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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 20404 - 20423 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
20404. judithathome - 10/20/2006 4:31:30 AM

Thanks, Arky. I'm really a mess over this...as you can imagine.

Klaus hasn't "smiled" in over two years. Remember how he used to?

20405. arkymalarky - 10/20/2006 4:36:45 AM

Ohhh, I didn't realize that! Two years! He must have really aged since we last saw him.

20406. judithathome - 10/20/2006 4:45:58 AM

He has.

20407. judithathome - 10/20/2006 4:48:23 AM

Arks...you've got mail.

20408. Jenerator - 10/20/2006 4:50:05 AM

That's sad.


Good luck Arky. That was nice of you to rescue him.

20409. alistairconnor - 10/20/2006 1:12:10 PM

Ali, tell me--if your daughter continues at this rate, is it conceivable that she may have a maitrise at twenty?

Counting on my fingers, she would be passing her Bac at age 16... so that's possible. Though the French four-year degree is in decline, replaced by the international standard 5-year masters.

Come to think of it, my elder sister started university at 17. Didn't do her any harm, as far as I can see.

On the other hand... I haven't yet abandoned the idea of taking the kids back to NZ for a year (which would probably end up with them dropping a year in the French system, which wouldn't do them any harm).

20410. jexster - 10/20/2006 6:29:05 PM

Quote for the Day

    The two most common things in the Universe
    are hydrogen, and stupidity.

20411. Magoseph - 10/20/2006 6:52:19 PM

I read this in the WSJ in an article about critical thinking:

The same person who rationally analyzes all her portfolio options also believes she was abducted by aliens. The same person who critically parses newspaper editorials for lapses of logic believes in astrology.

20412. thoughtful - 10/20/2006 7:23:36 PM

J@h, so sorry to hear about klaus. They are members of our family and when they go, it leaves a tremendous hole in our hearts.

20413. Ms. No - 10/20/2006 11:11:18 PM

Judith, share a hug with Klaus from me --- or you take the hug and give Klaus a pat. I'll be thinking of you and sending good thoughts out Tejas way.

20414. judithathome - 10/21/2006 3:56:22 AM

He was better today...I am hoping we can delay taking him to our vet til the 30th, when our vet gets back in town...he's scampering around Europe right now.

He seemed almost perky this afternoon.

This is vexing...

20415. judithathome - 10/21/2006 3:57:26 AM

Klaus seemed perky, not the vet.

Though he may well seem that way, too, swanning around the south of France.

20416. PsychProf - 10/21/2006 2:01:21 PM

Thoughtful...please drop me an email...


20417. Jenerator - 10/21/2006 10:14:38 PM

What is Klaus doing scampering around in Europe?

20418. Jenerator - 10/21/2006 10:14:53 PM


20419. judithathome - 10/21/2006 11:11:38 PM

Klaus is probably enjoying the south of France very much, having pate and escargot and crusty bread with wine. He's very cosmopolitian.

20420. Jenerator - 10/22/2006 2:00:18 AM

Nice of you to send him off for vacation.

20421. judithathome - 10/22/2006 5:07:05 AM

Since we always leave him in the kennel whe we go on trips, we figured it was time...only fair.

20422. bubbaette - 10/23/2006 10:16:44 PM

I'm sorry to hear about Klaus, Judith. I had to have Callie the Geriatric Hund put down in January. It was very difficult.

20423. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 10/23/2006 10:53:41 PM

You can always tell when jexster's been around!

Condolences on your loss, Judith.

Hi bubbs!

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