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21943. anomie - 6/10/2007 1:27:06 PM

Just two weeks. And it's not the time of year I would have chosen, but my friend has a child in school. We're meeting up in Rome and taking a cheap cruise to Athens, Santorini and Naples, and then spending a few days in Rome.

But I need to take a trip up to Vacaville soon anyway, so tell me about how to get tickets just in case.

21944. judithathome - 6/10/2007 3:12:09 PM

Anomie, if you run into trouble in Athens or need help in any way, we have friends who live there. Pop me an email and I'll give you their names and number.

21945. Ms. No - 6/10/2007 4:38:37 PM


You can get tickets over the phone through the Box Office: 916-995-5464. Pay no attention to the dinner prices because I know the boat has changed them to something exhorbitant and there are better places to eat in Sacramento than the Delta King.

We used to book a lot of pre-show dinner reservations but I think that's not happening as much anymore. They're really hoping to get the theater to a new home in the next year or two. It's been great to have the boat, but it's time to move on.

21946. anomie - 6/10/2007 5:37:35 PM

Judith! Awful nice of you. Email on the way if I have your address right. Please let me know if you get it.

21947. anomie - 6/10/2007 5:38:54 PM

Ms. No, Thanks. And I'll take your advice on dinner.

21948. arkymalarky - 6/10/2007 5:57:41 PM

Hey Anomie!

21949. arkymalarky - 6/10/2007 5:59:17 PM

No, if you could/would, I'd love to see pictures or video clips of the performance and/or rehearsal.

21950. anomie - 6/10/2007 9:17:34 PM

Hey back, Arky! Congrats on the school business...graduation or whatever.

Video clips would be cool indeed.

21951. arkymalarky - 6/11/2007 1:37:48 AM

Thanks, Anomie! I'll be glad when this last one's done at the end of June. I never liked summer school.

21952. Ms. No - 6/11/2007 2:08:34 AM

I'm waiting to see if anyone remembers to send me any of the potential promo-pics. There won't be any video, though. They don't tape rehearsals or performances.

21953. judithathome - 6/12/2007 1:13:08 PM

Arky, bring your bathing suit....the pool is lovely! We can loll around a bit Friday afternoon in it. Our neighbor across the street joined us yesterday and said she felt like she had stepped out of a room in a resort in the tropics...it's THAT neat!

21954. arkymalarky - 6/12/2007 4:08:59 PM

Sounds wonderful!
Mom and Dad opened up their pool and fixed the pump, and Mose and her boyfriend and their friends went swimming the other night while my parents were in Houston. They said it was a blast.

I'm getting through a last--hopefully huge, but we'll see--community meeting Thursday night, which may go until 8:00 or after, and the train is supposed to leave around 4:30 AM, meaning evidently around 6:30 Friday morning. I'm about to call Amtrak and get details and I'll email you when I do. It will be a symbolic trip to Fort Worth, because after that meeting I intend to dump a lot of stuff and leave it behind me on that train ride.

21955. arkymalarky - 6/12/2007 4:22:19 PM

Okay, it's set and everything is the same time, so I won't send the email. Since the train is evidently often late I'll just call you at a reasonable hour when I'm on it. If it's on time at 4:30AM, I won't wake you up. ;-)

21956. judithathome - 6/12/2007 6:09:15 PM

Heh...thanks! So it's due to arrive around noon or sometime near that?

21957. Ms. No - 6/12/2007 6:10:59 PM

Whew! That's an early trip, Arx. Is it hard to find a seat at that time? --- I'm assuming that most of the passengers on the train at that time are coming from much farther away and have been sleeping all night through the stops.

I've taken the train from Sacramento into SF a couple of times and then out of Manhattan up to New Canaan in Connecticut, but I've always been sort of interested in taking a long train trip -- over a couple of days or even a week.

21958. Seamus - 6/12/2007 6:27:50 PM

Days- or even week-long travel by train can be a revelation, Ms. No. Although not everyone ends up liking it, it is something I'd recommend you try if you are able.

Days on a train have a rhythm not found elsewhere. And in the US in particular, you witness cities and towns from a unique perspective. Sometimes even the countryside is seen from a different angle.

Absolutely my favourite thing about any long trip by train is the unhurried manner in which the people you meet go about their day. As someone quite used to and even fond of the speed with which our airborne world moves about, I still find a trip by train to be a wonderful way to slow down and take a different kind of breath.

21959. Ms. No - 6/12/2007 7:29:21 PM

I generally fly because of where I have to get to and the time constraints involved, but I used to love car trips as a kid and even now, the road calls to me if I can drive through someplace that's interesting to look at -- the 5 freeway through the Central Valley of California is NOT one of those drives. I've heard the 99 is much better, but generally if I'm traveling between LA and Sacramento I'm trying to get there as fast as I can.

Where have you traveled by train? What were your favorite trips?

21960. arkymalarky - 6/12/2007 9:03:07 PM

Just got back from class and headed back out the door after eating this late tv-dinner lunch:
No, the train goes through twice a day, once that early and again around 10:30

Judith, if it's like it was, meaning two hours late, it will probably be around 3 or 4. It's supposed to be in FW at 1:00 if it's on time. There's really no way of knowing according to the people who run Head Start, which is in the train station and opens at 6:00. No one works there for Amtrak, but they do have a phone service to let you know where your train is at any given time. Which is good, because even in a town that size it's the worst part of it to be sitting in the dark alone waiting for a train.

21961. Seamus - 6/12/2007 9:07:40 PM

Oh my, where have I travelled by train?

Where haven't I been is a much shorter list.

I've not travelled by train in Alaska (and have always wanted to). Not in much of South America, except for Peru. Not in much of the former Soviet Union, including trans-Siberian. Not in some of the farthest reaches of inland China.

Favourite trips: Elipsos in Spain, France and Italy. TGV in France and Switzerland. My family are the other side of the island from Dublin and so when I'm among them I like to take one of the morning Iarnród Éireann usually from Ceannt in Gaillimh, stop off to visit with friends at someplace along the way such as Clara or Tullamore, then hop on another into the city. Amtrak between Denver and Salt Lake City (if you are the only other person on the train not asleep as the train pulls into Salt Lake City, ask yourself why and then come and join me in the observation car). A few of the segments in the Indian Rail system. Rail Canada, especially around Banff and then again Vancouver. The Bangkok-to-Singapore line of the Eastern and Oriental Express!!! Paris-to-Vienna, but they are just now shuttering that (a remnant of the Oriental Express you may know). Some of the GSP in Oz. I've only ever done the Indian Pacific, Sydney to Perth (and back) once, but that was among the most memorable I've ever taken.

How's that for narrowing it down? Sorry for not trimming more.

What are your favourite airports? and how is that for a strange question?

21962. Seamus - 6/12/2007 9:13:42 PM

That should have said "not in much of western South America, except for Peru" Sorry about that.

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