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20343. wonkers2 - 10/13/2006 1:35:39 AM

We had snow, sleet, hail and high winds today,interspersed with sunshine.

20344. Max Macks - 10/13/2006 9:57:37 PM

lurking in , for a lurk

wonkers where do you live.

sounds like Wisconsin

20345. wonkers2 - 10/13/2006 10:22:09 PM

Detroit area. (I was recently in Berkely visiting my daughter.)

20346. OhioSTOPAS - 10/14/2006 2:25:03 AM

"Detroit area"? As in Michigan?

I didn't know you were a fan of inferior college football teams.

20347. wonkers2 - 10/14/2006 3:11:18 AM

Ha! Ha! A Woody Hayes man. Yes as in Meeechigan. I say a plague on Woody and Bo as well. If I'm going to watch pro ball I want the real thing.

20348. poipual - 10/15/2006 12:36:42 AM

It's been a while. Seems like many of the same people are still here. Evie and I are back on Kauai-too hot, no wind, but we're glad to be here, at least for the next 4 months. My favorite place is still Ilwaco, Wa., where if the temperture hits 80 people die.

I suppose most of you figured I up and died, almost right, but not yet.

20349. Magoseph - 10/15/2006 1:06:32 AM

Oh, what a nice surprise, Al--we were worried about you. Tell us what happened to you, please do.

20350. poipual - 10/15/2006 2:16:43 AM

I lurked for a while, then I started on Party Poker. Now our wonderful Congress has screwed that up for us-isn't government grand-free country my ass.

Oy yes, had a 6 way bypass on Aug. 17. Kind of messed up summer and golf for a time.

20351. poipual - 10/15/2006 2:17:22 AM

By the by, thanks for the welcome!

20352. Jenerator - 10/15/2006 2:17:40 AM

Al!! So glad you checked back.

6 way bypass!? Goodness!

20353. poipual - 10/15/2006 2:20:47 AM

Thanks. No big deal, just a few more cuts up the leg.

Saw your post about air-america and the link to Ace. What a loss he was to thee Mote.

20354. Jenerator - 10/15/2006 2:27:48 AM

A loss that he left?

20355. poipual - 10/15/2006 2:29:50 AM

his leaving, of course, big loss, him and stamper

20356. Jenerator - 10/15/2006 2:30:30 AM

I completely agree!

20357. judithathome - 10/15/2006 4:47:33 AM

Hey, Al! Howzit, brudda!

Sorry, I disagree about Acey...however, am happy for his celebrity, which is what he so craved.

20358. judithathome - 10/15/2006 5:15:30 AM

By the way, we made $380 on our garage sale this weekend...despite having to close down today at 10am due to rain.

Let me tell you, this total is amazing given that the most expensive price I charged was one antique rocking chair at $20. The rest of the stuff was from $.50 to $10.00 with most things going for $1.00 a piece.

20359. arkymalarky - 10/15/2006 3:59:13 PM

HEY AL!!! It's great to see you!

Glad to know you got through surgery okay. Tell your son hello!

20360. arkymalarky - 10/15/2006 4:00:04 PM

Dadgum. That's great, Judith!

20361. jexster - 10/15/2006 4:26:24 PM

I suppose most of you figured I up and died, almost right, but not yet.


20362. SnowOwl - 10/15/2006 7:41:29 PM

Have you done the Big Trip yet, Snow?

Yes, we got back in mid-August and I still haven't adjusted to being back home. We had a wonderful time. I fell in love with every place we visited, although the best time of all was the time we had in Sweden with the grandkids.

I'm now trying to persuade my husband that it would be a great idea to sell up and use the proceeds by spending the rest of our lives travelling. He's not yet persuaded that this would be a good idea.

Arky, where do I find an email address so I can send the recipe to you?

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