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21839. wonkers2 - 5/23/2007 4:42:15 PM


21840. betty - 5/24/2007 11:24:25 PM

Hello Pelle, long time no see.

21841. Magoseph - 5/25/2007 12:29:34 AM

We miss Pelle and we miss Macnas.

How was the graduation, Betty? What did you finally wear?

21842. poipual - 5/25/2007 1:13:10 AM

thanks, but I was a little confused about the cat swinging? If you are thinking of Cat Friesby. let me assure yu you don't swing the cat. to do that one would have to grab the cat by the tail and might injure the creature. No the best method is to grasp the cat by the nap of the neck, and with a quick flick of the wrist send him twirling across the field. Your partner must be adept at recieving him in the same manner, keeping the claws on the underside.

You know, I thought I made all this clear long ago.

Arky is a dear and such a quiet one. I could hardly drag a word from her, but her mother and I kept up a lively patter.

21843. poipual - 5/25/2007 1:40:44 AM

thanks, but I was a little confused about the cat swinging? If you are thinking of Cat Friesby. let me assure yu you don't swing the cat. to do that one would have to grab the cat by the tail and might injure the creature. No the best method is to grasp the cat by the nap of the neck, and with a quick flick of the wrist send him twirling across the field. Your partner must be adept at recieving him in the same manner, keeping the claws on the underside.

You know, I thought I made all this clear long ago.

Arky is a dear and such a quiet one. I could hardly drag a word from her, but her mother and I kept up a lively patter.

21844. arkymalarky - 5/25/2007 3:57:05 AM

All right Mr. Sarcasm. Admit you were surprised I didn't go off into a George Bush rant.

Did you see my Message # 21807?

21845. poipual - 5/25/2007 4:33:21 PM

Yes, you are a sweet dear! Why did you not mention Evie's hugh size?

21846. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 12:35:26 AM

OOOOOOOhhhh! You are evil!

But, since you bring it up, Evie was very elegant and svelte, which is very hard to accomplish in AR humidity in May!

21847. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 12:35:55 AM

I am tickled to say that today was my last full day of school. Next week is testing and we're done. Rarely since I was under 30 have I looked forward to the end of a school year as I have this one. And I will say now, if I have another similar to it I will be looking at how to retire. Nothing at all to do with students or teaching, which makes it even more frustrating to have had such a trying year.

21848. judithathome - 5/26/2007 1:13:16 AM

Arky, when you retire, take up GARDENING! Tell your dad that I have become a gardening NUT. I was out in the rain today packing a hanging basket with trailing ivy and hanging it on the back fence.

You and Bob will not believe our backyard next time your come for a visit.

21849. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 1:24:11 AM

I can't wait to see it!

We'll have some melons and veggies when y'all come. We're doing the big garden down the road again.

21850. judithathome - 5/26/2007 1:34:21 AM

Too cool!

I got the neatest thank you note from Mose today. ;-)

Can you believe this weather? Last year at this time, I had been swimming in my neighbor's pool for three weeks and already had a tan. It's been so wonky this spring, we can't even get in the pool because the water is so cold.

21851. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 1:39:21 AM

I'm glad you got it!

It's been humid here the last few days, and it's just suffocating. Mom and Dad's pool has been out of commission and they just got it fixed yesterday--just in time to be able to use it, because like you said, the water hasn't had a chance to warm up.

21852. judithathome - 5/26/2007 1:50:29 AM

I can remember back in the early 70s we had a spring like this...I know, because all the rain depressed the hell out of me and my doctor put me on something that made me a vegetable...a vegetable that gained weight and was oblivious to everything.

Ask your mom, Arky...I'd bet she experienced the same thing. Any time a woman got depressed, our Dr. Feelgoods would vege us out.

21853. Ms. No - 5/26/2007 4:14:16 AM

Well, I have good news with a sort of bummer twist. My step-father just got promoted and they're being relocated to Baton Rouge which is wonderful and exciting and great and all that but it means I won't be coming to Dallas for visits to the fam and by proximity the AtHomes.

I did note that BR is only slightly farther from the Malarkies than Dallas. ;->

Hmm....I'm thinking about a Mote Gathering in the Crescent City sometime, eh?

21854. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 5:05:17 AM

Congrats to your step-father!

We could do it. Bob's friend he just visited on spring break lives there, and she's a lot of fun. Bob and Spook had a great time with her when they visited.

21855. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 5:08:58 AM

Ask your mom, Arky...I'd bet she experienced the same thing. Any time a woman got depressed, our Dr. Feelgoods would vege us out.

I thought about making a joke about being familiar with Mom's medicine cabinet. But I won't. ;->

21856. arkymalarky - 5/26/2007 5:23:44 AM

Oh, I meant to ask--if anyone has any suggestions on a good health insurance company besides Blue Cross/Blue Shield, I'm looking.

21857. judithathome - 5/26/2007 5:28:55 AM

Sorry...ours is for retired military so I am no help.

MsNo...count us IN...or even one in Baton Rouge. We'll even pick you up and take you along to the Malarkies if you like. After all, I wouldn't want to stand between you and a reunion with Todd. Ha!!

21858. Ms. No - 5/26/2007 7:14:26 AM

Oh lord, I do loves me some perfectly awful men!

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