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20377. alistairconnor - 10/16/2006 10:16:13 AM

Looks like a cool book, Patsy!
Drove through Maine eight years ago... That diner is exactly the sort of place you'd want to come across, but rarely do without local knowledge;

20378. Jenerator - 10/16/2006 1:11:39 PM

I didn't know that about Ace - that's wonderful. He always was one of the wittiest posters around.

20379. Magoseph - 10/16/2006 1:48:34 PM

See Ace here, Jen: Message # 3046 in thread 148

20380. wabbit - 10/16/2006 2:58:48 PM

A1 Diner

A1 Diner: Real Food, Recipes, and Recollections

Someone has given the book a nice review at Amazon:
A1 Diner: Real Food, Recipes, & Recollections isn't just a straightforward cookbook; it gathers memories of the people who owned and worked for the A1 Diner, from which these time-tested favorite tastes have been gathered. Numerous anecdotes and recollections pepper such long-beloved A1 Diner recipes as Individual Cheese Souffles, Gingerbread with Lemon Sauce, Mike's Shrimp Scampi, Lime Avocado Salad with Pistachios, and a great deal more. A handful of black-and-white photographs illustrate this excellent cookbook of authentic diner delicacies.
Here is Sarah Rolph's website.

20381. judithathome - 10/16/2006 3:15:26 PM

Really, Jen? I thought Niner was far more witty than Ace. His humor had an elegance to it and he didn't have to beat anyone over the head with...he just assumed people "got it" and moved on.

20382. judithathome - 10/16/2006 3:18:38 PM

Where in Maine is that diner? We lived in Maine for a year...I wonder if it's the one we stopped at on our way to the northern part of the state?

20383. Jenerator - 10/16/2006 3:52:28 PM

Niner and Ace were best buddies.

Thanks Mags!


20384. judithathome - 10/16/2006 6:44:30 PM

Jen, I know that. I've been posting here as long as you have.

I was just saying Niner was more witty than Ace.

Speaking of funny, you might appreciate this joke that was posted at RI:

President Bush gets out of his helicopter in front of the White House carrying a baby pig under each arm.

The Marine guard snaps to attention, salutes, and says: "Nice pigs, sir."

Bush replies: "These are not pigs, these are Texan Razorback Hogs. I got one for Secretary of State Rice, and I got one for Defence Secretary Rumsfeld."

The Marine again snaps to attention, salutes, and says, "Nice trade, sir."

20385. Jenerator - 10/16/2006 7:14:55 PM


20386. wonkers2 - 10/16/2006 11:04:25 PM

Bush screwed the other guy on the trade!

20387. arkymalarky - 10/17/2006 5:06:31 AM

That's too cool, Patsy! Thanks for linking it, Wabbit.

20388. prolph - 10/17/2006 9:19:26 AM

Arky now you know why I seldom post, I can't see very well and don't
pick up the errors.
thanks for the cool thoughts along with alistair and big thanks to wabbit.

Judith @home the A1 diner is at 3bridge street in gardiner, maine

20389. Macnas - 10/17/2006 9:57:08 AM

Hello everybuddy

A1, good to see you boyo.

20390. wonkers2 - 10/17/2006 5:47:26 PM

prolph, don't worry about the errors. Nobody pays attention to errors. Or, at least, not many do.

20391. Magoseph - 10/17/2006 6:16:16 PM

That's right--the Grammar Brigade long ago left us, never to return.

Allo, Mac, quoi de neuf?

20392. alistairconnor - 10/17/2006 6:49:47 PM

Off to have dinner with my girlfriend and her 16 year old daughter.

My 9 year old will be starting collège on Thursday (6ème) -- middle school I guess -- now 2 years ahead of her age group.

20393. Macnas - 10/18/2006 10:41:11 AM


Not much girl, just busy and whatnot.

20394. Jenerator - 10/18/2006 1:18:57 PM


That's wonderful!

20395. Magoseph - 10/18/2006 1:47:39 PM

Hello, Mac, Jen and everyone--we're getting ready for the procedure on Flexy's left hand.

Ali, tell me--if your daughter continues at this rate, is it conceivable that she may have a maitrise at twenty?

Have a nice day, dear faithful Moties. Where is Papa Pelle these days?

20396. Magoseph - 10/19/2006 12:52:45 AM

Back and happy--no more Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

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