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21710. thoughtful - 5/1/2007 6:19:37 PM

that's what i get for reading quickly.

Seeing as I won't be around the rest of this week anyway, I guess it's better to be early than late.

So happy bday yet to come.

21711. Magoseph - 5/4/2007 11:59:04 AM

Happy Birthday, dear Judith!

21712. wonkers2 - 5/4/2007 12:22:09 PM

Ditto Judith!

21713. wonkers2 - 5/4/2007 12:23:10 PM

The Cap'n's taking the Tomater Sloop out for a shakedown today in case anybody's interested.

21714. Ms. No - 5/4/2007 3:09:33 PM

Many happy returns of the day, Jude!

21715. judithathome - 5/4/2007 3:23:01 PM

Thanks, everyone...looks like I may get exciting weather for it.

Seems like we have tornado alerts every week and most come on Tuesdays or the weekend.

My neighbor is throwing a party tomorrow night...it's a send-off for his son, who is going to the Navy to be a fireman on an aircraft carrier. Can't say I'm happy about seeing this kid sent into the jaws of death like that but we're going, anyhow.

21716. poipual - 5/4/2007 9:32:11 PM

message to arky
Evie and I are flying to Little Rock 0n 13th and will spend around 5 days in Hot Springs. We will rent a car a probably dive up to Branson on 17th and then through Mo & Kentucky where I want to look up a childhood friend. There's a great restaurnt in Hot Springs were looking forward to. when I tell that to the west coast snobs they laugh. Little do they know!

I've met a couple of Fraysters and Moties over the years (the infamous jexster, for one. Always enjoyed canversations with you and would like to meet you and your man. Are you anywhee near L.R?

21717. judithathome - 5/4/2007 10:04:45 PM

Hey, aloha, Al! Howzit?

21718. poipual - 5/4/2007 10:17:14 PM

Hi judith,

All is well. We're in Oakland since 2/1/07, and will be here until June 10 (except for the above trip). Then we go uo to reno for a golf tournament, then on to Ilwaco, Wa.
In Oct. we go back to Kauai for 4 months. Come on over for a visit. Do yu suppose I'll hear from arky before 13th?

21719. wabbit - 5/4/2007 11:14:20 PM

Happy birthday, JaH!

21720. arkymalarky - 5/5/2007 12:59:02 AM


21721. arkymalarky - 5/5/2007 1:02:34 AM

Poi, I'd LOVE to meet you and Evie!! It's an easy drive to Hot Springs from my house, and it's perfect timing for me (I finish up my grad work next week and graduate the 11th (I will take one class in June to wrap up). What restaurant were you referring to in Hot Springs? There are several good ones (I like eating there better than anywhere in Little Rock).

21722. arkymalarky - 5/5/2007 1:04:18 AM

Oh, and if LR is better for you, I can get there easily as well, but I rarely go there. I go to Hot Springs quite a lot.

21723. judithathome - 5/5/2007 3:43:55 AM

Hot Springs rocks!

Wouldn't it be funny if the restaurant Al likes is the one we went to that night with MsNo and the girls?

21724. arkymalarky - 5/5/2007 4:09:42 AM

Haha! I wouldn't be surprised. I just love that place. And Bob's German exchange student whose going-home party was there a few years ago (whose mother and mother's b/f came from Germany for it+a family vacation) all loved it too. I have two German exchange students this year and I keep telling them they need to check it out before they go home.

How was the Cowgirl's Birthday?!

21725. arkymalarky - 5/5/2007 4:29:59 AM

Oh, and MsNo, congrats on the play! I know you'll have a blast and be great in it.

I just finished hosting a karaoke/talent show for charity at school. It went well and we raised a few hundred dollars. I didn't perform, though. ;-)

Monday night is when I wrap up everything but one summer class. This weekend I finish a 20 page research project, a 20 minute powerpoint presentation, a portfolio (nothing like the monster I did over Christmas), and prep for an "exit interview" (a nice alliteration of "p" there). All that has to be presented/turned in Monday, finishing with the ppt presentation Monday night.

21726. Magoseph - 5/5/2007 3:11:09 PM

Arky, is this restaurant called The Hot Spring Brau Haus?

21727. poipual - 5/6/2007 12:45:32 AM

Hi to all

the resturant is French and it's in a shopping center near the race track-Ches something I think. Evie's cousin made a res for the 4 of us Mon, 'cause I fell in love with the place last year. my email is poipu@yahoo.com. Jeep in touch.

21728. poipual - 5/6/2007 12:47:27 AM

Hi to all

the resturant is French and it's in a shopping center near the race track-Ches something I think. Evie's cousin made a res for the 4 of us Mon, 'cause I fell in love with the place last year. my email is poipu@yahoo.com. Keep in touch.

21729. poipual - 5/6/2007 12:48:27 AM


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