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20742. wonkers2 - 12/25/2006 2:07:06 AM

Griswold is one fat cat!

20743. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 12/25/2006 2:53:17 AM

And a beautiful place to dwell!

20744. Ronski - 12/25/2006 3:54:33 AM

Griswold insists he's big-boned.

Thanks, Wiz.

20745. alistairConnor - 12/25/2006 5:26:33 AM

Merry christmas all.
Just got home from a feast with my girlfriend's family. I was tasked with bringing the cheese - I considered that an honour, and invested considerable thought and trouble into making a good selection. It was very well received, I have passed the induction test.

Then I spent an hour on the phone to my family in NZ - actually I phoned four siblings and got answering machines, before ringing my mother, and they were all there...

20746. Ronski - 12/25/2006 6:06:50 AM

Well don't keep us hanging! What kind of cheese??

20747. judithathome - 12/25/2006 5:24:53 PM

Jen, if you check in here, I wanted you to know I had a dream about you last night. (I think I'm getting pneumonia so that might have had something to do with it...heh) You invited me to come to an Indian restaurant and met me at the front of it...you told me we had to wear the proper dresses before we could enter.

There was a room off the foyer and we went in and began trying on these gorgeous long dresses. The had contrasting jackets that went with them...all of them were exquisite and we traded different dresses and admired ourselves in long mirrors in the dressing room. The dresses were all one size but once on our bodies they fit perfectly and made everyone who wore one look outstanding. The woman in charge of the room charged us a dollar a piece for the dresses and we could only buy one per meal...in other words, we'd have to come back and buy another dress before eating there again.

You and I were going insane trying these things on and every single one of them looked great on you, on me, and on other women in there. Finally, we made our choices and entered the restaurant and had a lovely meal...we ate and drank and everyone had the best time.

Afterward, as we were leaving, we made a date to come back and not only enjoy another meal but get another stunning dress!

It was a great dream...thanks for being in it! ;-)

20748. Wombat - 12/25/2006 6:16:00 PM

Merry Christmas, Chappy Chanukah, etc. Mom-in-Law coming for dinner, then on to NYC tomorrow.

20749. arkymalarky - 12/25/2006 6:29:09 PM

Same to you, Wombat!

Cool dream and cool pictures, Judith and Ronski! We're off to my MIL's too (I'm waiting, as usual, for Bob to get ready), lots of family in from all over, and Mose's new BF. She's happy as a clam (so are we), and if anyone knows anyone in need of not one, but two gorgeous wedding dresses in size 3....

Been working on my project and will get back to it as soon as I get home, but I think I'll be able to get it done in time. Not with any to spare, though.

20750. wonkers2 - 12/25/2006 6:41:55 PM

Merry Christmas and a great New Year to all!

20751. Magoseph - 12/26/2006 7:26:02 PM

Hello, everyone—-I enjoyed the wonderful posts above and Ronski's beautiful pictures very much.

Christmas for us was peaceful and quiet, exactly what we needed this year.

20752. judithathome - 12/26/2006 11:43:08 PM

I was sick as a dog all day yesterday and not much better today. High as a kite on cold meds and trying to take a nap so I won't be half asleep at dinner tonight.

We're going to a fancy schmancy dinner at our friend's house...one of the chefs. Keoni made two pies that look fabulous...an apple one and a peach/blackberry. Guy, the chef, is going to serve salmon, shrimp, and something else I can't recall.

20753. arkymalarky - 12/27/2006 3:14:04 AM

Hope you recoup enough to enjoy the evening Judith. And watch your step. ;-)

20754. Magoseph - 12/27/2006 12:35:35 PM

Judith, I envy your dreams—I never have good dreams, but I have nightmares, horrible ones like this one, for example, when I rush for school and don’t make it in time. Going down the hall towards my classroom, teachers are watching me with glee and when I open my door, I see on the white board in big black letters: YOUR STUDENTS ARE IN THE GYM WATCHED BY A SUBSTITUTE.

Or, and those dreams are the worst ones, when I relive near catastrophes of the long ago past and it is always about what was avoided at the time and could have ruined me emotionally or financially. In my dreams, I struggle to wake up and when I do, I’m sweating profusely, my heart is beating and I have to make an assessment of my present situation, safe, sound, boys are happy adults.

20755. thoughtful - 12/27/2006 5:54:43 PM

Belated christmas wishes to everyone.

