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22097. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 1:42:51 AM

It's not a car, but our electric golf cart is great compared to a gasoline one or a Mule. It's quiet and uses minimal electricity and it's so clean compared to our old gas-powered one. And much cheaper. It's ideal for our manicured trail, and also great for viewing the wildlife.

Thanks for the heads up about the cord, Alistair. If we ever get a hybrid, we'll do that. Two of my friends have Priuses, and they LOVE them. One is a conservative Republican who I'd have never thought of as a hybrid owner--but rural folks can be funny about resources on a personal level. Part of their ingrained values, I guess. And in practice a lot of those who seem to think global warning is hyped actually do more to conserve than I do, which is why I don't say much to Con'd and Thoughtful regarding their skepticism in the technology thread.

22098. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 1:43:54 AM

THANKS WABBIT! I knew you'd come through! I'll check them out.

Con'd. It's probably me, but the sound's all mumbly and not good at all. It sounds like it's projecting through a tin can.

22099. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 1:46:02 AM

I guess it depends how much tinkering you like to do with audio software.

None. ;-)

22100. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 3:01:09 AM

I wonder about converting to MP3--I assume all those would do that. I can already hook up my turntable to the computer and use Audacity, but not with USB. I don't get much about this stuff at all, and I haven't had time to play with it. I may take the turntable to CO with a handful of albums and see what I can figure out.

22101. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 3:01:33 AM

With what I've already got, before buying something else, that is.

22102. alistairConnor - 6/27/2007 6:45:24 AM

I tried that with Audacity, a few years ago, when I was back in NZ where most of my records are. My sister's house is shaky, needs re-piling, and with small kids in the house, it was about impossible to play any vinyl at all. I set up the gear in the shed out the back, but I only actually got a couple of records done, for lack of time.

22103. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 6:49:53 AM

Were you satisfied with the sound? If so, how did you adjust it to suit you? I couldn't figure it out.

22104. alistairConnor - 6/27/2007 6:54:33 AM

I don't think I tweaked it. It came out sounding slightly muffled, but I never got around to doing anything with it.

22105. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 6:55:01 AM

To Wombat:

If you're anywhere to be found, did you get my email?

My syllabus was approved, but if you have any adjustment suggestions, changes, additions, subtractions, etc, I'd be thrilled to get them. The reason I ask here is that I'm leaving Thursday and might not be online again for about three weeks. It's not a pressing thing at all; I just wanted to check whether you got my email so that I could resend before I left if I need to.

22106. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 6:56:05 AM

Mine was very muffled--almost inaudible. I'll mess around with it at the cabin and if I can't get it to work to my satisfaction I'm going to buy one of the gizmos Wabbit linked when I get back.

22107. wabbit - 6/27/2007 2:31:43 PM

Arky, are you connecting your turntable directly to the computer? If so, that may be the problem. You need a pre-amp in between.

22108. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 5:55:31 PM

Ooookay, thanks! Where do I get a preamp?

22109. judithathome - 6/27/2007 9:00:22 PM

Just going to post this here...and pardon me for interrupting...before going back to sleep. The Spencer Haus is not feeling that great; only spry one here is Harley.

Here's the dress I'm wearing to the wedding In Teal Multi.

Not really my color but I am somewhat tan now. Ha! The sandals are gold and bronzy with a few little teal sequins scattered across them and the purse is woven beige with little strands of gold thread here and there. It's a SAK bag but not like the regular SAKs...it's shaped differently.

22110. anomie - 6/27/2007 9:32:23 PM

Love the dress, Judith. It looks very photogenic.

22111. anomie - 6/27/2007 9:34:32 PM

Ms. No, What a voice you have! Sensual. Sexy. (And very Californian...not a trace of N. Carolina.)

I finally got the interview to play from the archive and now more than ever I hope to get to see the play. It sounds great.

22112. wonkers2 - 6/27/2007 10:54:20 PM

Ms.No, I just listened to you on Capital Public Radio. One word for your performance--"terrific!" I can believe Stephanie's comment that you are "a smart, sexy and vibrant woman." But I must say that you didn't sound as I expected you might based on our acquaintanceship here in the Mote. Not sure what I expected--nothing negative, just different from the way you sounded on Capital PR. It sounds like an interesting play which might help us all get past initial prejudices whatever they may be. (Cap'n Dirty listened also and extends his warm invitation for a long cruise aboard the Tomater Sloop.)
Break a leg!!

22113. Ms. No - 6/27/2007 11:06:30 PM


The dress looks wonderful and it'll look even better on you -- I can see just see you in it, especially with your summer glow!

22114. Ms. No - 6/27/2007 11:16:05 PM

Thanks, guys!

Anomie -- the southern shows up if I'm talking with other Southerners or if I'm really tired or have had a few drinks. I hope you get to see it as well! That would be so cool -- I'd love to talk with you about it. My friend came to see it on our first preview night and we stayed up until nearly 2am talking about all the different implications.

Wonk -- admit it, you were surprised that I sounded like a grownup. ;-> (Bet you weren't more surprised than me, though)

The play isn't so much about prejudice per se as it is about what we're willing to do or not do to reach a livable balance between what we expect of ourselves and what we believe others expect of us. And, as always with LaBute, there is a focus on man's cruelty toward his fellows and just why we behave the way we do whether out of fear or envy or retaliation.

22115. wonkers2 - 6/27/2007 11:17:26 PM

Here's a little story about a personal experience I had many years ago with a large woman. She was a reporter at a newspaper in Detroit, very bright, well-educated and quite a nice person. I dated her for several months despite the fact that I was put off a bit by the fact that she was a bit overweight. (At the age of 26 I was intent on finding the perfect mate and still not ready to compromise.)

On one of our dates we happened to run into a friend of mine who was a very nice guy but maybe ten years older than my girlfriend and I. I introduced her to Ray. He was short but quite a good tennis player, a successful stock broker and a very nice guy. When I saw him a few days later, he told me how wild he was about my date and asked if I minded if he asked her out. I told him I wouldn't mind. It turned out that Ray had a strong preference for large women. My recollection is that they went out a few times but she wasn't as attracted to him as he was to her. Perhaps she was bothered because she was a bit taller than he or their age difference or some other superficiality.

Anyway, in my experience, despite what we are fed by the media, men's physical preferences for women cover quite a broad spectrum. And individual men, such as the Cap'n, frequently are attracted to a variety of physically different women, provided they have a cheerful personality, a brain and are honest, decent people who aren't visibly missing any teeth.

22116. arkymalarky - 6/27/2007 11:22:02 PM

No does have a great voice. Just got in and haven't hit the link yet, but I look forward to hearing it after I pack tonight. We're headed out in the morning, so if I don't pop back in here before then, y'all hold down the fort for a couple of weeks! Probably three, actually.

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