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20997. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 7:32:12 AM

My wife came up with the same result--0 people in the U.S. with her name.

20998. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 7:34:08 AM

And I just did her maiden name and got the same result--0 with her first name and 3800 with her last name.

20999. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 7:37:00 AM

Mine was 422,956 with my first name; 3,300 with my last name and 5 with my full name. I wonder who and where the other 4 are?

21000. concerned - 1/26/2007 7:54:57 AM

The millennial?

21001. Ulgine Barrows - 1/26/2007 12:36:41 PM

Well done, concerned!

21002. Ulgine Barrows - 1/26/2007 12:39:08 PM

BTW, there is none of me on that how many of me site.
It seems suspect.

21003. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 1:21:27 PM

Maybe the reason some names don't show up is because they never were in the U.S. Census Bureau statistics files?

What do you think?

Good job, concerned--it was exactly three years ago when Wabbit made me the host of this thread--we had then about 6500 posts. We didn't do too badly, the four of five of us...

21004. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 1:22:40 PM

Thinking of you and your mother, thoughtful--a spot taken early may not be life treatening, I sincerely hope.

21005. thoughtful - 1/26/2007 3:41:35 PM

Thanks, mags. We take it as it comes. Not like we can do anything about it anyway.

21006. judithathome - 1/26/2007 3:45:07 PM

Thoughtful, I'm so sorry to read about your mom...here's hoping it's just a scare.

21007. thoughtful - 1/26/2007 4:09:02 PM

Thanks J@h. The Cat scan results show it is something, and fairly good sized at that in her right lung. Cat scan also revealed an aortic aneurysm. Nice. Next step is a pet scan which she'll have next wed. Until then, it's more wait, wait, wait....

Me, I think i'd high-tail it off to a surgeon right away. Why screw around? Get rid of the damn thing and move on. I mean if it is cancer, which is most likely, it can only spread. It's not going to go away.

21008. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 5:00:43 PM

Yes. And my impression is that they don't usually waste much time before doing surgery to correct an aortic aneurism. At least, that was the case with a friend of mine.

21009. wonkers2 - 1/26/2007 5:01:49 PM

Mago, you sent us bad weather! Snow advisory today and it's snowing like hell right now.

21010. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:27:13 PM

We've snow predicted for Saturday night--right now, it's 25, will be 38 at three. Starting Sunday, we're supposed to have a week of bitter cold.

You're getting this snow from up north WI where it's snowing right now.

21011. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:32:51 PM

Golly, do you see what I see? I must have done it, but now I have no idea how to get rid of it.

21012. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:34:10 PM

Oh, well, it doesn't seem to stop the flow--so I guess I'm going to close up the browser and see.

21013. Magoseph - 1/26/2007 5:39:52 PM

This is what I have between my last post and the Posting Window. I can click every one of the entries.

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21014. wabbit - 1/26/2007 6:51:00 PM

mags, you didn't do it. It started with an open table and an unclosed comment tag in wonkers2' post. When Ms. No corrected the table, the comment tag was still making a mess. I've deleted all three posts and it all seems to be working now. I'll repost the name tables in a sec...

21016. wabbit - 1/26/2007 6:58:43 PM


20985. Magoseph - 1/25/2007 3:37:52 PM

How many people in the US have your name?

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

20990. wonkers2 - 1/25/2007 6:17:09 PM

LogoThere are:
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

21017. wabbit - 1/26/2007 7:03:24 PM

I've been offline for a few days, so to catch up a bit...

WoW, hard to choose between those two, but I lean marginally toward the first.

iiibbb, congratulations!!

t'ful, I'm sorry to hear about your mom, I hope she will be ok. I'm with you, I'd get to a surgeon asap.

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