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20543. judithathome - 11/13/2006 12:56:53 PM

Well, sorry to interject more cat talk but since I am new to this and still entranced with Harley but don't know how to post pictures (forgot what Magos taught me a few years ago) until I learn, there are 3 pictures of Harley here at Able Minds in Posts 3447, 3450, and 3453 They were posted by my friend Malibu Boy, who took the photos yesterday morning.

There are more...and much bigger cats pictured on that page...ha! Harley would just be a snack for those brutes!

20544. thoughtful - 11/13/2006 4:31:13 PM

cute kitty!

20545. judithathome - 11/13/2006 9:33:13 PM

Yeah...she's already wormed her way into our hearts.

20546. jexster - 11/14/2006 1:41:17 AM

Anyone seen "Call Me Crazy"?

20547. arkymalarky - 11/14/2006 6:21:34 AM

Hey Dubai!!

How's things?

20548. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 4:11:41 PM

Interesting morning...witnessed a head-on collision between 2 soccer moms. Fortunately everyone was strapped in and no one was hurt, but stunning nonetheless...how one instant life is going along as planned and WHAM! things have changed.

20549. Magoseph - 11/14/2006 4:58:25 PM

...how one instant life is going along as planned and WHAM! things have changed.

Yes, this is something Flexy thinks about every time I get in the car—what would happen to me if you were suddenly incapacitated, he asks, knowing that the warning reminds me to drive carefully, something, by the way, that I do all the time. Of course, no one is indispensable and Flexy would be okay, but as happy, absolutely not, he assures me.

20550. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 5:24:17 PM

Silly to be supersticious, I know, but I try to avoid telling hubby to be careful. It seems every time we've had a bad incident, someone always remembers someone telling them to be careful. When I don't say it, nothing seems to happen.

And then again, I always pele, pele.

20551. Magoseph - 11/14/2006 5:53:36 PM

So weird that I was discussing driving carefully this morning in view of what almost happened since my last post. Just before I reached the store where I get the morning paper and bagel, this small car made a left turn in front of me, forcing me to slam on the breaks. I was so outraged that I followed that car all over town, wanting to tell off the driver. Only when finally the driver trying to escape me going left and right and around on her tail and then on the highway, did I stop following it. I’ll find the jerk lady eventually now that I have memorized her license plate number and in case I forget it, have it right on the dashboard. I’m still seething with rage. Too bad that there were no police around saw her--turning left from a side road into traffic gets a stiff fine around here.

20552. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 6:06:07 PM

Road rage...not good magos, especially since you could've easily gotten into an accident yourself being intent on following the person rather than focusing on driving safely.

I've seen it happen and I've had it happen to myself where you simply don't see something...i mean your eyes see the image, but it fails to register in the brain...remember that video clip of the people milling around and how many people never see the gorilla that shows up in the group?

People do stupid things...sh*t happens and close calls are actually good things if they remind us to be more careful next time.

20553. wonkers2 - 11/14/2006 6:19:07 PM

Mago, I also suffer from road rage when I think other drivers intentionally drive dangerously or inconsiderately. I agree with thoughtful that getting angry with other drivers is not a good idea. But I find it hard not to. And I have been involved in a few situations that could have become serious if the other driver had been packing a gun. I tell myself everytime it happens that it is counter-productive and could turn out very badly.

20554. Magoseph - 11/14/2006 6:23:58 PM

You’re right, thoughtful, I was certainly wrong not to evaluate my reaction to the incident. I called Judith in order to calm down and I feel better now after talking to her and reading your post. Thanks.

20555. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 7:29:25 PM

I remember the story of the parents of a young gal who was getting her license for the first time. They gave her a small fuzzy creature with stick-on feet to put on the dashboard of her car. Creature was named ICKY...Impatience Can Kill You.

20556. Magoseph - 11/14/2006 9:14:34 PM


20557. judithathome - 11/14/2006 10:02:49 PM

Thanks for posting the pitures, Magos! That angelic little puffball is in trouble with me right now...I went out on the patio to clean the furniture out there and thought, oh how cute she looks in the window, grabbing for the hanging crystals. Then, outdoor job done, I came into the garden room to smell that she had done an indoor job...she pooped in my ficus tree tub! I cleaned it out and filled the topsoil with black pepper.

Right this minute she is on the desk, chasing the letters to this post as they come up on the screen. She loves curling up on the modem because it is warm.

I agree with Thoughtful and Wonkers...getting unbent over a traffic "may have been" is non-productive. It stresses you out and here in Texas, you never know when some nutcase has a gun and will shoot you.

An angry driver shot and killed a father of three in a traffic incident, no wreck, just thought the father had cut him off in traffic. At the next light, the idiot got out of his car and walked up to the father and shot him dead while his three small sons watched from the backseat.

20558. thoughtful - 11/14/2006 10:20:28 PM

Ah yes...I had a 'tree' I made in my living room...a pruned branch about 6' tall to which I added leaves and blossoms and put a lovely uplight on it...looked wonderful and cast terrific shadows up on the ceiling. But bottom of the pot had pine bark mulch which the cat decided was a great kitty box. Out the tree went.

Kept the cat though.

20559. wabbit - 11/15/2006 12:21:12 AM

I'm afraid I instigate road rage. If I'm driving faster than I should and some maroon decides to try to draft and gets ten feet behind me, I slow down, a lot. By the time they pass me, I can usually see the veins in their neck. I smile and wave as if I had no idea I was inconveniencing them. If they were in that big a hurry, they should have left sooner.

The only time I've ever chased anyone was years ago when I was trying to retrieve a squirrel that had been hit and was in the road. Some asswipe driving a big pickup went around my car and ran right over him, even though I was standing right there and obviously trying to get to the poor beast and he could have easily avoided hitting it. I chase that pos into a development before it occurred to me that a confrontation with three jerks, all of whom were bigger than me, was probably not a wise course of action.

JaH, a small squirt gun might be a good investment. Of course, you have to catch her in the act, but it's better than hollering. She'll learn to associate her behavior with getting wet. The old Pavlov's dog routine works. Screening stopped my sil's cats from fertilizing the houseplants.

20560. wonkers2 - 11/15/2006 12:27:37 AM

We tried home made and store bought scratching posts, cardboard scratching boxes, etc. Some helped but none stopped our cats from shredding the furninture. The only effective measure was a varnished plywood barrier about 4 ft. high which we've kept across the door to the living room since we a couch and several chairs re-upholstered.

20561. judithathome - 11/15/2006 12:39:55 AM

Wabbit, I already have the squirt bottle and it has worked wonderfully when she tries to jump on the tables where we're eating.

I think this was a one off thing...if I have to, I will get some cayenne pepper for the topsoil.

All in all, she's been very good...she's very delicate and dainty. No big problems at all.

20562. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/15/2006 1:05:38 AM

Shit, even if you're Mike Tyson, road rage doesn't pay–didn't heve to settle out of court for almost $300,000?

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