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20908. wonkers2 - 1/21/2007 6:14:39 AM

One of the first foreign movies I saw preceded "Mafioso"--it was "Bitter Rice" starring Sylvana Mangano and Vittorio Gassman. I don't remember the plot, except that Mangano was beautiful and quite sexy, and Gassman was the personnification of evil. Mangano preceded Sophia Loren as Italy's sexiest actress, if memory serves me. But she was never in the same league as an actress as Sophia Loren. My film guide says Bitter Rice came out in 1949. I must be getting old!

20909. judithathome - 1/21/2007 6:48:44 AM

But she was never in the same league as an actress as Sophia Loren

I think you have that backwards...

20910. wonkers2 - 1/21/2007 6:51:29 AM

Maybe. But she didn't make as many pictures or as much money as Loren or Gina Lollobrigida for that matter. I thought she did a great job in "Bitter Rice." I don't remember seeing her again after that.

20911. judithathome - 1/22/2007 12:01:32 AM

You never saw The Rose Tattoo?

She was a dynamic actress, far superior to those other two you mentioned, and she did it without the boon of good looks and big tits.

20912. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/22/2007 12:32:24 AM

Judith, you must be drugged or getting like Emily Latella. You're confusing Anna Magnani with Sylvana Mangano–different people and different movies.

20913. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/22/2007 12:40:45 AM

Oh, and another thing, Anna Magnani's "tits" weren't small an definitely part of her persona and "the act."

20914. judithathome - 1/22/2007 1:52:33 AM

I may be drugged but I'm not confusing the two...Anna was in The Rose Tattoo and she was great.

I realized after I posted that she DID have a rack but unlike Loren, wasn't know for that alone. ;-)

20915. judithathome - 1/22/2007 1:54:50 AM

I would say until she made Two Women Loren wasn't taken seriously as an A list actress at all. More of a novelty.

She's a beautiful woman and nothing to sneeze at but not in the same league as Magnani as a dramatic actress. In my opinion, anyhow.

20916. judithathome - 1/22/2007 1:56:01 AM

Sorry, Magos, for dragging this into your cafe and not directing it to the movie thread. But it's slow this weekend so maybe it's okay. ;-)

20917. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/22/2007 6:13:38 AM

Wonkers wasn't talking about Anna, he was referring to Sylvanna. Reread above.

20918. wonkers2 - 1/22/2007 4:34:20 PM

Thanks Wiz. I'm not sure how I neglected to mention Anna Magnani. Of course she was a greater actress than Sofia Loren. The "Rose Tattoo" is a classic. Silvana Mangano had one thing in common with Loren--they both married movie moguls-Dino de Laurentis and Carlo Ponti.

20919. Magoseph - 1/22/2007 5:01:01 PM

It's okay, Judith, of course--here we talk about everything.

Hello, Wiz, Wonk--snow where you are?

20920. alistairconnor - 1/22/2007 5:16:44 PM

Looking like snow over here. First serious snow of the winter, starting tonight most likely.

20921. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 1/22/2007 5:42:18 PM

Hi Mago–no snow in Connecticut.

20922. judithathome - 1/22/2007 6:48:57 PM

Ooops. Sorry...I thought Anna was in the movie he mentioned.

20923. judithathome - 1/22/2007 6:49:57 PM

So what's going on with WC? I wonder when people are going to get tired of the outages over there.

maybe it's working for some but not for me. I can't even get the Home page to come up anymore.

20924. wonkers2 - 1/22/2007 11:30:27 PM

That movie, "Bitter Rice," was before your time, Judith! Sylvana Mangano didn't make very many movies. She married Dino de Laurentis and apparently settled down as a housewife.

20925. arkymalarky - 1/23/2007 5:05:23 AM

My satellite internet is put off until March, which may be good, since we'll be pretty busy until then and I don't need the diversion. When it comes in I'll probably check out WC again and a couple of other places.

Bob got me Sirius for Christmas and hooked it up this weekend. I'm really going to like it on my commute. It works the whole way, which sort of surprised me.

20926. Magoseph - 1/23/2007 6:17:05 PM

I swore that after the last election I would NEVER invest any of my emotions in another, ever again. But then, after reading “Harpy, Hero, Heretic: Hillary”, (posted by Jex in American Politics), I got fired-up again and let me tell you, Clinton definitely has my vote and let me tell you too, not for the reasons that someone like me would be expected to have—no, N O, period! It is because Hillary was never accused of shoplifting-- I HATE shoplifting because long ago I was a naive victim of this most dastardly crime.

My friend, the elegant Hildegard will vote for Hillary because as a betrayed wife, she has not committed adultery—I mean, we’d know if she had, where, when, with whom and how many times. My other friend, the much put-upon wife with five unruly kids and an alcoholic ex-husband will vote for the first time ever and for Hillary. My sons will vote for her too because they would not be mine anymore if they were Republicans. One daughter-in-law will too for some murky reasons I couldn’t understand. The other will because her folks won’t.
The forty-year-old couple building a house next to us will also vote for Hillary because they voted for her husband as will for the same reason the sixty-year old couple in the one lot over already built. The kitty-corner neighbor will vote for her because her late husband hated Hillary with neo-con passion. Overall, let me tell you, everyone I know these days including three cashiers at three different stores, all say they will vote for her, except for my brother who luckily can’t vote, given he’s a neighbor of Alistair.

We live in a sick world and IT IS all Hillary’s fault, says Flexy, but you know me, I feel for the biggest minority in this country, oppressed girls and women, little white-hair ladies, even you and Judith and that’s hard to do—-so Hillary has my vote.

The only voters I know who make sense are my friend John and his wife Jan who say they’ll vote for her because she’s experienced, knows how the game is played and they know she’ll send Bill abroad to mend the international broken fences.

20927. alistairconnor - 1/23/2007 6:29:14 PM

Mago I love you! What a brilliant rant.

I think it has potential as a short story...

except for my brother who luckily can’t vote, given he’s a neighbor of Alistair.

Yes, but sadly he'll vote for Sarko. Or worse.

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