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20335. judithathome - 10/10/2006 7:23:38 PM

As a season ticket holder with two different theatres, let me assure you that your time working at these thankless tasks is greatly appreciated!

20336. Ms. No - 10/11/2006 7:43:29 AM

Oh, the patrons are great --- especially season subscribers. It's a really warm relationship and they're all lovely to talk to. Also, because most of them pick their dates ahead of time it's one of the easiest things to deal with.

I just feel like I've been thrown back into the stone ages because nearly nothing in this office is computerized and I end up wasting so much time chasing down different pieces of paper. Eeek!!

I've set myself the goal of getting them as streamlined as I can in the time that I'm actually there. I may continue to give them 5 or 10 hours a week even after this show, but only if they're willing to use me for what I'm good for. Any kid could set up the theater and act as usher and concierge, but for the other stuff they couldn't afford to hire anyone with my skills.

I'll take a bottle of wine over to my friend's house and chat her up about this stuff. I think she'll be thrilled. She's been trying to be only the Artistic Director for over a year now but keeps getting dragged back into the office because she can't get the right skill-set in there.

Which when I read back over it sounds just arrogant as hell, but seriously, what they need isn't all that special it's just hard to find working actors to fill those positions and that's been the bulk of their hiring pool. Actors act because they don't want to run business offices.

She's my friend and they're doing a really good thing there. I want them to succeed and time wasted is money wasted which is bad news for a non-profit outfit. They're bringing shows to town that nobody else is doing --- ordinarily you'd have to go to the Bay Area for this stuff, they deserve to do well.

20337. alistairconnor - 10/11/2006 9:59:33 AM

It's funny, but I have no desire to go back to the theater as an actor or owner.

Let me guess. You're going to end up teaching theatre. We'll see in ten years.

20338. Ms. No - 10/11/2006 6:54:44 PM


I might get sucked into it depending on where I end up working, but I could teach high school theater now if I wanted since that's what my degree is in. I'm not violently opposed to teaching theater, but it doesn't thrill me. There are aspects of it that I might enjoy exploring in the classroom, but those are specializations you really only get in private study or at the college level. In high school, most places just want you to put together the Spring musical --- while acting as guidance counselor to the artsy misfit kids.

Which is not to say that there aren't some amazing things being done by high school theater departments, but they're the exception. I adjudicated for the LANEA Festival a couple of years and this high school in Turlock kept sending us professional-level performances. They had an amazing instructor down there. Most of what I saw, however, was fairly run-of-the-mill and I never want to have to stage a production of Bye Bye Birdie. ;->

20339. Magoseph - 10/12/2006 6:01:57 PM

It's cold, the ground is soaked--where, oh, where is my Indian summer?

20340. wonkers2 - 10/12/2006 6:09:35 PM

Mago, you sent us a bit of snow this morning. But now the sun is out.

20341. Magoseph - 10/12/2006 7:46:05 PM

I don't think it was snow, Wonk, it was frost. The sun is out too, but the wind is frisky.

20342. arkymalarky - 10/13/2006 12:56:57 AM

I'm glad it's finally cold here. It won't last, though.

I was going to say hi from Thrio's (remember that place, Judith?) then hi from the university, and now I have to go to class. I just got connected. Thrio's had a wifi sign on the door and after 30 minutes trying to connect I went to the counter and they said they didn't have wireless. Someone needs to loan them a dadgum razor blade and some green alcohol so they can update their door signs.

On to class now.

20343. wonkers2 - 10/13/2006 1:35:39 AM

We had snow, sleet, hail and high winds today,interspersed with sunshine.

20344. Max Macks - 10/13/2006 9:57:37 PM

lurking in , for a lurk

wonkers where do you live.

sounds like Wisconsin

20345. wonkers2 - 10/13/2006 10:22:09 PM

Detroit area. (I was recently in Berkely visiting my daughter.)

20346. OhioSTOPAS - 10/14/2006 2:25:03 AM

"Detroit area"? As in Michigan?

I didn't know you were a fan of inferior college football teams.

20347. wonkers2 - 10/14/2006 3:11:18 AM

Ha! Ha! A Woody Hayes man. Yes as in Meeechigan. I say a plague on Woody and Bo as well. If I'm going to watch pro ball I want the real thing.

20348. poipual - 10/15/2006 12:36:42 AM

It's been a while. Seems like many of the same people are still here. Evie and I are back on Kauai-too hot, no wind, but we're glad to be here, at least for the next 4 months. My favorite place is still Ilwaco, Wa., where if the temperture hits 80 people die.

I suppose most of you figured I up and died, almost right, but not yet.

20349. Magoseph - 10/15/2006 1:06:32 AM

Oh, what a nice surprise, Al--we were worried about you. Tell us what happened to you, please do.

20350. poipual - 10/15/2006 2:16:43 AM

I lurked for a while, then I started on Party Poker. Now our wonderful Congress has screwed that up for us-isn't government grand-free country my ass.

Oy yes, had a 6 way bypass on Aug. 17. Kind of messed up summer and golf for a time.

20351. poipual - 10/15/2006 2:17:22 AM

By the by, thanks for the welcome!

20352. Jenerator - 10/15/2006 2:17:40 AM

Al!! So glad you checked back.

6 way bypass!? Goodness!

20353. poipual - 10/15/2006 2:20:47 AM

Thanks. No big deal, just a few more cuts up the leg.

Saw your post about air-america and the link to Ace. What a loss he was to thee Mote.

20354. Jenerator - 10/15/2006 2:27:48 AM

A loss that he left?

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