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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 20225 - 20244 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
20225. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:19:42 AM

Hey No!

We called him after the surgery and he was doing well and staying pain-free. ;-)

Then school started and since then we haven't talked to anyone but teachers and students, it seems. I imagine he's still doing well, but probably won't hear until next summer. He's one of our "same time next year" people.

20226. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:21:41 AM

Hey No!

We called him after the surgery and he was doing well and staying pain-free. ;-)

Then school started and since then we haven't talked to anyone but teachers and students, it seems. I imagine he's still doing well, but probably won't hear until next summer. He's one of our "same time next year" people.

20227. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:22:07 AM

I hate dialup.

20228. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 12:24:42 AM

Judith, I can imagine it's frustrating. I don't go anywhere any more but here and my email, and sometimes the news. This web accelerator makes things a lot faster, but not consistently enough, and I can't make the time for jack this school year.

20229. alistairconnor - 9/20/2006 10:36:29 AM

Mac : Message # 2029
If the Irish economy suddenly collapses (as it may), then I can give you some recipes for cooking those things.
They are not called "cabbage trees" for nothing.

20230. Magoseph - 9/20/2006 11:23:28 AM

This cabbage tree you cook, Ali?

20231. alistairconnor - 9/20/2006 11:40:42 AM

Yes, I've never eaten it myself, but it was a staple for Maori and early European settlers in NZ. The centre of the ball of spiky leaves is a bit like cabbage only starchier.

20232. Magoseph - 9/20/2006 11:59:47 AM

Un genre d'artichaut énorme, peut-être.

20233. bubbaette - 9/20/2006 8:53:13 PM

So The Perfect World is still a going concern?

20234. Magoseph - 9/20/2006 9:06:13 PM

Yes, it's going well--Cal makes tons of money with advertizing in it.

20235. alistairConnor - 9/20/2006 9:37:39 PM


We had some real fights over that.
Everyone's happy now.

20236. arkymalarky - 9/20/2006 11:05:38 PM

I am. Just wish I had more time to spend here.

20237. Magoseph - 9/21/2006 12:13:41 AM

I'm kind of not so happy today because I had to send this email to a high school principal who went through two Foreign Languages teachers since school started. At first, I thought I could get the job since Flexy is getting better and the salary is excellent, but after discussing the matter with him, I send the following, albeit reluctantly because I hate, REALLY hate not taking a well-paying job.


My husband has made the drive with me to your institute and today he has taken the position that commuting this distance under the conditions existing is neither practical nor safe.

In addition, his present condition, which has deteriorated in the last year, is such that he feels that I should be home on a daily basis.

Therefore, I must regretfully decline your offer of a position.

Best regards,

20238. Magoseph - 9/21/2006 12:17:27 AM

Did you see, people--maybe thoughtful is back for good. She posted in American Politics. That just would be terrific!

20239. arkymalarky - 9/21/2006 1:07:09 AM

It's too bad you can't teach part time. I can maintain this year's pace knowing it's temporary, but if I need to or choose to I will go to part time within the next five years.

I personally would be very leery about taking a job in a school that has lost two teachers in the same position before the end of September. There's something very wrong with that picture.

20240. Magoseph - 9/21/2006 6:52:14 AM

Well. Arky, they were fired--what should I think about that?

20241. alistairconnor - 9/21/2006 9:36:10 AM

You are surely a better teacher than they were, so you don't fear firing. But what sort of school hires and fires people so quickly? Are they so desperate they will take anyone? Were they really so bad that they couldn't be kept?

Il y a anguille sous roche!

20242. Ms. No - 9/21/2006 5:07:05 PM

I can only imagine that they didn't interview their first candidates very well --- which doesn't say much for the administration there.

20243. Magoseph - 9/21/2006 7:13:12 PM

The school is one that follows what they call: School-Community Collaboration to Improve the Quality of Life for Urban Youth and Their Families. They are new in the city since the district was divided in smaller ones, mainly to curb inner city violence.

I was their first choice, but couldn’t take the job at the time because Flexy needed me at home, more than he needs me now anyway. The classes are small and the school has only 105 students in the FL department, six classes daily. I don’t know what happened with the two teachers.

20244. arkymalarky - 9/22/2006 1:29:02 AM

Sounds like a nice setup, but whether they were fired or quit it's a red flag for anyone looking to fill the position, especially so soon after school has started. At least one would hope they plan to look at what led to such quick turnovers. It's not good for the students or school morale in general in such a small school.

Small school initiatives are getting very popular in urban areas, partly due to lots of supporting research and partly due to support from the Gates Foundation in some of the biggest urban areas.

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