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21470. arkymalarky - 4/3/2007 6:41:27 PM

Cool! France certainly made headlines here with its record-breaking train speed.

21471. judithathome - 4/3/2007 10:40:46 PM

Arky, I've been so bummed about our cancelled plans today...right now, we'd be opening a bottle of wine and I'd be starting the scampi for dinner. :-(

(Well, make that in an hour from now....)

21472. jexster - 4/4/2007 12:44:21 AM

Just don't open UR wrists their JAH...can't trust the mule service from AR I always said

21473. jexster - 4/4/2007 12:44:30 AM


21474. arkymalarky - 4/4/2007 1:42:23 AM

I hear they're owned by wacky Californians.

I hate it, Judith. I've been totally worthless all day. Right now I'm digging into Oreos.

21475. judithathome - 4/4/2007 5:46:54 AM

Well, you missed an exciting evening Arky! Saw 15 minutes of House and the rest of the hour was devoted to tornado warnings straight through til 10pm. We got not one drop of rain but in surrounding communities, people weren't so lucky, lots of roof damage a few miles away. I guess I can't fault the local stations for hogging the airwaves when it really was dangerous...the air outside looked positively yellow with huge dark clouds swirling around and we had our emergency plans all ready to go...where to wait it out, blankets for coverage, etc.

Then, it all blew past and we had a beer and watched the season premiere of The Shield.

21476. judithathome - 4/4/2007 5:47:58 AM

Oh, and it's not headed your way...it was going south this time.

21477. betty - 4/4/2007 3:19:38 PM

Thanks for the warm greeting all.

Yes, this place is crazy enough to be my home. (I am such a petulant child.)

I'm still working on the cranes. Though I'm almost done with my BA!!! Such a freakin' relief.

The Weedgirl is almost eight and thoroughly fabulous. Whipsmart and funny not to mention gorgeous! Her dad still lives in town so they get a lot of time together which is nice for her.

21478. wabbit - 4/4/2007 3:22:25 PM

Almost eight, it doesn't seem possible. Glad to know things are going well. What are you studying?

21479. betty - 4/4/2007 3:37:15 PM

American History. Taking a year off before grad school then through a PhD program...I think. I thought about doing housing law, but the idea of law school with Weed still so demanding of my time...well, I doubt it would work.

21480. Ms. No - 4/4/2007 3:38:58 PM

Hi Betty!

Whipped up a batch of body powder the other day and thought of you. It's great to see you here!

21481. betty - 4/4/2007 3:40:23 PM

Ms. No!

How are you in a general sort of way?

21482. arkymalarky - 4/4/2007 7:32:07 PM

I guess I can't fault the local stations for hogging the airwaves when it really was dangerous...the air outside looked positively yellow with huge dark clouds swirling around and we had our emergency plans all ready to go...where to wait it out, blankets for coverage, etc.

Tis the season. I'd have been glad to sit and wait it out with y'all, but if something hit while I was on the train I'd be trying to jump off of it. I handle it okay at home or school (it happens a lot in this particular part of the state, and any time of year), but on the road I'm a complete basket case. Of course my commute has so many trees and so few houses it's hard to know when or where to pull over. One year I booked it home right after a graduation, skipping the reception (we always have a nice one for everybody afterward at the school), and I barely got home ahead of a massive system that took out a lot of trees between school and home. Had I waited even five minutes I'd have been in the middle of it, and likely would have been blocked from getting home in any direction. Of course here, someone with a chainsaw will be along any minute and trees get moved pretty fast, but I'd have probably died of fright before then.

Speaking of, we had hail Monday night around 11:00, but this stuff came through last night with no rain (we already had plenty) yet still bringing the cooler temps--yea!

21483. arkymalarky - 4/4/2007 7:35:59 PM

Congrats to you on the BA Betty! Glad to hear your daughter's doing so well!

21484. Ms. No - 4/5/2007 2:36:59 AM

Doing pretty well, Betty. I'm stressed out, but living the best life I know how at the moment. I moved back up to Sacramento in August and have gone back to school to get my credential to teach high school English. That's still about two years away since I'm having to work full time for the next little while, but I've finally decided what I want to be when I grow up and I'm absolutely thrilled!

What are you getting your BA in, again?

21485. betty - 4/5/2007 6:10:52 PM

Ms. No.

I hear you on the working full time and school. I've been working 30 hrs a week (I sell furniture, can you imagine?!) for the last three years plus school full time which was no big deal at the community college, but the work's a little tougher up here in the top tier. I average four nights a week sleep. I get a little crazy sometimes. If I had it to do over again I would find another way. Part time sounds divine, though really I can't complain, they covered all but two thousand dollars a year on an almost forty thousand tuition. My degree will be in history.

I have a good friend in Sacramento, I might be going out this summer, I'll be sure to drop you a line if I do, we can have lunch.

21486. alistairConnor - 4/5/2007 7:56:30 PM

... Oh I'd love to be a fly on the wall...

... or a dog under the table ...

21487. arkymalarky - 4/5/2007 8:23:05 PM

Down, boy.

21488. Ms. No - 4/6/2007 3:30:41 PM

I'd love to meet up with you, Betty! Definitely let me know if you come to town.

21489. Ms. No - 4/6/2007 3:35:29 PM

In about ten minutes I'm off to spend my last half-day in Hell. Everybody keep your fingers crossed that the staffing recruiter continues to shirk her duty until after Noon today.

I can't believe they sent me to an assignment that's been through six temps this year alone all filling in for a woman who's out on Medical Stress Leave due to having a nervous breakdown caused by working for this insane bitch who runs the company.

I'll give you all a full rant later.

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