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20674. arkymalarky - 12/10/2006 8:11:22 PM

That's neat.

20675. Magoseph - 12/11/2006 1:27:31 PM

Yes, I sent the link to my sons--I bet they'll use it.

Wonk, my shoes were elevated three-eighth of and inch. Doc said that my intensive jogging may be the cause of my back pain, not necessarily the fact that I carried a forty-pound bag.

So, Arky, you'll have more time to post after the holidays, right?

20676. Magoseph - 12/11/2006 1:28:07 PM

Hello, Mac!

20677. wonkers2 - 12/11/2006 4:36:00 PM

Jogging is one of the worst things you can do. It can damage your back and your knees. Walking is much better.

20678. judithathome - 12/11/2006 6:25:57 PM

Walking is much better for your knees, too.

I can speak from experience that walking, even a little each day, can do things for you. Since I started walking (and swimming has contributed to it, too) with my neighbors, I've gone down one jean size and one bra size! My weight is the same...but who cares? I look smaller!

20679. judithathome - 12/11/2006 6:26:50 PM

I see that first sentence is redundant as Wonk already mentioned knees. :-(

20680. thoughtful - 12/11/2006 7:20:55 PM

With 2 herniated disks in my neck and having had surgery, I find jogging starts my arm aching, so I've quit it. I've been walking 30 min a day ever since and it doesn't aggravate my neck. In fact I find it far more pleasurable. I was jogging 3 miles a day and would experience only about 2/10 of a mile not being in pain...the rest of the time I ached. Walking up hills especially gets my heart going and I can get tired (I don't stroll, I walk very quickly) but I don't ache.

20681. judithathome - 12/11/2006 8:36:41 PM

I'm going to try walking in the pool for the last half hour of my time there. It's a huge pool and I can do circuits around the perimeter; that ought to be easier than the walking I do going around the street.

Because it still hurt today...and it isn't even cold.

20682. wonkers2 - 12/12/2006 2:38:04 AM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "Judith, be careful about goin' down on the bra size!"

20683. judithathome - 12/12/2006 2:45:14 AM

Heh...not the cup size, Cap'n.

20684. arkymalarky - 12/12/2006 3:31:20 AM

Hey Mags. That's sort of right. I won't have much time at all until Jan 8 when my four-paper portfolio is due, and after that it will get better, but I won't be done until around mid-July. I'm finished with this semester, though. Turned in my last 10-page (typed, d/s) take home test tonight.

Thankfully jury duty has been a lot less time-consuming lately. I'm assuming it's at least partly because our PA got defeated this last election and I doubt he intends to bust his hump between during the holiday season clearing dockets for the guy who beat him.

20685. arkymalarky - 12/12/2006 3:35:15 AM

My dad is 75 and my mom is 70 and they run, but they don't jog for all the reasons already mentioned. They've had no problems, but if they had them starting out I'm sure they wouldn't be able to run. Bob walks 3 miles a day. I am still a slug.

20686. Magoseph - 12/13/2006 2:35:20 PM

Are you still doing Jury Duty, Arky?

Hi, everyone!

20687. arkymalarky - 12/14/2006 12:18:01 AM

Yes. It's over Dec. 31, but as I said, since the PA got beaten in the election I've hardly been called, and they won't call during the Christmas/New Years week, I'm sure, so I'm hoping I won't get called again. It would be very difficult if I had to go now because I'm giving finals next week.

20688. Ms. No - 12/14/2006 5:28:43 AM

Very sad news on my front. Today I said goodbye to my best friend. Billie had been gradually deteriorating due to a brain tumor for some months but in the last two weeks things got rapidly worse until she was unable to walk at all. She remained her good-natured, loving self up to the very end and I will miss her sorely. Not just a good girl, but the very best girl.

20689. wonkers2 - 12/14/2006 5:32:09 AM

Sorry. Not a good time of year to go. A good friend of mine's son committed suicide this week. He had been depressed and had substance abuse problems. Very bright and likeable young man of about 27 or so.

20690. arkymalarky - 12/14/2006 5:34:57 AM

Oh I'm SO sorry, No!! I don't know what else to say, except a great big cyber-hug to you.

20691. Ms. No - 12/14/2006 5:37:05 AM

I'm sorry to hear that. I know that the holidays are hard on a lot of people and the suicide rates go up. I feel terrible for those so despairing that they want to end their lives, but mostly I agonize for those left behind. I can't imagine doing such a thing to the people who love me -- or perhaps it's the fact that I can imagine that devastation that prevents me from ever entertaining such a course of action.

20692. arkymalarky - 12/14/2006 5:38:14 AM

That is such a shame, Wonk. I hope they have a good support network. And condolences to you too. It's hard to see good friends hurting.

20693. Ms. No - 12/14/2006 5:40:22 AM

Thanks, Arky. Yeah, it's very, very tough. It was the right thing to do and the right time and I suppose the thought is always there when you have a pet that one day you won't, but you're never ready for it. For the most part it just has to hurt until it gets better. I'll imagine her playing with Klaus and Diva and Chili and all the other Mote pets who've gone before.

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