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21317. wonkers2 - 3/9/2007 8:18:45 PM

The older we get the more we are conscious of our mortality. I've noticed that about myself recently.

21318. PelleNilsson - 3/9/2007 8:25:05 PM

So have I.

21319. wonkers2 - 3/9/2007 9:17:32 PM

Pelle, quit lurking and resume contributing!

21320. Magoseph - 3/9/2007 9:53:06 PM

I miss you, Pelle.

21322. Magoseph - 3/10/2007 1:31:21 PM

Cap'n--if you ever find a depiction of me that looks as I was as a young woman, I promise you I will leave it here--a couple of hints--eyes and hair were not brown.

21323. wonkers2 - 3/10/2007 3:48:23 PM


21324. Magoseph - 3/10/2007 5:49:13 PM

Good morning, Arky.

21325. arkymalarky - 3/10/2007 6:00:51 PM

Hey Mags. How are you?

21326. wonkers2 - 3/11/2007 6:00:46 AM

Special for Arky from Hank

21327. wonkers2 - 3/11/2007 6:04:38 AM

Fer Arky from The Cap'n

21328. wonkers2 - 3/11/2007 6:10:25 AM

Special for Ulgine from Hank

21329. arkymalarky - 3/11/2007 6:47:49 AM

Thanks Wonk! I'm supposed to be on satellite broadband by the end of the month and look forward to hearing it. The picture looks great. Bro sent me a Hank Williams something a week or two ago, I think, and I've got it in line to play as well. I don't remember which song he sent.

21330. Ulgine Barrows - 3/11/2007 6:48:47 AM

Thank you for posting that Hank Williams Lovesick Blues--Video thing.

I am sorry I smashed all that china & crystal, in a way (I posted about that a while back).
I found it was worth a lot, if ebay is my guide, kinda rare stuff.

The boys are gone. I am so relieved.

The big boy left his moldy paperbacks behind for me to clean up, of course.

But he left because I smashed things, so I guess that is good and well.
Everything has its price....

So yeah, I guess Lovesick Blues about sums it up.

I really didn't like living with him, but I love him.

21331. arkymalarky - 3/11/2007 7:01:10 AM

Solicited (by virtue of the nature of your posts) advice:

Ulgine, I don't know what you're looking for here or when you smash china, but you're only going to find it when you turn inward and look from there outward onto the effect you have on the people around you, especially the ones you love most.

I say that from the perspective of one cursed with a vile temper--and a mate who has the same--which makes it hard for me to do what I advised you myself, but has made it possible to live with that man, my dearest friend and life partner, for 25 years and running. And it gets easier all the time.

21332. arkymalarky - 3/11/2007 7:05:15 AM

Some things broken can't be put back together and are gone forever. Not much use in looking back. But that's not true of most things, and we may too easily give up on them, believing that they are beyond repair. It's very difficult to know the difference, however.


21333. wonkers2 - 3/11/2007 2:46:31 PM

Arky, I was raised in Louisiana on Hank Williams. What you can find on YouTube is amazing. Many of the old songs. Must be they are off copyright?? Or somebody's ignoring the copyrights.

21334. arkymalarky - 3/11/2007 6:42:24 PM

His son's probably staying too drunk to keep up. Unless he's cleaned up again since last I heard.

21335. wonkers2 - 3/11/2007 7:42:10 PM

Too bad. Like father like son. Hank Sr. had a bit of a problem. Some say to relieve back pain.

21336. judithathome - 3/11/2007 11:31:42 PM

There IS no Hank song for me...no surprise. Ha!

21337. judithathome - 3/11/2007 11:46:00 PM

Arky, 21331 and 21332 are not only excellent advice but are beautifully written.

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