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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 21932 - 21951 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
21932. Ms. No - 6/8/2007 5:12:50 PM

Ah, Betty, you know me well. And, truly, you are a model of restraint. ;->

21933. Seamus - 6/8/2007 7:01:07 PM

Hello, betty--it's good to see you again. Congratulations on obtaining that diploma!

21934. betty - 6/8/2007 8:45:01 PM

Thank you Seamus. Glad to see you around.

21935. anomie - 6/9/2007 3:28:21 AM

Ms. No,

Congrats on the play. I knew you sang but I didn't realize you were a thespian as well.

Where in Sacto will it be?

21936. concerned - 6/9/2007 4:06:59 AM

This morning when I went out to go to work, I got a surprise. My Southern Magnolia managed to grow a flower. Considering that it's barely knee high to a political centrist and growing about three climate zones north of its natural habitat, that's something rather out of the ordinary. I'll have to take some photographs of it, and maybe find a way to post them on the Mote.

21937. Ms. No - 6/9/2007 4:27:13 PM

Hi Anomie!

We're at Capital Stage --- that's the one on the Delta King river boat if you're familiar with Sacto and its theaters. They won Best of Sacramento last year for professional theater.

21938. Ms. No - 6/9/2007 4:27:39 PM

Congratulations, Concerned. That's quite a feat!

21939. anomie - 6/10/2007 4:15:40 AM

Ms. No,

Please let us know the dates. Not much chance I'll be in the area, but you never know.
If the boat hasn't moved in the past few years, then yes, I know the area. I lived on Watt Ave in 78 and 79.

Break a leg.

21940. Ms. No - 6/10/2007 4:25:38 AM


We do a preview weekend starting on June 23rd but we officially open the 29th and then run through July 29th. That would be a total kick if you happened to be in town!

21941. anomie - 6/10/2007 4:31:33 AM

Thanks! I'll keep it in mind. I still have a few friends up that way. Maybe I'll bring em. That is, if I have any money left after going to Italy and Greece. I get back in mid July.

21942. Ms. No - 6/10/2007 5:42:00 AM

Oh, wow! What a wonderful trip! How long are you touring for?

21943. anomie - 6/10/2007 1:27:06 PM

Just two weeks. And it's not the time of year I would have chosen, but my friend has a child in school. We're meeting up in Rome and taking a cheap cruise to Athens, Santorini and Naples, and then spending a few days in Rome.

But I need to take a trip up to Vacaville soon anyway, so tell me about how to get tickets just in case.

21944. judithathome - 6/10/2007 3:12:09 PM

Anomie, if you run into trouble in Athens or need help in any way, we have friends who live there. Pop me an email and I'll give you their names and number.

21945. Ms. No - 6/10/2007 4:38:37 PM


You can get tickets over the phone through the Box Office: 916-995-5464. Pay no attention to the dinner prices because I know the boat has changed them to something exhorbitant and there are better places to eat in Sacramento than the Delta King.

We used to book a lot of pre-show dinner reservations but I think that's not happening as much anymore. They're really hoping to get the theater to a new home in the next year or two. It's been great to have the boat, but it's time to move on.

21946. anomie - 6/10/2007 5:37:35 PM

Judith! Awful nice of you. Email on the way if I have your address right. Please let me know if you get it.

21947. anomie - 6/10/2007 5:38:54 PM

Ms. No, Thanks. And I'll take your advice on dinner.

21948. arkymalarky - 6/10/2007 5:57:41 PM

Hey Anomie!

21949. arkymalarky - 6/10/2007 5:59:17 PM

No, if you could/would, I'd love to see pictures or video clips of the performance and/or rehearsal.

21950. anomie - 6/10/2007 9:17:34 PM

Hey back, Arky! Congrats on the school business...graduation or whatever.

Video clips would be cool indeed.

21951. arkymalarky - 6/11/2007 1:37:48 AM

Thanks, Anomie! I'll be glad when this last one's done at the end of June. I never liked summer school.

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