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20664. Ms. No - 12/5/2006 6:33:52 PM

Hiya Mac!

Can't you just send them out in the yard and let them run around while you spray 'em with a hose?

20665. Macnas - 12/5/2006 6:42:40 PM

Social services say no.

20666. robertjayb - 12/7/2006 5:37:41 PM

Note this day that lives in infamy.

Consider the wisdom of preemptive war.

20667. Magoseph - 12/8/2006 12:21:03 PM

Wonk, it's hell to work at realigning one's skeleton--I'm in pain and trying not to take the doc's evil pills. If I do take them, I become a raving maniac.

20668. judithathome - 12/9/2006 9:31:03 PM

Good lord but I have fallen into the holiday madness that is shopping for young children! I decided to get this little girl we know a Crayola Cutter for Christmas...don't ask; it's a "must have" gadget for the short set.

Already been to 5 different stores and called various others and everyone is sold out. So my last resort: eBay! I got it for $10 more than it would have been if it had been in stock locally and added to that is the insulting $10 shipping fee.

I feel like it was worth it, to NOT have to go runnning all over town searching for it in vain.

20669. wonkers2 - 12/9/2006 11:20:23 PM

Mago, I know what you mean. Try hard to do it without surgery. From what I've heard, back surgery often doesn't work very well. And of course comes with risks.

20670. Magoseph - 12/10/2006 12:29:07 AM

I feel like it was worth it, to NOT have to go running all over town searching for it in vain.

Certainly it is, especially with the Saturday traffic. I wish I could have grocery delivered. We need here one of those services that runs errands for you, and that is not too far in the future, I hear through the grapevine.

20671. Magoseph - 12/10/2006 12:30:13 AM

Wonk, everything I did in the past was wrong and now before I do anything, I have to think how to do it. Now I know why Rush Limbaugh became addicted and that is because he was too fat and lazy to undergo rehab, I bet.

By the way, I wrote to you on your site and I even sent you an e-mail.

20672. wonkers2 - 12/10/2006 5:41:18 AM

Sometimes it takes a while for the emails to come through.

20673. jexster - 12/10/2006 7:57:59 PM

For the TimesSelect Yachtsman who has everything...Just saw on Channel Four...very kewl

Find out which barbarian tribe you came from at


20674. arkymalarky - 12/10/2006 8:11:22 PM

That's neat.

20675. Magoseph - 12/11/2006 1:27:31 PM

Yes, I sent the link to my sons--I bet they'll use it.

Wonk, my shoes were elevated three-eighth of and inch. Doc said that my intensive jogging may be the cause of my back pain, not necessarily the fact that I carried a forty-pound bag.

So, Arky, you'll have more time to post after the holidays, right?

20676. Magoseph - 12/11/2006 1:28:07 PM

Hello, Mac!

20677. wonkers2 - 12/11/2006 4:36:00 PM

Jogging is one of the worst things you can do. It can damage your back and your knees. Walking is much better.

20678. judithathome - 12/11/2006 6:25:57 PM

Walking is much better for your knees, too.

I can speak from experience that walking, even a little each day, can do things for you. Since I started walking (and swimming has contributed to it, too) with my neighbors, I've gone down one jean size and one bra size! My weight is the same...but who cares? I look smaller!

20679. judithathome - 12/11/2006 6:26:50 PM

I see that first sentence is redundant as Wonk already mentioned knees. :-(

20680. thoughtful - 12/11/2006 7:20:55 PM

With 2 herniated disks in my neck and having had surgery, I find jogging starts my arm aching, so I've quit it. I've been walking 30 min a day ever since and it doesn't aggravate my neck. In fact I find it far more pleasurable. I was jogging 3 miles a day and would experience only about 2/10 of a mile not being in pain...the rest of the time I ached. Walking up hills especially gets my heart going and I can get tired (I don't stroll, I walk very quickly) but I don't ache.

20681. judithathome - 12/11/2006 8:36:41 PM

I'm going to try walking in the pool for the last half hour of my time there. It's a huge pool and I can do circuits around the perimeter; that ought to be easier than the walking I do going around the street.

Because it still hurt today...and it isn't even cold.

20682. wonkers2 - 12/12/2006 2:38:04 AM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "Judith, be careful about goin' down on the bra size!"

20683. judithathome - 12/12/2006 2:45:14 AM

Heh...not the cup size, Cap'n.

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