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21817. wonkers2 - 5/17/2007 3:46:51 AM

Aren't you wearing a cap and gown? Nobody will see the dress anyway. Well I guess you may want to take the gown off after the ceremony.

21818. concerned - 5/17/2007 4:02:07 AM

Re. 21813 -

Dress like June Cleaver. I guarantee you won't look like a slut then.

21819. judithathome - 5/17/2007 4:21:26 AM

You guys evidently skim posts...she has already said she doesn't want to look frumpy (June Cleaver) AND that there will be no cap and gown.

21820. betty - 5/17/2007 4:25:30 AM

wonk, no, we don't do cap and gown.

concerned, actually, you would be mistaken. I have a coat dress that says otherwise.

21821. betty - 5/17/2007 4:35:21 AM

judith...I'm so glad *someone* reads my posts.

21822. wonkers2 - 5/17/2007 12:41:52 PM

I confess, sometimes I comment on the last post without reading what went before. My bad.

21823. thoughtful - 5/17/2007 3:04:38 PM

betty, I'm a fan of what not to wear and they make a big point about getting your clothes tailored...nothing looks so good like a dress that fits and the best way to get it to fit is to have it altered...buy it for the largest part of yourself and get the other taken in.

Also, the stats are something like 90% of american women wear the wrong size bra. They often recommend going for a good bra fitting. They make styles that are minimizing and if it fits right, can be very supportive..

Just some suggestions.

21824. judithathome - 5/17/2007 10:20:54 PM

Just some suggestions.

With which I agree wholeheartedly. Treat yourself...it's a big deal to graduate and you've worked hard for it.

21825. prolph - 5/18/2007 9:33:46 PM

thanks wabbit, now that i can ppost but i havn't got anything tp say at the moment except THANKS. patsy

21826. wabbit - 5/18/2007 9:58:59 PM

No problem, Patsy, sorry it took so long!

Good luck, Betty, I hope you find something suitable (no pun intended). I learned how to sew when I was a kid for the same reason, though not quite the same problem. I was a scrawny tall thing and couldn't find clothes that both fit me size-wise and were long enough. I'm still always happy to see high heels in fashion, it means trousers will be made longer. Too bad it doesn't work for sleeves.

As I recall, you're a crafty woman, I'm sure you'd be a wiz at sewing in no time. Though perhaps not in time for this occasion.

21827. Magoseph - 5/20/2007 10:04:55 AM

Good morning!

Today, we are having brunch with my sons and their wives in a local restaurant. All four attended the sixtieth wedding anniversary of my sons ‘grandparents Friday. They are coming here because a car trip of twenty-one miles to my oldest son’s house is too much for me these days.

21828. arkymalarky - 5/20/2007 3:40:23 PM

Sounds like a lovely gathering, Mags!

21829. Magoseph - 5/21/2007 1:19:00 PM

It was, Arky, but it was too short--Flexy developed a breathing problem during the meal and we had to go home sooner than anticipated.

21830. Magoseph - 5/22/2007 12:31:16 PM

Good morning, everyone!

21831. wonkers2 - 5/22/2007 4:04:07 PM

Bon jour, Mago! You have sent beautiful weather to Michigan yesterday and today. Keep it up!

21832. PelleNilsson - 5/22/2007 8:45:08 PM

Congratulations to Arky and Mose!

Nice to see you again, stamper. Swung any cats lately?

21833. wonkers2 - 5/22/2007 9:21:16 PM

Arky, belated congratulations!! Good to see you're still alive,Pelle!

21834. arkymalarky - 5/22/2007 10:50:13 PM

PELLE!!! Thanks, and great to see you here!

21835. arkymalarky - 5/22/2007 10:53:57 PM

Thanks Wonk!

21836. concerned - 5/23/2007 4:07:14 PM

While I was running, last November, and again in February, some guys German Shepherd bit me. The second time, the dog broke the skin and a scar is left on the back of my right leg. As a result I filed a complaint and a bench trial has been scheduled. Both incidents were completely unprovoked by me, and occurred off the owner's property which I was never on IAC. Any advice regarding what I should do to prepare for or do doing the trial?

Thanks in advance!

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