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20303. judithathome - 10/3/2006 12:54:23 AM

Anomie, if you can come through Fort Worth, Keoni and I would like to treat you to the best Italian food you'll ever have...in Texas. ;-)

20304. Magoseph - 10/3/2006 11:52:34 AM

Anomie, what I want to know is whether or not you can put me if I decide to gamble.

20305. Magoseph - 10/3/2006 11:53:54 AM

Anomie, I meant to say: if you can put me UP if I decide to gamble.

20306. anomie - 10/3/2006 12:03:24 PM

Judith, Thanks. I hope to take you up on it. Depends on how the move goes and the mover schedules and such.

20307. anomie - 10/3/2006 12:05:10 PM

Mago, Of course. Least I can do after you've been such a welcoming host here.

(You'll be winning - right?)

20308. alistairconnor - 10/3/2006 12:52:41 PM

Judith : Best little pasticcheria in Texas?

Mago : I think he should put you DOWN if you decide to gamble! (wags finger) Shame on you!

20309. arkymalarky - 10/4/2006 2:48:08 PM

Jury duty today. They call all the time, but then cancel (plea bargaining, evidently) almost every time. Not today.

I have a special request:

We're doing a community cookbook as a fundraiser for our local STUDENT chapter of our rural group and we're requesting favorite family recipes. We'll print the name of the contributor and the family member or friend the recipe came from. I have no idea the responses we'll get locally yet, but if anyone here has a favorite to contribute (even if it's already in The Good Life--this would be with the info for the cookbook) and would send it to amalarky@yahoo.com it would be great. I'll also send back the info on how to order one. We have had such good recipes posted here over the years, I just had to ask.

20310. judithathome - 10/4/2006 5:39:26 PM


20311. arkymalarky - 10/4/2006 9:29:13 PM

Thanks Judith! I've been needing to email you, so I'm going to run look right now.

I didn't get picked today.

20312. Ms. No - 10/5/2006 1:28:53 AM


You wanna tuna casserole recipe? It's a favorite of both mine and my brothers. Serious comfort food. I've also got a couple of soup recipies.

Let me know what you need most and I'll send along. Sometimes you get heavy on baked goods or on casseroles or difficult to prepare stuff etc. It's always good to have a balance. I'll send along whatever I've got that fits.

20313. arkymalarky - 10/5/2006 4:33:49 AM

Oh yes. Tuna casserole will be very popular here, and I love soup (not that this is about what I love, but still...that's half the fun of planning a cookbook!).

We just started this today (while I was in jury duty the kids were supposed to have a meeting at lunch and plan), so I have no idea what we'll end up with. I figure I'll set a two-week deadline, we'll put a drop-box at ballgames with forms by it, send announcements home with kids, etc, and put out requests for recipe areas where we fall short after the deadline.

I'll keep y'all posted on how it goes. I've known groups to do these for fundraisers, but not directly make them themselves. It could be interesting.

20314. arkymalarky - 10/5/2006 4:36:03 AM

The second paragraph was to say that you're absolutely right about the balance, so I figure we'll see what we have and then make requests for where we're falling short and I'll just post in here again after that.

We're telling people to send as many recipes as they want, but to prioritize so that their very favorites are at the top and we'll go through them in waves, first picks first, then back through for second on the forms, etc.

20315. Magoseph - 10/8/2006 6:15:49 PM

Hello, everyone--I had a busy week with doctors and Flexy. A cyst on his left hand is found to be Squamous Cell Carcinoma and we are waiting for the biopsy in order to find out how much of the underlining tissues may have to come out.

Sometimes this week he’s getting glasses and life will be pleasanter when he can read. Anyway, we have a beautiful weather and I hope it lasts long enough to dry out the ground so that I can have the terrible-looking lawn mowed.

I went down to the river and already boats were crisscrossing the water at terrific speed. I’m looking for the water patrol telephone number.

20316. arkymalarky - 10/8/2006 6:48:31 PM

Please give him our best and let us know how things go!

I'm about to go out and wash my car inside and out. It's filthy. Bob's weedeating.

20317. judithathome - 10/8/2006 8:50:51 PM

We're clearing out the garage and storage shed and pricing stuff for next weekend's garage sale.

20318. arkymalarky - 10/8/2006 11:01:48 PM

Ooh, a garage sale! Wish I could come shop.

20319. alistairConnor - 10/8/2006 11:29:25 PM

I can imagine the sort of fabulous stuff that Judith will be letting go for nearly nothing at her garage sale. (well no actually, it's probably beyond my wildest dreams.)

I need one like that. We have been doing "vide-greniers" around here in recent weekends, but there's not much interesting stuff to score. Not an affluent area, mostly just honest to god junk. We need to go and sniff around where the rich folk live.

20320. judithathome - 10/9/2006 12:08:48 AM

We have honest junk, too.

But a few things I found in this foray were sentimental...like a note my son wrote me when he was 10. And a letter from a woman I admired greatly thanking me for making her day brighter by some little gift I'd given her in 1968. And a fan letter from a woman who included a copy of my letter to the editor from 1976!

I also found my old sketchbook from junior high and a book of sketches I'd done in the 60s for carnival booths at my son's school.

Also, a 1930s lady's mirrored compact that looks in mint condition complete with little satin bag. I decided not to sell it but to carry it in my purse...every woman needs a fancy mirror in her purse!

We're going to sell an early 1950s television console that is mahagony and that my brother in law removed the ancient TV from and tried to turn into a drinks cabinet...I hate to part with it because it was my family's first TV but as Keoni said, there is no room for it in our house and someone can actually use it for something, which we can't. So, it goes in the sale. Also a antique oak rocker...and FORTY ONE golf clubs!

20321. SnowOwl - 10/9/2006 6:54:26 AM

Arky, am I too late with a recipe? I could send a pavlova recipe, since it's the closest thing to a national dish here that you could find the ingredients for easily.

20322. SnowOwl - 10/9/2006 6:57:01 AM

I wish I lived near enough Judith so I could donate a few more dozen golf clubs to her garage sale.

I'm sick of storing my adult children's gear, when then live overseas and are unlikely to ever return here to live!

However, every time I mention throwing anything out, or selling it, I get greeted by a chorus of "oh no, you can't do that". So my basement is loaded to the gunnels with kids' junk.

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