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21072. arkymalarky - 2/5/2007 7:22:13 PM

Nice and crisp and clear here. Around 50F, I'd imagine. Had to go to the doctor today. I'm back on my full allergy regimen with daily nasal steroid, weekly shots, antihistimine and decongestant. I hated it at the time, but I'm thrilled about going back to it. Not going off it again unless I move to a drier location. I walked a mile with Bob yesterday. I have class tonight, but I'm hoping to start walking at least "one round" (a mile total) with him now that my schedule is less hectic and I'm back on the allergy regimen.

21073. judithathome - 2/6/2007 10:19:37 PM

Arky, 70 degress headed your way today!

21074. Magoseph - 2/7/2007 12:08:15 AM

70 degres?--Oh my, it's painful to think that I could be there right now visiting you, Keoni and my younger son.

21075. wonkers2 - 2/7/2007 12:36:06 AM

It's around zero in Detroit.

21076. judithathome - 2/7/2007 1:44:40 AM

Well, Magos, you'd have to wait for Keoni to get home from work. And I'm sure he'd do that early just because you were here...he adores you!

21077. Ulgine Barrows - 2/7/2007 9:01:36 AM

I met this lady who is completely daft, like me kinda

I am so hoping we will be friends. Time will tell.

21078. Ulgine Barrows - 2/7/2007 9:06:02 AM

And don't you go poking fun

I've lost more firegundis, it'd make anyone sick.

21079. Ulgine Barrows - 2/7/2007 9:07:29 AM

thoughtful - 2/2/2007 3:51:22 PM
Doc in FL recommended needle biopsy,

My mom died from that.

21080. Ulgine Barrows - 2/7/2007 9:10:34 AM

I sure hope you and yours have a better doctor!

21081. Ulgine Barrows - 2/7/2007 9:14:49 AM

Or practioner. Whatever they're called.

I knew it was all a mistake when I saw they guy was in his late 20s. Hence the jokes about "practice" when doctors are mentioned.

You've seen the difference and it's getting wider every time.

21082. Ulgine Barrows - 2/7/2007 9:24:43 AM

On another note, isn't it a lovely day?

21083. thoughtful - 2/7/2007 3:42:49 PM

That's horrible, ulgine. I'm so sorry.

We're seeing the lung guy today and he'll decide whether we need that or not...the location of the tumor is such that they might be able to go via bronchoscope.

21084. thoughtful - 2/7/2007 4:48:11 PM

once in awhile i get to do something fun...just met with the art curator to discuss decorating a conference room we just had redone...just a pleasure.

21085. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/7/2007 6:39:20 PM

Happy Valentines Day!

A pair of human skeletons lie in an eternal embrace at an Neolithic archaeological dig site near Mantova, Italy, in this photo released February 6, 2007. Archaeologists in northern Italy believe the couple was buried 5,000-6,000 years ago, their arms still wrapped around each other in a hug that has lasted millennia.

21086. judithathome - 2/7/2007 6:44:30 PM

That IS romantic...if a little gruesome.

21087. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/7/2007 7:04:16 PM

Skeletons aren't gruesome, they're the amazing inner structure of a remarkable chrysalis.

21088. thoughtful - 2/7/2007 7:33:36 PM

I think i've been married too long...is that an embrace? Or is one trying to strangle the other.

I really have been married to long.

I can see the pic with a caption, I told you the pilot light wasn't lit! You never listen to me!

21089. thoughtful - 2/7/2007 7:50:52 PM

I have a question...there are lots of stores with fabrics and decorator supplies and furniture that sell to the "trade only". Does anyone know how/what constitutes the trade and how does one go about becoming a member of that trade? Will a business card do? A tax id? I'd love to become a member even if i have only one very special customer....myself.

21090. arkymalarky - 2/8/2007 12:32:43 AM


21091. arkymalarky - 2/8/2007 12:35:55 AM

It may involve having credentials of that trade (like a Master electrician) or belonging to an interior decorating organization, in which case you'd have to have a membership card or certificate or something. I have a friend who's an interior decorator. I'll ask him.

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