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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 20698 - 20717 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
20698. Magoseph - 12/14/2006 11:58:04 PM

I know how you feel, dear Ms.No--always wrenching losing a lovely pet. How old was she?

20699. arkymalarky - 12/15/2006 2:16:43 AM

Hey No, just wanted you to know I have tried twice to email you and can't get it to go, so you will probably get two short emails a day or two late or I will delete them tomorrow.

I hope you got through the evening and the day okay. I also hope you're done with school for the semester.

20700. wabbit - 12/15/2006 3:06:33 AM

MsNo, I am very sorry to hear about Billie. I know she had a great life while she was with you.

20701. Ms. No - 12/15/2006 7:03:20 PM


Hard to know exactly since she was a rescue, but I had her for 6 years --- I got her the Thanksgiving just after my oldest nephew was born. They estimated her to be about a year and a half old at that time so she wasn't by any means an elderly dog.

20702. Ms. No - 12/15/2006 7:04:42 PM

I'll be on the lookout, Arky. I've got one paper to finish (start) and then my exams are next week. I'm also worried about Christmas which crept up on me mighty quickly. For some reason I thought I still had nearly three weeks. Sheesh!

20703. Ms. No - 12/15/2006 7:05:06 PM

Thanks, Wab, I had a good life with her as well. ;->

20704. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/15/2006 8:13:17 PM


20705. arkymalarky - 12/16/2006 12:39:19 AM

I finally gave up and deleted them, No, but what I asked above was what was in the emails. I am so glad my classes ended before I had to prepare my own finals.

Good luck!

20706. Max Macks - 12/16/2006 11:57:37 PM

Xmas not so great for me either ,]

but just came here to say that there was
a power outage here yesterday that lasted

only about 10 seconds, but Now find that
I have to sign in in all the places
like the Mote that I had bookmarked.

20707. judithathome - 12/17/2006 2:35:25 AM

I hate it when that happens, Max!

20708. Ulgine Barrows - 12/17/2006 10:34:52 AM

20706. Max Macks - 12/16/2006 11:57:37 PM

Xmas not so great for me either ,]

but just came here to say that there was
a power outage here yesterday that lasted

20709. Ulgine Barrows - 12/17/2006 10:36:25 AM

My lights & PC restarted about 3-4 times today,

20710. Ulgine Barrows - 12/17/2006 10:39:43 AM

Esp after reading your post, Max
I haven't reset my stove/oven yet

Ponder longer

20711. judithathome - 12/17/2006 10:34:15 PM

Here's my first attempt at scanning....

early judith

20712. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/18/2006 2:03:27 AM

How disarmingly charming . . . is that reticent smile?!

Is that a former you, Judith, or eggzackly the same one to this day . . . or both?

20713. Magoseph - 12/18/2006 9:15:57 PM

Hello, little Judith,--goodness, aren’t you the cutest one I EVER saw! Who did your hair so pretty, curls and all? Your mommy, you say, well, how nice you look in this pretty dress! Now tell me, what do you want from Santa?

I want a puppy, MY VERY OWN PUPPY, but Mommy said no, not this year, maybe never.

Don’t shout, sweetheart, please, she can’t hear you from the kitchen anyway. Now give me a big kiss and here is my present from Paris.

Thank you, thank you, tante Maggie, I love YOU!

20714. judithathome - 12/18/2006 11:48:47 PM

Wiz, Keoni thinks I look exactly like that picture and I love him for thinking so!

20715. judithathome - 12/18/2006 11:50:47 PM

I drove all the way across town to the pool this afternoon, only to be greeted with "The pool is closed for 2 weeks for renovations". The girl at the counter asked "Didn't you get the news letter?" and I said "Do you think I'd have driven all the way over here if I had?"

20716. judithathome - 12/19/2006 7:17:58 PM

Auntie Maggie, I have decided I don't want a puppy after being run ragged by this little kitten this morning so I'd rather have something slinky and sexy from Paris, if you don't mind! ;-)

And yes, it WAS my mother who put those beautiful curls in my hair and when I was older, she decided I needed them permanently on my head. She gave me one of those wretched home permanents but was too tired to take the rollers out and sent me to bed with them still in; next morning when she got me ready for school, the perm was so tight I looked like Jesse Jackson! I was mortified and screamed as she put me on the bus. I had an afro way before afros were cool....

But she did wonderful things for me, like making thet dress I had on in the picture I posted. It was pale yellow silk with tiny pink rosebuds and it looked like it came from a shop in Paris. She was an exquisite seamstress and I was always dressed to the nines in wonderful clothes.

20717. thoughtful - 12/20/2006 4:39:18 AM

cute pic jah!

Ms No,so sorry for your loss.

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