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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21239 - 21258 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21239. judithathome - 2/25/2007 8:49:51 PM

Here's my Harley cat at 3.6 snoozing pounds:

Harley snoozing

21240. arkymalarky - 2/25/2007 10:34:08 PM

Hey! He's a doll! I was about to call you.

21241. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 2/25/2007 11:25:25 PM

I'd call ya too, but I lost your number and address.

21242. arkymalarky - 2/26/2007 1:28:12 AM

Hey Wiz, I left a post about Huckabee for you in the Politics thread.

21243. alistairconnor - 2/26/2007 12:27:49 PM

Arky : Birds banging into your windows. I used to get that a lot, but fixed it by putting up a sticker with the silhouette of a raptor. It works wonderfully. You can get them from bird protection societies, or just draw one yourself.

21244. arkymalarky - 2/27/2007 12:41:47 AM


21245. arkymalarky - 2/27/2007 12:42:34 AM

I don't recall having this problem before the last few weeks, and we've had several and only one survived.

21246. jexster - 2/28/2007 10:25:32 PM

Flame Job

Wonkers (aka Popeye the Sailor man), Jenerator and Thoughtful(sic) done Dirt Cheap in RP

Message # 28879 in thread 145

21247. wonkers2 - 3/1/2007 12:27:36 AM

Small world, Judith. We used to have a Siamese cat named Harley. Now we have a mixed breed named Sparky who's nearly 20 years old. He and I are waiting each other out.

21248. judithathome - 3/1/2007 12:43:16 AM

Harley has been sleeping ALL DAY...she's an angel today. ;-)

21249. Magoseph - 3/1/2007 8:24:30 PM

Hey, checking with you, dear Moties--yesterday was a market day, all day for me and mostly buying.

How are you?

21250. judithathome - 3/1/2007 10:03:53 PM

Facing making dinenr for 14 members of the garden club tonight. My neighbor and I are going to Sam's and buying two huge trays of some sort of Italian chicken and pasta dish and taking it up to the church kitchen at 5:15 to heat it up and bringing bagged salad and some garlic bread.

We volunteered to do this last week and both of us are kicking ourselves this afternoon.

21251. judithathome - 3/1/2007 10:04:16 PM


21252. arkymalarky - 3/2/2007 12:17:48 AM

I got through one hurdle this week (will bring the paper when I come to your house, Judith!;-)). Working on another next week, then grades, then do my work for my two courses I'm taking. My plate is full, but not too full or too stressful after next week. Until then I will hardly have time to look up, but that's okay.

21253. Magoseph - 3/2/2007 3:06:05 PM

Hooray--starting next week, we will be looking to have more conversations in this thread and The Good Life--won't we now, dear lovely Arky?

21254. thoughtful - 3/2/2007 3:30:59 PM

Mom came through surgery fine yesterday...thank goodness. No broken ribs and she actually looked good. Amazing considering she's almost 82. Doc saw no signs of it spreading to lymph nodes and removed the entire lobe of her lung. She was set up with the epidural pump, but as of last night, hadn't used it.

I had a heart attack though...while she was having surgery, the power went out! Fortunately it was brief, the OR backup generators kicked in and doc said it caused no disruption in the procedure at all. Whew!

21255. alistairconnor - 3/2/2007 4:13:02 PM

Good for her!
Was it anticipated to remove a lobe of her lung?

21256. Magoseph - 3/2/2007 4:20:06 PM

Great news, thoughtful--which lung was it and which lobe was removed?

21257. wabbit - 3/2/2007 4:31:13 PM

That's great news, t'ful!

21258. wonkers2 - 3/2/2007 5:12:32 PM

Glad for the good news, thoughtful!

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