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20185. judithathome - 9/13/2006 10:44:19 PM

Today is a beautiful September day...the way the sky looks, the shadows on the lawn, the breeze through the trees. It reminds me of a September day when I was in high school and my boyfriend came over after school...he and I were just friends, liked each other but had never gone on a date or anything...I was 15.

The river near my house had flooded badly the spring before and there was work going on to re-direct it and build a levee. Huge trees that had been in the valley for a hundred years had been uprooted and pushed over to make way for the levee.

We went for a walk and at one point, we leaned up against one of the old oaks laying on its side...he pulled me to him and kissed me for the first time and said "We will remember this day for the rest of our lives."

And today, I did. He died when he was 30 so I don't know if he did or not.

20186. arkymalarky - 9/13/2006 10:46:03 PM

I'm certain he did. It's a shame he died so young.

20187. judithathome - 9/13/2006 11:02:13 PM

Yes, it was one of the first "deaths" in our class...he was a sweet guy.

20188. Magoseph - 9/14/2006 4:50:48 PM

Hello, Moties--Today we have a beautiful weather, 70F and no clouds. We're going to have lunch in the bright sun so as to avoid the mosquitoes, which are murderous in the back near the golf course. It has been raining for days and these mosquitoes must be another breed than the ones in August, I swear. Everything is so green here, I think we may be lucky again and enjoy an Indian summer.

You see, I've nothing to say, just like Mac and Pelle--one difference, though, I say it.

20189. concerned - 9/14/2006 5:25:45 PM

Re. 20169 -

Hey thar, Macnas!

Just feel free to mosey on over and say: 'Hidy!' any ol' time you want to.

Btw, I've heard that there's no mosquitoes in Merrie Olde England (and Ireland?). Could that be because all the swamps were drained when they cut down all the forests there?

20190. Macnas - 9/14/2006 6:34:54 PM

No, plenty of bog and standing water here.

It's too cold here for the most part, 'though that's changing.

20191. Ms. No - 9/14/2006 6:55:11 PM

My mother and her friend recently visited Ireland and as she was explaining it I think you guys have my ideal climate. I'd hate to think it was heating up too much, but since that's happening everywhere I don't know what else I should've expected.

20192. Magoseph - 9/15/2006 12:34:38 PM

Hi, Mac and everyone,

Our dog goes berserk with happiness when we come back home after an extended absence. He goes around with the bone we provide for exercising his teeth and seems to offer it to us. We don’t take the bone, of course, just in case to get it back he bites our fingers.

What is he trying to express by this gesture, do you think?

20193. judithathome - 9/15/2006 6:04:15 PM

He's offering you his most treasured item, something that makes HIM happy, to show how happy he is that YOU are back.

I think it's adorable...but I wouldn't accept it, either...just lavish praise and attention on him.

Also, he might want you to play with him...toss the ball (bone) because he's been bored and cooped up with nothing to do.

20194. alistairConnor - 9/15/2006 10:12:20 PM

Yes, the climate in Ireland just suited me perfectly, I felt instinctively at home there.

Then again, my first ever visit was this July, in the middle of an Irish heat wave.

Can you grow citrus trees in Ireland, Mac?

I was quite struck by the cabbage trees -- I don't know what you call them, they are those vaguely palm-tree-like things that aren't palm trees, they have a ball of long spiky leaves on top, and I saw them everywhere we went. We have them in NZ, but I didn't know they had them anywhere else. Do you know if they were introduced from there? One of the world's most ancient and primitive trees, as I remember, not strictly speaking a tree at all.

20195. alistairConnor - 9/15/2006 10:19:19 PM

Ah. I looked it up.

Cabbage tree

It is indeed endemic to New Zealand only.
It is also widely planted as an ornamental tree, in New Zealand and also in western Europe (including the British Isles) [...] (it is occasionally even mis-named "Cornish palm", "Torbay palm" or "Manx palm" in the British Isles due to its extensive use within Torbay and as the official symbol of that area under its alternative identity, the English Riviera).

That's funny (well, "English Riviera" is funny in itself, it's Basil Fawlty country) -- we were in Torbay a couple of years ago and I didn't notice them. But I noticed them in Ireland and they added to the homey feeling.

20196. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 2:57:31 PM

I think this is the first internet forum I've seen advertised on TV: 20197. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 2:59:11 PM

Hmm. What did I do wrong?

20198. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 2:59:36 PM


20199. Magoseph - 9/16/2006 3:32:28 PM

If you wanted to link "gather.com" you did nothing wrong.

20200. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 3:36:14 PM

Hi Mags.

I evidently didn't close my tag in the first post so it continued in the second, but it works okay. Just looks a little confusing.

20201. judithathome - 9/16/2006 7:19:24 PM

Well, I just hate it when Saturdays start off on the wrong foot.

In the middle of being insulted by some woman who posts in purple at RI, the site goes down...for me, at least. It may be working for others. That is the sorriest server in the internet-sphere. I guess it's a blessing for me, however, because I can't respond to her.

Then, after feeling like hell for three days, I finally decide to check the boxed fresh spinach in my fridge after reading in the newpaper about all the brands that have been recalled only to find MINE is one of the ones that may have E.coli contamination.

We ate spinach salads on Sunday and Monday...on Thursday, I started running a fever and having stomach cramps and other unsavory symptoms and while I don't think it is E. coli, I really got a scare when I checked that box of baby spinach from CostCo.

20202. judithathome - 9/16/2006 7:20:18 PM

Oh joy...the fun just continues...now I find out we have to go eat Thai food tonight.

20203. arkymalarky - 9/16/2006 8:40:35 PM

Sorry you're having a sucky Saturday, Judith.

20204. Magoseph - 9/16/2006 10:13:33 PM

Drink a lot of Rice Wine with your food tonight, Judith.

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