I would say happy christmas but ours this year left a lot to be desired.

Rather than focus on that, I will tell you about the best part of our christmas...after I cooked that (horrible to me wonderful to him) traditional slovak dinner, we went for a walk in the neighborhood. For about a mile throughout, the neighbors all get together and light luminaries that line both sides of the street, one every 10 paces or so. Between that, the xmas lights, and the mild temperatures, it made for a most excellent walk.

20756. arkymalarky - 12/27/2006 6:30:18 PM

I hope 2007 is much better for you, Thoughtful, maybe even celebrated in your new house.

Mags, that teacher dream really rings a bell (so to speak). I quit having them finally, a few years ago, but in mine I am running late and school has been going on two weeks or so and I didn't get the memo, and I can't get ready and I can't call the school and it's getting on toward noon and I'm still trying to get to work and thinking I might as well go home because school will be out by the time I get there. And in dreams where I do get there no one is watching my class and my kids are bouncing off the walls destroying everything and won't do anything I say when I try to get them under control. Bob has them as well, but I don't remember the details of his.

20757. arkymalarky - 12/27/2006 6:31:05 PM

Fortunately I haven't had any nightmares about this project, but it's enough of a nightmare in the daytime.

20758. wabbit - 12/28/2006 5:00:17 PM

Ms IT had suggested having a Dreams thread quite a while ago. I don't know if I could do justice describing my dreams. Some are incredibly horrible, gory and violent, and some are just fantastic, but almost none have anything to do reality. I'm also mostly not in my own dreams, not as myself anyway...I know that in your dreams you are supposed to be everyone. I have one that I did a painting of, where a large ribcage is floating in space amongst small, flat, sharp edged bright rectangular objects and drops of blood. I don't want to know what that was about.

Does anyone else rewind and edit? Now what kind of control freak do you have to be to do that in your dreams?

20759. alistairconnor - 12/28/2006 5:14:02 PM

I have a dream that comes back with variations. The theme is that I'm at university, but I've been letting things slide and skipping classes, to the extent that I don't even know what class I'm supposed to be going to, and I've got an impossibly big backlog of work. And the brick wall of exams is coming up.

20760. alistairconnor - 12/28/2006 5:17:09 PM

Yesterday I got a Christmas card from my sister, with a DVD enclosed. It's a transcription of our father's Super-8 home movies from the 1960s. Lots of laughs, and probably some good dream material too.

20761. thoughtful - 12/28/2006 5:17:34 PM

Thanks, arky.

Our sadness compounded by the fact that the old family homestead is no more. They started at about 8 am on Tuesday and by noon, the house was gone. Hubby and I shed a lot of tears. I took pictures as I was sobbing. I'll have to post a few sometime. Right now they are still too painful to look at.

He's feeling much better about the house being gone now, though, as when he saw the condition of the beams as they tore it down, he realized there was no saving it. They did save as many beams as they could and now we have a large pile of very old wood. Not sure how much we can or should save and how much will end up as fire wood. Stunning to see the condition of the beams...cracked, rotted, notched so much as to look like giant-sized dentile molding. To think these were the best and strongest ones there! One builder saw the wood and all the notches and thought that the beams may have been previously used before being put into the house in the 1790s. Certainly the house was not built by a wealthy family. But I can't knock what they did...it stood for over 200 years...not sure how many homes being built today will be able to make the same brag.

But we have some with cross braces and we have some with the pegs still in the ends. We have some with the old steel nails. We hope to be able to use some decoratively in the new house. The longest beam we would need would be 18' and the demo guy wasn't sure he'd be able to get that out...instead he got 2 out that were at least 21' long, so we may be very lucky indeed.

However, the last thing I want to do is bring the old beams in only to bring in insects and rot and such into the new house. We'll need someone who knows his old wood to take a look and let us know what's what. The beams seem to be mostly oak...white and red...with maybe a few chestnuts mixed in.

While it is very sad to see the landscape changed so drastically for the first time in centuries, it is much easier to see the lay of the land and how wonderful the new house will be on it.

Mom gave hubby a painting of the old house that came out really really nice. We'll always keep that in memory of the old gal, and give it a prominent location in the new house for sure.

We meet with architect tomorrow am to look at the old beams and the land so he can help render a judgment on them.

No place else to go but up.

As hubby's old boss told us...close your eyes, open your wallet and let 'er rip!

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