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20720. arkymalarky - 12/20/2006 4:55:40 AM

Judith, that is an adorable picture and it's very much like you.

I must say I laughed till I cried at your perm story, thinking of you talking about other childhood things last summer, and Bob laughed too when I read it to him, and said "I can just hear Judith telling that."

20721. arkymalarky - 12/20/2006 5:01:09 AM

And Mose made me laugh till I cried earlier on the phone over a kid story. Maybe it's my state of mind, but we were talking about Christmas presents and I said something about her having wanted a Baby Cry-alot so bad and having nothing to do with it after she got it. She was about five. She informed me that it was called "Baby Alive," and it pissed all over her and she thought that was gross (this doll ate and pooped and she peed yellow, at least according to Mose. I never got a chance to see how she worked). I asked Mose what she thought a "Baby Alive" would do, and she said she didn't think a doll would perform bodily functions. She said if she'd wanted that she'd have just asked us to adopt a real baby.

20722. Magoseph - 12/20/2006 5:10:45 PM

Joyeuses fêtes à tous !

20723. wabbit - 12/20/2006 6:52:57 PM

Cute pic, JaH (and isn't WoW handsome in a beard!).

I forgot to post this sooner, but better late than never.
wabbit's holiday tunes

Playlist #1 is worksafe ... Playlist #2 is NOT.

20724. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/20/2006 8:25:43 PM

Fabulous wabb, and the second list is a hoot that will indeed be passed around. Tanx!

20725. judithathome - 12/20/2006 9:12:09 PM

Oh my god! My son just sent me this...you HAVE to listen to it!

Accident Report

20726. PsychProf - 12/20/2006 11:56:21 PM

Wabbit...I put your music up at RI. Let me know if this is a problem.

20727. wonkers2 - 12/21/2006 12:25:42 AM

Don't tangle with little ole ladies!

20728. wabbit - 12/21/2006 3:09:11 AM

PP, it shouldn't be a problem until I run out of bandwidth. Then I can just take the whole shebang to the next host on my list!

JaH, that was a riot - too bad there's no video.

20729. judithathome - 12/23/2006 6:17:53 PM

Harley got up on the dining room table this morning and stealthily removed the rope of gold beads from the Christmas arrangement and was racing all the over the house with it. It is now her new toy.

This took mad skills as it was laced around the bases of 5 really tall and breakable goblets filled with decorations...and she didn't tip a one of them over. Gives new meaning to the words "cat burgler".

20730. PelleNilsson - 12/23/2006 6:58:53 PM

A Merry Christmas to everybody!

20731. wonkers2 - 12/23/2006 10:31:31 PM

Likewise to you and yours!

20732. Ms. No - 12/24/2006 9:56:18 AM

I'm off to the Bay Area in the morning for the Christmas gathering. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday!!

20733. Magoseph - 12/24/2006 12:45:00 PM

Bring back pictures of your brother's kids, Ms. No.

20734. Magoseph - 12/24/2006 12:50:29 PM

Joyeux Noël, dear Pelle!

20735. arkymalarky - 12/24/2006 4:23:41 PM

Merry Christmas to you too, Pelle, and to all the Mote folks. And safe travels to the travelers, No and anyone else on the go.

20736. wabbit - 12/24/2006 5:07:29 PM

Merry Christmas, everyone!

20737. judithathome - 12/24/2006 10:01:31 PM

Merry Christmas to all the Moties who make my days brighter with your wit and informative ways on the internet...I wish all of you could come to our New Year's Day party! We have 14 bottles of champagne and by this time next week, will be deep into the making of glorious food for it.

20738. Ronski - 12/24/2006 10:08:52 PM

Frosty wishes everybody Happy Holidays.

He also requests that you pray for cold and snow.

Thank you.

And Merry Christmas from me, too.

20739. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/24/2006 11:25:38 PM

I have a good friend and family member trying to come back from a thoracotomy and resection of his esophagus– the result of a malignant tumor that was first thought to be benign.

Holidays get tougher and more meaningful. Whatever level of health you have, I wish you all much more of it and the peace and love we all need and deserve to survive the time remaining to us. May the coming year be kind to you all and filled with unexpected joys.

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