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21904. judithathome - 6/5/2007 11:57:08 PM

Arks, do you remember that that weekend is Father's Day? No biggie here but just thought I'd mention it....

21905. arkymalarky - 6/6/2007 4:07:00 AM

I thought about that. It's not a problem for me, if it's okay for y'all. If not, the next weekend is good too. I'll have to take the Sunday train back, which doesn't leave until around 2:30 (evidently add two or three hours to that, from my past experience ;->).

21906. Ulgine Barrows - 6/6/2007 7:45:16 AM

21884. judithathome - 6/1/2007 4:10:04 PM
Beautiful link. Thanks!

21907. Ulgine Barrows - 6/6/2007 8:43:17 AM

'This summer I'm going to reclaim my health and my house'

I know you'll do well, larky.

My asperations are much the same, even though my now-husband snorted at them.

21908. robertjayb - 6/6/2007 3:45:19 PM


21909. arkymalarky - 6/6/2007 3:49:09 PM

now-husband? Is that the same one you've always had?

Mine just nags me about it, but I don't listen. He's all about the health since he's doing so well after being an overweight smoker for so many years. And I am proud of him. It's been around 3 years now and he's not only kept the weight off and kept away from the tobacco, but he exercises still and his numbers are all great. If I lost the amount of weight he did to get where he is I'd weigh 85 pounds. And he's not bad, just borders on preachy sometimes--he claims I call mentioning the subject "preachy."

I have lost five pounds from my highest weight, but it's a slow process, especially wrt the house.

21910. arkymalarky - 6/6/2007 4:00:54 PM

(warning: scroll by if bored--I'm in an introspective mood)

When I first went to work where I am, it was only for a year about 25 years ago. I came back to stay a few years later. The first day we had meetings, etc, like schools do, and we were "on our own" for lunch. I asked where people went to eat, and some of the teachers said "we have a Dairy Queen up the road on the highway, and most of us are going there." I thought, wow, that's so cool, such a tiny town having a DQ. Glad I'm working here.

I should have ridden with someone, but it was right on the highway, they said, and I hadn't met anyone yet, and irl I'm not the type to instantly be sociable with people, so I drove myself. I went probably ten miles without a blasted Dairy Queen anywhere to be seen. I am a Texan, and I love Dairy Queen. I wouldn't have missed it.

After giving up and turning around I stopped at the first "food" place in the town that I saw and got a (really great) burger to go. I got back to the school with it and when I complained that I couldn't find their DQ, after some confusion and explaining on both sides, I found I'd gotten my hamburger there. They just called their walk-up burger place Dairy Queen.

It has another name now, but it has fantastic soft-serve ice cream and great dinners, burgers--everything. Judith and Keoni can vouch for it, and Judith can vouch for our other main restaurant too, because she's been to both. Last night I had to go to a major meeting, and I decided I wanted one of the RURAL DQ's ice cream cones, so I'd eaten a light snack and headed for the meeting, planning to get one when I got out. Well...about two hours later I was starving, so I left the meeting, got my cone, ate it--which took a while, because the "small" one was so tall--and got back only to be informed that the most important stuff happened while I was out. Oh well. They filled me in and I don't know what I'd have done anyway.

That was a great ice cream, though.

21911. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 6/6/2007 4:31:42 PM

21912. judithathome - 6/6/2007 8:37:42 PM

I am so craving the new waffle cone (pieces) and chocolate chip blizzard!

21913. judithathome - 6/6/2007 8:38:51 PM

Arky, the weekend we talked about...next weekend...is fine for us.

We're orphans.

21914. arkymalarky - 6/6/2007 10:40:47 PM

We pretty much are too. We're not nearly as "fun" as the other set of parents.

21915. Seamus - 6/7/2007 5:15:15 PM

I apologise for the intrusion, but I've been feeling so very low. I was casting about for a touchstone--I thought of this place and yes, just reading and recalling you gentle folk here has lifted my spirits immeasurably. In case you ever wonder if your pixels mean anything, I can tell you that to this lost soul, they always will.

Again, I truly apologise for this. I simply needed to tell you that.

21916. judithathome - 6/7/2007 5:18:48 PM

How nice to see you again, Seamus....stick around and we'll try and cheer you up.

21917. judithathome - 6/7/2007 5:21:40 PM

Here's something fun to start with...you can try being your own Jackson Pollock

Squiggle around and click your mouse to change paint colors.

21918. Seamus - 6/7/2007 5:25:45 PM

Hello judith. You are so very kind.

21919. arkymalarky - 6/7/2007 9:35:46 PM

OH SEAMUS! It's so great to see you, but I'm sorry a low mood is what drew you here. Is everything okay? I second Judith's request to please stick around!

21920. Ms. No - 6/8/2007 4:44:46 AM

Seamus! It's wonderful to see you but I second Arky in that I'm sorry you're down.

21921. Ms. No - 6/8/2007 4:54:37 AM

Arx, Jude,

What are the plans for the weekend? I want to pretend I'm there. Actually I'll be at the theater all weekend in rehearsal which I'm having a great time with.

I don't know why I'm so surprised. I think it's because I'd been away for so long and also because it's a tough play. Plus, there's a big love scene and that had me doing a minor freak out until we got the kissing out of the way.

It's a small cast - four people - and the director is a friend I've known for something like sixteen years, so it's a pretty comfortable atmosphere even though I didn't know any of the other actors before this show.

There isn't any driving need at the moment to step fully back into the world of theater, but I'm definitely enjoying this experience and it's lead me to the conclusion that I'm probably not done with the stage for the rest of my life.

21922. judithathome - 6/8/2007 2:28:19 PM

MsNo, I really wish you could come that weekend...plans are to go to a play called Nice People Dancin' To Good Country Music...sorta like the antithesis of the karoke experience (or at least parts of it!)

I'm excited for Arky to see this theatre group...we'll be using a new venue for the summer, going from a small black box theatre to a full sized, fully professional one...in this play, they're going to be able to put a REAL pickup truck on stange rather than use two boxes and a headlight...ha!

The rest of the weekend is up for grabs...may just laze around or go to the pool and laze around there.

21923. Seamus - 6/8/2007 3:05:29 PM

arky & Ms. No, thank you. It is wonderful to see each of you again!

Although it is effectively what I did say, I truly didn't mean that I need to be low to want to come here--and I will gladly remain.

Each of those plays--the play you are rehearsing for, Ms. No, and the play you and arky are planning to attend, judith--seems intriguing.

How does one "practise" a love scene, Ms. No? I've often wondered how that works.

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