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20216. Magoseph - 9/19/2006 11:42:57 AM

Hi, Mac!

I had a fun dream last night—enraged by the frequent downtimes at Random International, PsychProf came definitely back to us and brought back all the Moties now on Random International and The Perfect World. We were happy for a while, but it didn’t last because some of the Moties, specifically the ones who left us in a huff four or five years ago, swore to destroy The Mote once and for all and we had to fight them. This battle lasted so long that we all missed not only the November election, but also the 2008 one.

20217. alistairconnor - 9/19/2006 11:45:34 AM

I think you should sell the movie rights, Mago!

Let's start casting...

20218. Magoseph - 9/19/2006 12:06:26 PM

My life's rendition would make a better script, were I to be candid in telling it all, Ali.

20219. Ms. No - 9/19/2006 5:57:04 PM


Yeah, they loved it. I'm swealtering here waiting for Fall to hurry up and fall dammit!

20220. Ms. No - 9/19/2006 5:58:06 PM


The moment you said brisket my first thought was Ronnie!

Arky --- how's his shoulder doing?

20221. Ms. No - 9/19/2006 5:59:26 PM


You can't just tease us like that.....well, I suppose you can. ;-> I quite like the dream you had, sounds like a lot of fun. Do I get to wield heavy artillery or just the Shoes of Death?

20222. Magoseph - 9/19/2006 9:14:17 PM

Shoes like this one might do--the stilettos for the men and the pink points for the the women, that is, onky if they have perfectly rounded derrières. I wouldn't want you to get hurt on bony ones.

20223. Ms. No - 9/19/2006 10:27:16 PM

hahaha! Perfect!

20224. wonkers2 - 9/20/2006 12:00:02 AM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "How about a sip o' champagne outa them shoes?"

20225. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:19:42 AM

Hey No!

We called him after the surgery and he was doing well and staying pain-free. ;-)

Then school started and since then we haven't talked to anyone but teachers and students, it seems. I imagine he's still doing well, but probably won't hear until next summer. He's one of our "same time next year" people.

20226. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:21:41 AM

Hey No!

We called him after the surgery and he was doing well and staying pain-free. ;-)

Then school started and since then we haven't talked to anyone but teachers and students, it seems. I imagine he's still doing well, but probably won't hear until next summer. He's one of our "same time next year" people.

20227. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:22:07 AM

I hate dialup.

20228. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:24:42 AM

Judith, I can imagine it's frustrating. I don't go anywhere any more but here and my email, and sometimes the news. This web accelerator makes things a lot faster, but not consistently enough, and I can't make the time for jack this school year.

20229. alistairconnor - 9/20/2006 10:36:29 AM

Mac : Message # 2029
If the Irish economy suddenly collapses (as it may), then I can give you some recipes for cooking those things.
They are not called "cabbage trees" for nothing.

20230. Magoseph - 9/20/2006 11:23:28 AM

This cabbage tree you cook, Ali?

20231. alistairconnor - 9/20/2006 11:40:42 AM

Yes, I've never eaten it myself, but it was a staple for Maori and early European settlers in NZ. The centre of the ball of spiky leaves is a bit like cabbage only starchier.

20232. Magoseph - 9/20/2006 11:59:47 AM

Un genre d'artichaut énorme, peut-être.

20233. bubbaette - 9/20/2006 8:53:13 PM

So The Perfect World is still a going concern?

20234. Magoseph - 9/20/2006 9:06:13 PM

Yes, it's going well--Cal makes tons of money with advertizing in it.

20235. alistairConnor - 9/20/2006 9:37:39 PM


We had some real fights over that.
Everyone's happy now.

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