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20603. judithathome - 11/24/2006 6:36:34 PM

Woke up this morning to find Harley had lost her NOSE! That cute little white stripe and "Roman-looking" nose was gone and in its place is a bald, straight little strip of pink flesh...I found the little "carapace" on the bathroom scale. It looks like a fake nose piece...not the nostril parts but what was in place on the bridge of her nose.

Has anyone ever heard of this before? Do you think the hair will grow back across the bridge of her nose?

I used to rub that part of her nose and it felt like a hard little cartilege-type thing, with a slight bump at the top. I was shocked to see her nose this morning.

20604. arkymalarky - 11/24/2006 7:16:55 PM

Ohmigosh! You might be able to call a vet today and ask.

20605. arkymalarky - 11/24/2006 7:17:44 PM

Maybe he can replace it with a Michael Jackson type. ;-)

20606. wonkers2 - 11/24/2006 10:05:41 PM

Sounds like cataleprosy to me.

20607. wonkers2 - 11/24/2006 10:06:39 PM

Please excuse me for sounding unsypathetic! I just couldn't resist.

20608. judithathome - 11/24/2006 10:25:43 PM

That's okay, Wonk...we've been making Michael Jackson joke all day!

20609. Magoseph - 11/27/2006 3:59:46 PM

Hello, everyone--did you have a nice weekend? Have you gone shopping last Friday?

20610. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/27/2006 4:28:57 PM

Hi Mags! Great weather, ,went on hikes and avoided crowds & shopping totally.

20611. Magoseph - 11/27/2006 4:53:49 PM

We too advantage of the nice weather too, Wiz, and certainly stayed away from the crowds. Eldest son wanted to take us to the Loop, window shopping--he had the trip by train (no way that we could persuade Flexy to go by car) all worked out along with a nice dinner and a stay overnight in a nice hotel. I had to say that it was impossible for us, at least for Flexy at this time.

Tell me, Wiz, did you notice that Mac has not been around for a while? Is it my imagination or did I detect in one of his last posts, some impatience with the way we were behaving? I miss him.

20612. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/27/2006 5:44:39 PM

I understand and know eggzackly how you feel.

Wrt Mac, "we" being you and me, specifically, or everyone. I am so bad at discerning tone and meaning through words that you should ask anyone else around here, rather than me. I hope I haven't tread on anyone's toes!

20613. alistairconnor - 11/27/2006 6:50:47 PM

Mac is certainly big enough and ugly enough to speak for himself... I can attest to this...

Maybe it's my fault? Perhaps he never quite recovered from meeting a "real live" Motist this summer?

20614. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/27/2006 8:18:48 PM

Yeah, I can relate–I got a queazy feeling after meeting tful & wonkers!


20615. Magoseph - 11/27/2006 8:23:43 PM

tful & wonkers? did you fall in love with them, Wiz?

As for Mac, all I can say, Ali, is that it's just too bad that he and I are both married and that he’s much too young for me--otherwise, I would ask you to direct me to where I can find him so that I can ask him directly why he's abandoning us.

20616. Magoseph - 11/27/2006 8:28:12 PM

By the way, Wiz, talking about … discerning tone and meaning through words… I know that I always mean what I say, but unlike you I don't always say what I mean.

20617. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 11/27/2006 9:28:35 PM

No, the queasiness was meant as a joke and see, I'll always be the king of misdirected meanings!

20618. judithathome - 11/28/2006 12:22:29 AM

Back from my swim and it was spooky...I went into to the pool room and the surface of the pool was absolutely glass-like because no one was there and obviously hadn't been for hours.

It was great, though, having the entire pool and dry sauna to myself!

20619. wonkers2 - 11/28/2006 1:45:15 AM

I've met three Moties in person, all male. I leave the women to The Cap'n. Some day we should have a motie convention in an exotic place.

20620. arkymalarky - 11/28/2006 2:57:43 AM

I've loved visiting irl with all the Mote Folks I've met.

I got most of my reading done over the weekend and one paper written, so I was pretty happy with the holiday. I have to edit and format it and do the citations and write up the other one this week. Then the four during Christmas and I'll be on the home stretch and finishing up with one summer class. I can't wait.

I never shop until the week of Christmas because I like school to be out, and rushing around shopping stresses me out while I'm trying to wrap up the semester.

20621. wonkers2 - 11/28/2006 3:26:43 AM

Me too! I neglected to say so.

20622. thoughtful - 11/28/2006 4:31:02 PM

Well, I think I shocked wiz with my introduction: Hello, I'm thoughtful.

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