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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 20245 - 20267 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
20245. Magoseph - 9/22/2006 1:39:28 PM

At least one would hope they plan to look at what led to such quick turnovers.

Last year, which was their first year, two staff persons did the interviews, now only the principal does them. That’s progress.

20246. judithathome - 9/22/2006 10:55:01 PM

Going to see a play tomorrow which is hysterical:
The Dead President's Club.

20250. Ulgine Barrows - 9/23/2006 7:21:17 AM

buckets of moonbeams in my hands....

I guess Cal could be posting matress ads or worse, so I wish her well on the the Brooks Bros & Overstock.com!

20251. Ulgine Barrows - 9/23/2006 7:25:31 AM

Life is sad
Life is a bust
All ya can do is do what you must

~Bob Dylan

20252. alistairConnor - 9/23/2006 9:35:24 AM

Cal is a spambot... How fitting!

On serious sites, spambot accounts get disabled pretty quickly.

20253. Magoseph - 9/23/2006 10:16:28 AM

I don't know what happened to post 20250, Ulgine, but 20247 and 20248 were deleted.

20254. alistairConnor - 9/23/2006 11:03:15 AM


20255. Magoseph - 9/23/2006 11:27:01 AM

Ali, I don’t think we should insult an ex-Motie, at least not in this thread.

I saved the two posts I deleted and sent them to Mote Moderator just in case someone would object and want them somewhere else.

Have you deleted 20250?

20256. judithathome - 9/23/2006 6:06:18 PM

Magos, I think you mean 20249 instead of 50.

And I don't know what she said but I trust your judgement.

20257. arkymalarky - 9/23/2006 8:07:44 PM

I checked the Moderator's email, but it's strictly up to Mags as threadhost what to do with posts, and we're not going to interject one way or another unless someone is being compromised irl or threeatened. A lot of Moties prefer moving to deleting, but it's up to the thread host.

20258. arkymalarky - 9/23/2006 8:10:50 PM

Only threadhosts, moderators, and forum operators have the ability to delete posts. I don't know what happened to 20249.

20259. Magoseph - 9/23/2006 10:06:02 PM

A lot of Moties prefer moving to deleting, but it's up to the thread host.

The reason why I didn't move Ulgine’s posts in the Inferno is because there was the possibility that the posts might be brought to the attention of the ex-Motie.

20260. arkymalarky - 9/23/2006 10:29:39 PM

It really doesn't matter either way as far as the ROE or FAQ are concerned. It's just whatever you think best as the threadhost. Deletion is fine.

20261. arkymalarky - 9/23/2006 10:30:25 PM

We've really been getting the weather here the last couple of days (we needed the rain), but I think it's finally about to get by us.

20262. Jenerator - 9/24/2006 5:11:12 AM

Have there been any webfeet sightings?

20263. Ms. No - 9/24/2006 8:44:13 AM

Ran into a friend from college I hadn't seen in nearly 12 years --- what a blast. She was singing in the lounge of the boat where I'm working in the theater. Caught a whole set and was thrilled to hear her sing again --- she's got pipes like you wouldn't believe. We sat and chatted for nearly an hour before they kicked us out to close things up.

Have I mentioned how much I'm fucking LOVING being back in Sacramento? There's stress and uncertainty but I'm surrounded by things that give me comfort and also energize me and I'm back in the bosom of my dearest friends.

Hooked up with the Sacramento Leatherworkers Guild this morning purely by chance so I now have people to inspire and teach and encourage me in my leather projects as well.

I was flat on my back for nearly 9 days with a facette joint issue but I've found a wonderful chiropractor and am now walking, sitting, sleeping etc. without pain again.

We find out the sex of the new baby on Monday so I'm waiting for that call from the Brother.

Life is very, very good. ;->

20264. alistairConnor - 9/24/2006 10:15:08 AM

What the heck is a facette joint? Sounds painful.

20265. arkymalarky - 9/24/2006 4:05:58 PM

I am SOOOO HAPPY for you NO!!! Sounds like you're having some great times.

20266. Magoseph - 9/24/2006 8:10:30 PM

Have there been any webfeet sightings?

Yes, Jen, here: Message # 4206 in thread 149

20267. judithathome - 9/24/2006 9:26:12 PM

I mailed a letter off to our mayor on Monday about the way people speed recklessly on my street...the street is a circle and people drive like bats out of hell down it and hit the blind curve going very fast.

Arrived home last night from the play and dinner out to hear from the neighbors that a child riding his bicycle had been hit by a car which didn't even stop. Luckily, someone got the car tag number.

Haven't heard anything yet about the condition of the child but he was taken away by an ambulance.

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