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20358. judithathome - 10/15/2006 5:15:30 AM

By the way, we made $380 on our garage sale this weekend...despite having to close down today at 10am due to rain.

Let me tell you, this total is amazing given that the most expensive price I charged was one antique rocking chair at $20. The rest of the stuff was from $.50 to $10.00 with most things going for $1.00 a piece.

20359. arkymalarky - 10/15/2006 3:59:13 PM

HEY AL!!! It's great to see you!

Glad to know you got through surgery okay. Tell your son hello!

20360. arkymalarky - 10/15/2006 4:00:04 PM

Dadgum. That's great, Judith!

20361. jexster - 10/15/2006 4:26:24 PM

I suppose most of you figured I up and died, almost right, but not yet.


20362. SnowOwl - 10/15/2006 7:41:29 PM

Have you done the Big Trip yet, Snow?

Yes, we got back in mid-August and I still haven't adjusted to being back home. We had a wonderful time. I fell in love with every place we visited, although the best time of all was the time we had in Sweden with the grandkids.

I'm now trying to persuade my husband that it would be a great idea to sell up and use the proceeds by spending the rest of our lives travelling. He's not yet persuaded that this would be a good idea.

Arky, where do I find an email address so I can send the recipe to you?

20363. SnowOwl - 10/15/2006 7:43:46 PM

Arky, ignore the above. I've found the adddress in The Good Life.

20364. arkymalarky - 10/15/2006 10:00:43 PM

Thanks Snow!

I'm glad y'all had such a good trip. If you haven't yet, check out Wiz's pictures of his and his wife's travels in the Escapes thread. If you show them to your husband he'll be sold on the idea.

20365. alistairConnor - 10/15/2006 10:16:07 PM

Snow : a detailed narrative would be nice, if you can be bothered!

Al! I love you! (you never believe me, but it's true!) A six-way bypass - sounds like some expensive roadworks!

20366. judithathome - 10/15/2006 10:18:50 PM

Arky, I'm saving the proceeds from the garage sale for our New Year's Day party...which, by the way, you and Bob need to come for...you can drive over on NY's eve and stay with us and go back after the party. ;-)

And for anyone else who is in the area on that day, you're all invited, too!

20367. poipual - 10/15/2006 10:31:49 PM

alister, judith, arky
Thanks for the nice words.

What do you mean by ace's fame? I bookmarked his web site, but I haven't gone back to it. Guess I'll have to.

Do I remember rigt that you live in France? I love France and the French, so I must love you. Maybe you were the nice fellow in Nice who helped he find our hotel that I would never have found on my own.

Since I know you well, I understand that's the best you can do.

20368. judithathome - 10/15/2006 10:38:49 PM

Al, Ace is now quoted on blogs like Ann Coulter's and he has even been featured on CNN in a short blurb, complete with his own self making comments...our boy has arrived!

20369. jexster - 10/15/2006 11:24:45 PM

I'm jess bein me Al

Good to see ya

And best to Evie...poor long-suffering saint she is

20370. robertjayb - 10/15/2006 11:33:52 PM

Suppose Al is being shaken up today?

20371. robertjayb - 10/15/2006 11:45:49 PM

Probably not. Looking back I see he is on Kauai. Looks way far away from Hawaii.

20372. jexster - 10/15/2006 11:50:21 PM

Oh I get it.

20373. jexster - 10/15/2006 11:51:04 PM

20374. jexster - 10/15/2006 11:53:22 PM

Actually Al and Evie live in a little grass shack on the Forbidden Island of Niihau

20375. arkymalarky - 10/16/2006 6:16:09 AM

That sounds wonderful, Judith!

20376. prolph - 10/16/2006 7:20:56 AM

Marky et.al, on the sunject of cook books my daughter has just published one.

A1 Diner
real food, recipies and recolections

The diner is in Maine and is clebrating a 60th year

One can google SARAH ROLPH amd reach her site.


20377. alistairconnor - 10/16/2006 10:16:13 AM

Looks like a cool book, Patsy!
Drove through Maine eight years ago... That diner is exactly the sort of place you'd want to come across, but rarely do without local knowledge;

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