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Go to first message Go back 20 messages Messages 22028 - 22047 out of 29250 Go forward 20 messages Go to most recent message
22028. judithathome - 6/19/2007 4:44:13 AM

That's a good idea...my friend who's a director advises the actors in his charge not to read the reviews for at least a week after it comes out. He reads them right off, of course, and if he agrees with something the reviewer said about a particular actor, he will try to correct it but if he disagrees, it's hard for him to keep quiet about the review.

Just keep in mind, it's only one man's opinion...and I think if the reviewer has been around a long time, the readership knows his quirks and preferences.

22029. Ms. No - 6/19/2007 5:19:45 AM

Yeah, I figure it's the director's worry. I don't want to see anything bad OR good that might affect my performance --- it's the director's vision that I have to adhere to and she'll tell me what she wants.

Not that I don't hope for good reviews, of course!

22030. thoughtful - 6/19/2007 1:46:43 PM

Thanks guys for the well wishes.

So cool about the play and being on radio. I'm sure you'll do just great. Break a leg!

22031. Ms. No - 6/19/2007 3:31:08 PM

Thanks, T'ful!

22032. wonkers2 - 6/19/2007 10:48:16 PM

Can we look forward to seeing Ms. No on YouTube?

22033. Ms. No - 6/20/2007 7:58:20 AM

Ha! Not a chance --- they don't film any of the shows and we mostly keep all our clothes on in the love scenes so no YouPorn either so the Cap'n will be disappointed too. ;->

22034. wonkers2 - 6/20/2007 4:39:00 PM

What a shame! What a waste of talent!

22035. Magoseph - 6/20/2007 5:29:33 PM

Hi, everyone!

22036. wonkers2 - 6/20/2007 9:46:09 PM

Bon jour!

22037. Magoseph - 6/20/2007 10:37:05 PM

Did you miss me?

22038. wonkers2 - 6/20/2007 11:27:19 PM

Of course we did. Somebody has been sending us weather that's a bit too hot lately. We had to turn on our air conditioners for the first time three days ago. Please try to send us cool weather for the weekend.

22039. Ms. No - 6/20/2007 11:33:08 PM

Just received word that we'll be recording the interview with Cap Radio tomorrow but it won't air until next Thursday.

Hi Mago!

22040. judithathome - 6/21/2007 1:32:06 AM

I did! I missed you!

22041. wonkers2 - 6/21/2007 2:59:19 AM

Cap'n Dirty sez, "Ms. No, don't get carried away in your love scene!"

22042. jabrre - 6/21/2007 1:40:42 PM

Those of you might remember me by my old username at The Fray. It was "cartmhan". So, its good to be back, though its in a form of a new username.

22043. wabbit - 6/21/2007 1:43:49 PM

Hey jabrre, welcome back!

22044. Ms. No - 6/21/2007 3:48:16 PM

Good to see you!

22045. arkymalarky - 6/21/2007 6:17:15 PM

Hey jabrre!

Hey Mags! Glad to see you both back in! ;-)

22046. wonkers2 - 6/21/2007 8:07:03 PM

Welcome back, Jabrre.

22047. concerned - 6/22/2007 3:16:49 AM

Re. 22042 -

I do. Welcome back.

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