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22127. arkymalarky - 6/28/2007 1:46:35 AM

They're probably divorced now, btw. Haven't heard from them in decades and couldn't find them on the web.

22128. Ms. No - 6/28/2007 5:19:24 PM

I'm bored out of my ever-livin' skull. This archiving project is a major pain in the ass and I can't seem to sit still to deal with it. I keep being drawn away to check my email or see if anyone's awake in the Mote.

But the project isn't going away and won't get any better for just staring at it. Mostly right now I'd like to take a nap and rest up for tonight, but that's not to be. Maybe I'll take a cat-nap during lunch.

Hell, it's not even 9:30 yet. I'm losing my mind.

22129. Ms. No - 6/28/2007 5:43:33 PM

And now it's 9:45.

22130. judithathome - 6/28/2007 9:55:59 PM

Great interview, MsNo...but did I hear correctly? In NYC, the stars were Jeremy Piven and.....Keri Russell? Are there other characters in this play?

You sounded so natural in the line reading and I LOVED your remark about waking up brunette.

I don't need to wish you luck because I know you'll do a stellar job...just have FUN with it!

22131. Ms. No - 6/28/2007 10:54:10 PM

Thanks! I am!

Keri Russel played Jeannie. I'm not familiar with the actres who played Helen, but there just aren't that many large actresses in their 20's who are also famous. Andrew McCarthy played Tom --- Tom & Helen are the couple. Jeannie and Carter are Tom's friends/co-workers.

22132. alistairconnor - 6/29/2007 8:08:11 AM

The physical preference discussion has had me chuckling. I have a strong and compelling preference for dark-haired women. Always have. And I've always, always ended up with blondes... until this time...

I put it down to chance, and the fact that physical factors are not the most important. But just recently I have accumulated some fairly objective statistical evidence that blondes are attracted to me much more than brunettes.

I mean, I never imagined I was in control or anything, but really.

22133. alistairconnor - 6/29/2007 8:48:47 AM

Still haven't heard the sexy Nyetskaya, I haven't been at home, and the maiden aunts in the network dept won't let us access mp3 files from work.

For a few weeks just recently I was in a slow-motion courtship ritual with a big, big lady. We like each other a lot but never got to the point where I could find out whether size was going to be an obstacle or not...

22134. Ms. No - 6/29/2007 5:22:54 PM

I've never dated a truly fat man. I occasionally find them attractive and have been known to get swoony over Marlon Brando in his later years, John Goodman and Jack Black -- who isn't really fat but merely barrel-built with a bit of padding. As for real-life encounters, though, I've never been with a man even remotely approaching my BMI.

On the other hand it would never occur to me to say that such men aren't dateable or that they should be ridiculed or disdained for their appearance. I think people should be ridiculed and disdained for their actions and their lack of compassion or intelligence, not for how they look---unless they happen to be the sort of person who pokes fun at others' appearance and then I consider them fair game. ;->

22135. thoughtful - 6/29/2007 10:01:53 PM

Ah but love covers a wide variety of things.

I'm sure I never see my hubby as other people do. I'm sure he doesn't see me as other people do.

And I know I've looked at other couples and thought what does s/he see in him/her? But when eyed through the eye of love, it always comes out much different.

22136. alistairConnor - 6/29/2007 10:31:06 PM

Oh how true! Banal and trite but it makes me all teary-eyed because I've just got off the phone with my beloved, they are sending her for a week to (Country X) [self-censorship].

22137. Ms. No - 6/29/2007 10:34:15 PM

This is true.

I'm wondering if it's the same principle in reverse that make us go "Ick!" when we think of our parents in bed together or our siblings or children getting hot and heavy with someone.

22138. alistairConnor - 6/29/2007 10:35:35 PM

Bad taste alert! (your mileage may vary, I think it's fun)

22139. Ms. No - 6/30/2007 8:29:03 AM

Aw, that was really cute! What fun!

I'm high as a kite right this second. Opening night is done and we had no idea what to think at first. Every audience we've had has been different so far. They all laugh in different places, some of them have talked back to the stage, some of them cry or get pissed off, but tonight was terrifying because they were so silent.

I swear, we came off after the first scene and I thought "Either they hate us, or they're so into us that they're speechless....or they're passed out drunk from pre-show cocktails."

We got some chuckles and I heard a couple of gasps and moans but it was overall just this rather unnerving quietness. We had no idea what to expect when we got done and headed up to the lounge for the reception. I was almost afraid to go --- I mean, I know we did well, but it isn't about us just pleasing ourselves.

Turns out we've got a damn fine play. I was so pleased with all of the questions and comments from the folks who stayed for the reception. I love it when they get the subtle stuff and when they want to talk about this or that other implication. It was wonderful to know that we'd conveyed what we meant to and that people were really thinking hard about it as well as being pleased with our performance.

The Bee critic was there tonight and he's not at all a fan of LaBute, but regardless of what he ends up saying we're all thrilled with the way things have come together. I hope he enjoyed it and writes a good review because it'll bring in more viewers --- and of course it wouldn't hurt our egos any to have him rave about us --- but we got what we needed tonight from people who paid their money just to see a show and it feels fantastic.


22140. alistairConnor - 6/30/2007 9:27:31 AM

How unspeakably cool! Would love to see the show, but there you go... live theatre is an ephemeral thing.

22141. wabbit - 6/30/2007 3:03:58 PM

Hooray, Ms. No! It must be a huge relief to have opening night under your belt. I'm betting on stellar reviews.

22142. jexster - 6/30/2007 4:39:40 PM

Congrats Ms. No!

22143. jexster - 6/30/2007 4:40:02 PM

From Guess Who

22144. arkymalarky - 7/1/2007 4:26:12 PM

Good looking guy.
I'm posting from the back porch of the cabin. Unless and until my thumb typing improves this won't be a regular thing, but it's cool to know I can.

22145. arkymalarky - 7/1/2007 4:28:37 PM

GO NO!! Fantastic!

22146. jexster - 7/1/2007 4:47:01 PM

WAS a good looking guy!


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