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21266. alistairConnor - 3/3/2007 7:39:30 PM


A very handsome couple!

21267. arkymalarky - 3/3/2007 10:16:58 PM


21268. Magoseph - 3/3/2007 11:23:30 PM

Thank you all--yes, wonk, that's my baby--Keoni says that he looks like me--I can't see it, but he has my eyes.

21269. judithathome - 3/4/2007 6:17:22 AM

Keoni knows whereof he speaks, Mags...he used to be an investigator and took classes in face recognition.

21270. arkymalarky - 3/4/2007 4:13:06 PM

How's Leslie, Judith?

21271. judithathome - 3/4/2007 9:17:16 PM

He is going to the vascular surgeon on Tuesday. He may have another clot in his leg.

21272. wonkers2 - 3/4/2007 9:35:22 PM

Just out of curiosity what are the symptoms of blood clots in the legs? I get pains in my right upper leg when I sit a lot or on long plane flights and worry about clots.

21273. judithathome - 3/4/2007 10:15:07 PM

There's pain in the artery and he said the front part of his foot and his toes are numb...

21274. judithathome - 3/4/2007 10:17:03 PM

The surgeon told him he should walk at least an hour every day after the surgery and I think Leslie slept for like four days last week and woke up to this...I just want to beat his head against the wall! But he's a grown man and a mom can only do so much.

21275. wonkers2 - 3/5/2007 4:30:14 AM

I thought the leg blockages were usually in veins, not arteries. A friend had that. It was called DVT, "deep vein thrombosis." That's what I've wondered about when I get a pain in the back of my right thigh. ???

21276. Magoseph - 3/5/2007 6:51:33 PM

Thoughtful, how is your mom doing?

Wonks, have you considered that you could have a problem with a muscle in your upper leg?

Anyway, if the pain has not subsided for a while, you should see to it and the sooner the better.

21277. Ms. No - 3/5/2007 7:57:43 PM

Wonderful news about your mom, Thoughtful, but "I had a heart attack" is perhaps not the kindest expletive to use when you're talking about a scare at the hospital --- you scared me! ;->

21278. Ms. No - 3/5/2007 8:02:17 PM

I'm taking it in shifts with some other friends to care for a friend of mine who got thrown from her horse this weekend. Nothing broken, but she tore - read "shreadded" -the long tendon that runs from the groin to about midway down the femur so she's pretty well incapacitated. This is complimented/complicated by the torn muscles in her abdomen and thigh/groin and then just general soreness from the final landing.

21279. alistairConnor - 3/5/2007 9:15:30 PM

Ow! There are a thousand ways to fall off a horse. Not many of them pleasant. That doesn't sound like a good one.
Dangerous business, riding horses. I love it. But find I don't have the time these days.

My friend with the horses has had a couple of falls recently, and messed up his hands a bit

21280. Ms. No - 3/5/2007 9:47:31 PM

Yes, I've come off a time or two but never got much more than a sore bum from it. It was a freaky day for the horses apparently --- they were all acting up and you know how herd animals are, if one of them is freaking out all the others think they need to freak out too.

90% of the time her horse is a real peach, but he's just a baby and she's the first person to ever train him. When she got him about six months ago he'd only ever been ridden about 30 times and he's 4 years old. So, all in all, he's a dreamboat, but he does occasionally flip his lid.

21281. wabbit - 3/5/2007 11:22:42 PM

That sounds like a horse I had when I was in high school. Green-broke at four and very full of himself, a real handful to ride. When you are 15 years old, you don't care. He used to escape from his pasture and meet me at the bus stop up the street after school. He was great, I loved him.

I haven't ridden in years and have been told I won't ride again (don't want to have to have the titanium knee repaired/replaced). I never fell off my own horses, amazingly enough, but have had a couple spills. Broken ribs, a couple concussions, some minor embarrassment, nothing too serious.

I miss horses.

21282. judithathome - 3/6/2007 12:13:37 AM

This morning I was loading the dishwasher and Harley usually helps by getting up on the open door. I loaded it and put the soap in and closed it up, as usual. It was lucky for me I forgot to put the rice cooker lid in...when I reopened the door to put the lid into the dishwasher...HARLEY was inside!!! She was in the bottom of the washer, under the lower rack! Looking out at me....

I could have drowned her!

21283. Ms. No - 3/6/2007 1:02:47 AM

Oh my goodness! That was a close call --- I wonder how eager Harley will be to help with the dishes in future. ;->

21284. judithathome - 3/6/2007 4:05:37 PM

She stayed across the room this morning. heh.

Hi, DJ!

(that's my sister...she lurks sometimes.) ;-)

21285. thoughtful - 3/6/2007 4:28:01 PM

Mags, what a lovely couple. Congratulations!

Mom is coming along...they'll keep her an extra day though at this point as there's still more fluid around the lung than they'd like. But her pain is well controlled and she's been up and walking which is all to the good. Because she's ambulatory, she'll be able to go home, which is great, instead of heading to a nursing home for a week or so to recuperate.

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