM

Rock climbing is fun, if you don't value your fingernails and believe in belay. Skydiving isn't nearly as scary as you might expect, and it's crazy noisy until you pull the ripcord.

Soak it up, yeah, baby!

This guy I work with was in a freaking 4-month coma. He woke up, got his atrophied muscles working....and he is never gonna be the same man that he was before

Yiiipppoie hy aye

20120. Ms. No - 9/7/2006 5:39:22 PM

How did he end up in the coma?

20121. arkymalarky - 9/8/2006 3:32:05 AM

It's great you're enjoying your classes, No. Mine are okay, but it's too much right now. I'm determined to get through all three of them, but it will be a challenge with my workload. My classes at work are great this year, but very demanding, so it's hard to fit everything in.

We're reading 8 novels in the American Novels class, and the first was The Blithedale Romance. I really like The Scarlet Letter and some of Hawthorne's short stories, but I didn't like this at all. I've read about half of the novels we're assigned. I don't know how interesting the class will be yet because we've only met once, but just keeping up with the workload will drain a lot of the enjoyment out of it.

I have to read five books in a second class and several books and documents to finish up the summer seminar. I have to write about five research papers and several less formal ones, in addition to two presentations.

And this POS computer is messing up again. I think I've got some kind of beastie in it that Norton's not finding, and it's driving me ape. It's all I can do to keep from dumping everything and reloading, but I don't want to mess with it right now.

So I bought another laptop and I'm giving this one to Mose.

20122. Ms. No - 9/8/2006 4:08:42 AM

What other novels are you reading for your AmLit class?

20123. Ulgine Barrows - 9/8/2006 10:43:19 AM

20120. Ms. No - 9/7/2006 5:39:22 PM
How did he end up in the coma?

Very good question. It was just the luck of the draw, near as we can figure.

It started out as a summer cold, progressed to a flu, then ...coma. Bizarre.

20124. Ulgine Barrows - 9/8/2006 10:45:56 AM

He has less patience with the likes of me and others who .... I dunno.
There is a bitter edge to him, that wasn't there before.

20125. Magoseph - 9/8/2006 1:31:37 PM

Hello, everyone--thank you, Wonk, for asking about my absence. I miss Mac--he must be on vacation. Arky must be busy with school and her schooling. And where is our Pelle these days? Has he completely forgotten us?

20126. wonkers2 - 9/8/2006 2:25:48 PM

Good question. I tried to lure Pelle with some pics of Ingrid Bergman, but he didn't bite.

20127. Ms. No - 9/8/2006 7:06:14 PM

Wow, Ulgine, that is truly strange. Who'd've thought you could fall into a coma just from the common cold? Maybe he'll get progressively more like his old self as he recovers.

20128. robertjayb - 9/8/2006 7:27:05 PM

Grateful for good news from whatever source, even The Dallas Morning News, which is endorsing our friend and sometime companion in windmill-tilting in her campaign for a seat on the state board of education. Go Maggie!

20129. arkymalarky - 9/8/2006 10:48:05 PM

Good luck to her, Robt. Must be nice to have an elected as opposed to governor-only appointed SBE like ours.

20130. arkymalarky - 9/8/2006 10:51:06 PM

Hey Mags. You're right, I am extremely busy right now and very stressed, but I hope to get caught up by the end of the month...

of May.


We're reading Invisible Man, The Sound and the Fury, Their Eyes Were Watching God, Beloved, The Sun Also Rises, and next up is Portrait of a Lady. Then I have to pick one from a list I haven't seen yet.

20131. Ms. No - 9/9/2006 1:17:42 AM

Cool list! I'll trade you for some Cotton Mather, how 'bout?

20132. arkymalarky - 9/9/2006 1:22:00 AM

Haha. Thanks, but I done paid my dues on that guy.

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