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21797. iiibbb - 5/13/2007 2:17:45 PM

placative implies the audience would have some animosity toward the protagonist. I'm thinking of a neutral audience that doesn't have many, if any, preconcieved ideas.

21798. Magoseph - 5/13/2007 3:31:48 PM

Hooray, this card means money to buy books!

21799. judithathome - 5/13/2007 6:01:35 PM

Happy Mother's Day to all the Motie MOMS!

21800. prolph - 5/13/2007 10:55:54 PM

how many of us mothers and grandmothers joined STANDIG WOMEN
at one pm today?

21801. wabbit - 5/13/2007 11:44:48 PM

I hadn't heard about Standing Women. At 1pm, I was standing at the kitchen counter making Eggs Benedict for my mother, siblings and nieces. We'll try for next year.

Meanwhile, I hope all the mother's had a happy mother's day!

21802. wabbit - 5/13/2007 11:47:01 PM

Also, congratulations to Ohio and the Malarky women!

21803. arkymalarky - 5/14/2007 12:08:10 AM

Thanks Wabbit!

I hope everyone had a great Mother's Day!

21804. arkymalarky - 5/14/2007 4:22:34 AM

Hey! Posting from my blackberry. Not going to be a regular thing, but it does work!

21805. thoughtful - 5/14/2007 1:44:47 PM

Congrats to the arkans on graduating and happy mother's day to all moms.

21806. arkymalarky - 5/14/2007 9:33:20 PM

Thanks, Thoughtful!

21807. arkymalarky - 5/14/2007 9:40:15 PM

Mom and I had an absolutely delightful visit with Al and Evie! They are such a warm, neat couple, and it was like sitting down with people we've known forever. I'm so glad we were able to meet up. I wish Mose could have come, but she was working today.

We ended up in Lucky's, where the infamous Karaoke evening took place last summer, and it was a good atmosphere for a quiet visit, since we were practically the only ones there. It amazed me that hardly any place in downtown Hot Springs was open for lunch.

21808. alistairConnor - 5/14/2007 9:59:31 PM

Well, I had planned to meet a woman for lunch today, at a restaurant on a barge tied up on the Rhone in Lyon -- her choice.

I had a meeting at a client's site this morning -- thought I was meeting only two people but there were seven in all, and I had to drive it. It was supposed to finish at 12, but at 12.20 I realised we were still there and spent the next ten minutes trying to wind it up... in the end I just basically walked out on them.

I was late to the restaurant, of course. By then she had called to say that it was closed, in spite of their advertising. Did I mention that it was pouring with rain? Really really wet stuff. She was soaking when I caught up with her. It's supposed to be lucky for weddings, perhaps it is for first meetings too?

21809. wonkers2 - 5/15/2007 12:10:16 AM


21810. arkymalarky - 5/15/2007 3:36:00 AM

Alistair, I thought of The Princess and the Pea. She came to the door soaking wet claiming to be a princess, but it took a night in bed to figure out if she was telling the truth.

21811. alistairConnor - 5/15/2007 11:00:51 PM

The moral of that story is that a girl should be careful about sleeping around, because she might get her peas.

21812. arkymalarky - 5/15/2007 11:06:45 PM


21813. betty - 5/16/2007 2:08:33 AM

congrats arky.

my graduation is on sunday. spent a couple hours at the Mall today trying to find a dress (we don't do cap and gown). when I was uber-fat I could find a dress that fit me, now, I can find a dress that fits me or a dress that fits my boobs, but not both. If I dress to fit the boobs I look dowdy and matronly with the rest of the dress hanging like a curtain. If I dress the rest of me I look like a slut (I might be one but I don't want to LOOK like one).

I wish I knew how to sew.

21814. arkymalarky - 5/16/2007 4:39:05 AM

Thanks Betty! Congratulations to you!

I didn't go to my graduation, but I picked up my cap and gown.

21815. judithathome - 5/16/2007 1:21:37 PM

Betty, get a skirt and top in the same color...it'll look like a dress from afar and that way, you'll be able to fit both halves more easily.

21816. betty - 5/17/2007 2:17:12 AM

Judith, yes, I have already selected such a "back up" ensemble, but am being rather pouty about wanting a real live dress because it is my graduation and I should be able to wear a dress, damn it. It is not a very *rational* fixation, but there you have it.

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