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Host: Magoseph

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21224. Magoseph - 2/24/2007 3:29:00 PM

Thanks, Wabbit--That Judith is so droll!

21225. arkymalarky - 2/24/2007 5:27:19 PM

I don't think non-Southerners are used to Baptists. They're not so bad once you get to know them. Not that I'd ever marry one.

21226. Magoseph - 2/24/2007 8:02:15 PM

My oldest son was fourteen when we moved southwest, the younger four. The first one married a northerner--the second two southerners.

We still correspond or see the friends we made while there and we never had any problems with Baptists, except for their father (not my Flexy), who came across as being condescending to them—-this attitude cost him a bundle as it turned out later.

21227. Magoseph - 2/24/2007 8:03:45 PM

We have losts of snow and more coming tonight.

21228. arkymalarky - 2/24/2007 8:48:13 PM

I'm being silly (trying to smoke out Jen ;-)). My family's Church of Christ (the old kind, not the Obama kind) and Bob's are Nazarene. Most Baptists are heatherns compared to them.

We've been under a tornado warning, but things have settled down, hopefully to stay.

21229. arkymalarky - 2/24/2007 8:49:00 PM

Where southwest, btw?

21230. arkymalarky - 2/24/2007 10:29:28 PM

Judith, did y'all get weather? This looked like it came in from OK. It's supposed to be very nice tomorrow.

21231. Magoseph - 2/25/2007 12:15:30 AM

Big blizzard moving in, 60 miles per hour wind—-eight inches to twelve inches predicted—we had three and a half inches last night.

21232. arkymalarky - 2/25/2007 12:33:38 AM

I looked on the weather map and your stuff seems to be the northern part of this same system. It's so warm here that the temp clash caused storms, but it's already gone through and I'm looking at blue skies. It's supposed to be beautiful tomorrow.

21233. arkymalarky - 2/25/2007 12:35:40 AM

Oh, and Judith, I meant to tell you we finally found that wine at our regular liquor store and I bought a half-case, but spilled a whole glass of it on the floor and wall just now, trying to look at the porch to see if yet another bird had killed itself banging our window (that's happened a few times lately, for some reason). Mazie was lapping it up faster than I could get her out of there and clean it up. She's chillin' now.

21234. arkymalarky - 2/25/2007 12:36:42 AM

And Mags, if all the moisture is in that system that it looks like, y'all are in for a real time with it moving so fast and precipitating so hard. Our rain gauge froze, but we got quite a lot in just a few hours.

21235. arkymalarky - 2/25/2007 12:37:02 AM

It froze a while back, so I don't know how much fell....

21236. Magoseph - 2/25/2007 12:52:07 AM

Arky, I hope our new rood stands against the wind. There's no way that we can make it to my son's house this weekend--that's a relief really! I'll try to make it here Monday or Tuesday if road conditions permit.

I can't imagine why they would want me to feed their cat and water the plants since they never asked me to do it before when they went away to the Caribbeans.

21237. Magoseph - 2/25/2007 12:54:54 AM

It's strange because they know how bad my back was for months and certainly a trip like that, even if it is only total about 45 miles is not too wise for me--just going to the store and getting food today was very tiring.

21238. arkymalarky - 2/25/2007 1:01:24 AM

Well I hope y'all have a warm and quiet weekend indoors!

21239. judithathome - 2/25/2007 8:49:51 PM

Here's my Harley cat at 3.6 snoozing pounds:

Harley snoozing

21240. arkymalarky - 2/25/2007 10:34:08 PM

Hey! He's a doll! I was about to call you.

21241. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/25/2007 11:25:25 PM

I'd call ya too, but I lost your number and address.

21242. arkymalarky - 2/26/2007 1:28:12 AM

Hey Wiz, I left a post about Huckabee for you in the Politics thread.

21243. alistairconnor - 2/26/2007 12:27:49 PM

Arky : Birds banging into your windows. I used to get that a lot, but fixed it by putting up a sticker with the silhouette of a raptor. It works wonderfully. You can get them from bird protection societies, or just draw one yourself.

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