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22166. Ms. No - 7/3/2007 4:11:49 PM

100F? At that altitude??? Good gravy!

Glad your headache's gone and I know you're going to have a great time. See you when you get back!

22167. alistairconnor - 7/3/2007 4:46:07 PM

I'll take some of those degrees...

OK I could get used to spring being the new rainy season. But summer as the monsoon season... please no. We generally get heat storms in June or July, but we're getting the storms without the heat.

22168. Ms. No - 7/3/2007 4:54:56 PM

I'll trade you some heat for some rain. It's dry as a bone here and we're supposed to be at 103F tomorrow. Not how I was looking forward to spending the 4th of July but there's a pool at one of the two parties I'm going to so that'll be nice.

22169. alistairconnor - 7/3/2007 5:29:40 PM

I blame the Irish. There's been this big depression hanging over the emerald isle for so many weeks that I think it should be termed a nervous breakdown. Actually I think some mad Irish scientists have dreamed it up as a means of striking the hereditary enemy : you will observe that half of England is under water with heavy flooding.

We're just getting some collateral backwash.

22170. Ms. No - 7/3/2007 5:58:16 PM

I suppose there is a certain validity to the stereotype of Irish melancholy. That's actually one of my half-baked semi-scientific theories: that clinical depression traces through Irish heredity.

As for being able to control the elements, you'll have to develop that theory on your own. ;->

22171. judithathome - 7/3/2007 6:52:00 PM

We have more rain total here at the first part of July than we usually have by year's end. It has rained every frickin' day for the past month. My front step on the porch is totally GREEN from moss and algae.

I haven't been able to go to the pool for 10 days now...of course, last week I had pseudo-pneumonia and couldn't go anyhow but now, it's because of the RAIN.

This is utterly insane, to have Fourth of July cancelled because of too much rain...the lakes around here are CLOSED tomorrow; they aren't letting anyone in boats or on foot into the picnic and lake areas of at least 4 local lakes.

I've lived in this town since I was 3 years old and there has never been a more bizarre summer on record. Back in 1928, they had 11.58 inches of rain the month of June and we missed breaking that record this year by less than half an inch. Of course, I wasn't here in 1928 but I know since the 50s, there have only been maybe three Fourth of July dates with rain...and that was for only half a day each time.

Tell me again that the weather isn't changing here on Earth...and I'll say bullshit!

22172. concerned - 7/3/2007 7:29:53 PM

You should rejoice, JAH. Fewer of your homies will be blowin' their fingers off.

Where I'm at, we had a somewhat late spring, and a few very hot days in early June (upper '90's). For the last couple of weeks, it's been mild and usually pleasant ('60's to the '80's) with occasional rain.

Very weather like weather, I must say.

22173. Ms. No - 7/3/2007 7:45:33 PM

Man, I'm bored again. This archiving project is putting me to sleep and I hate the fact that I feel nearly no desire to work. I mean, that's just not like me. I stare at this mind-numbing stuff and feel guilty about getting paid for all the moments that I drift off.

Bleh. It's a horrendous project, but it would be infinitely better if they had somebody working on it with me. Two people could get this done five times as quickly and we'd be able to keep each other engaged in the project.


22174. jexster - 7/3/2007 10:18:25 PM

Hey Wonks! Were you in Baton Rouge circa 1965-66?????

If so you'll no doubt fondly remember....

22175. alistairConnor - 7/3/2007 10:30:59 PM

Don't know about Wonk, but I'd certainly heard that before.

Possibly my favourite musical period. The complete Stax singles collection has been released recently as eight CDs. I bought the one that had the most Booker T and the MGs, I wasn't too familiar with the other stuff but I love it all. I think I'll buy the set.

22176. jexster - 7/3/2007 11:20:56 PM

The only band of the era from Baton Rouge - possibly the only musical group ever from BR to make it internationally!

Great song!

22177. wonkers2 - 7/4/2007 1:44:48 AM

I left Baton Rouge in 1953 and have only been back a few times since. Hank Williams was king when I was there.

22178. jexster - 7/4/2007 2:24:07 AM

Gee I didn't think you were THAT old Wonkers!

22179. jexster - 7/4/2007 2:27:18 AM

Hells bells that was just about when I arrived from Bethesda Naval

22180. jexster - 7/4/2007 2:32:24 AM

Cajun swamp pop musician John Fred was born John Fred Gourrier on May 8, 1941, in Baton Rouge. In the late 1950s he formed John Fred and His Playboy Band (also known as John Fred and the Playboys). Originally, the group performed around South Louisiana and East Texas, recording popular R&B-type tunes like "Shirley" (1959) and "Good Lovin’" (1959, written by Bobby Charles of Abbeville). In the mid-1960s, however, Fred and his group made a successful transition to the Beatles-esque, and recorded the psychedelic international hit "Judy In Disguise (With Glasses)" in 1967. (The song was inspired by the Beatles’ "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.") In the 1990s Fred teamed up with G. G. Shinn (originally of Franklin) and Joe Stampley of Springhill (in north Louisiana) to form The Louisiana Boys, which issued an album and performed at venues like the Louisiana Folklife Festival.

22181. betty - 7/4/2007 7:20:00 PM

How did I not hear about the Stax re-issue? I have been living under a rock for the last few years.

Now I've gotta go try to find that on e-bay.

22182. judithathome - 7/5/2007 5:33:47 AM

We watched the Eddie Izzard marathon all day long and went to the mall and had Blizzards there...then, we came home and made hot dogs!

Very American holiday...ha!

22183. Ms. No - 7/5/2007 3:36:56 PM

I adore Eddie Izzard!

I hit two gatherings yesterday and ran into some people I hadn't seen in years and years. It was really nice, but I wish I had another couple hours to sleep.

Tonight will be a late one as well --- one of my best friends is in town with her family visiting relatives and she's coming to the show tonight so we'll be up in the lounge 'til the wee hours gabbing afterward.

22184. alistairconnor - 7/5/2007 5:21:04 PM

How long does the show run?

... or does that depend on the public?

22185. Ms. No - 7/5/2007 5:40:12 PM

Currently we're set to run through the 29th, but the director has already asked us what our schedules are like in the couple of weeks after that because she's thinking of extending the run. This is not because we're selling out every night but because we're the last show of the season and the house is set to be dark for like six weeks after us. She sees no reason not to keep the show up and running for a couple weeks if we're still selling sufficient tickets to make it financially beneficial.

Feedback is that our reviews are good. My mom was reading one online yesterday when I was on the phone with her but she was good and didn't give me any details.

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