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22192. Ms. No - 7/5/2007 11:20:58 PM

I'm not sure being trolled by a porno-site counts as fame, but I did get a nice compliment from a lady at my local coffee shop.

22193. judithathome - 7/6/2007 12:29:36 AM

Just read a review...you're golden, babe!

22194. Ms. No - 7/6/2007 12:55:23 AM

Yeah, I heard they're saying nice things about us. It's very cool!

22195. judithathome - 7/8/2007 2:14:58 PM

The wedding yesterday of my granddaughter, for us, was a disaster. The route we took had a train derailment that blocked the main highway for miles and we had to backtrack about 20 miles and wind through the country roads to get to the turn-off to the place. Then, we overshot the 2 mile drivway up to the chapel...they held the wedding as long as possible but several of us pulled up just as the pictures were being taken outside.

The bride and groom and all the attendents looked wonderful and my son arranged for us to get a DVD of the ceremony. The girls wore black dresses (that they can use later and every one of them looked wonderful in them) and the guys wore black western tuxedos with long coats and black boots...abd black Stetsons. (My son went without a hat but he looked great in that tux!)

Sounds crazy but trust me, this wedding was very "country" in theme and place. The walk leading up to the chapel has horseshoes permantly imbedded in it here and there. And the carriage that took the couple to the reception hall was pure old West, down to the cowbell around the horse's neck.

One of the groomsmen was knock-down-dead
i gorgeous...
I asked my son what his name was and if he was a male model, he was THAT hunky...my son said "Oh, you mean Fabio?" and then he said his name was really Brandon and he was 23 years old. I told him I felt like a dirty old woman thinking about buying his calendar! And he told the guy I said that...

Anyhow, it was a beautiful wedding and everyone had a great time at the reception...I just wish more of us had been able to get there in time for the ceremony.

They were SO smart about this thing...the entire cost was under four grand. And they paid for the whole thing themselves. She chose white daisies for the flowers...and they looked great! Everything was very sweet...they had little minature bales of hay with little Stetson hats perched on top and daisies and greenery as centerpieces for all the tables. And the the groom's cake was covered in fondant that looked like cow hide. (This is Texas, remember.)

22196. judithathome - 7/8/2007 2:18:28 PM

The photographer called up "the grandparents" for a group picture with the bride and groom and Keoni and I walked up...and the photographer turned to us and said politely, "Just the grandparents this time" and her grandfather said "They ARE the other grandparents!" which got a laugh from everyone. He and the groom's grandmother are in their mid 80s.

22197. thoughtful - 7/8/2007 2:30:19 PM

Wedding sounds terrif j@h...too bad you were late, but it sounds like a great affair all around.

MsNo...just wait til they post copies of your head on naked bodies doing all kinds of unbelievable things...then you'll know you are there!!! Next step, having the MSM follow you around for getting picked up on a littering charge...you'll push paris what'sherface right off the front pages! Congrats!

22198. arkymalarky - 7/8/2007 6:15:55 PM

Judith, the wedding sounds like it was absolutely wonderful! I'm just glad y'all got there in time for pictures and the reception.

The train wasn't Amtrak, was it? I just imagine them quietly dotting the entire American landscape at any given point in time.

22199. arkymalarky - 7/8/2007 6:19:34 PM

No, I can't wait to tell The Gathering. It will be a smaller, invitation-only affair this year. Bob and I are getting too old for surprises. ;-)

22200. judithathome - 7/8/2007 8:14:15 PM

I don't know what kind of train it was...we didn't get close enough to see.

I just HAVE to tell you this, though...if you hadn't given me that Hové stuff, I'd have never been able to get dressed yesterday. Heh.

22201. alistairConnor - 7/8/2007 9:46:37 PM

Summer was nice.

It was yesterday. Unfortunately, I was stuck inside doing wallpaper.

Now it's back to the regular program. Storms every day. We had a beauty just now : our little road became a raging torrent, and pretty much disintegrated for about 20 yards just in front of our gate. Huge chunks of tar seal washed away, and there's a trench about a foot deep in the middle. I'll see if I can manoeuvre around it tomorrow morning.

22202. judithathome - 7/8/2007 11:55:28 PM

Sorry to hear about your weather troubles...we've had a lot of that here, too...roads sinking, yards washing away. Luckily, the picture below is the only result of all that rain for me:


22203. betty - 7/9/2007 12:10:19 AM

that wedding sounds sweet and wonderful. many years to them.

AC-when summer comes you have to stop dealing with the house and go out and play. It is the most important thing I have learned living in the Great Lakes region.

22204. alistairconnor - 7/9/2007 10:55:07 AM

Oh Betty, I already have. I left the house this morning, I'll be back for a couple of hours in ten days' time then away for another week or so. Let it rot. Rain or shine, it's playtime.

Or nearly. I've still got two days at work. I'll be staying at my girlfriend's place, she'll be getting off the plane from Country X about now...

22205. Ms. No - 7/9/2007 5:20:54 PM

What a fabulous wedding! People think I'm not very "southern" and even less "Texan", but the very idea of a cowhide patterend cake and groomsmen in western tuxes makes me kind of swoony. I've never been much of a one for big hair, but I do loves me some cowboys.

22206. Ms. No - 7/9/2007 5:22:56 PM


What??? No more unexpected visits from Todd? I'm heartbroken. sob!

Definitely tell everyone hello for me --- and at least Mose should be safe this year since I won't be making the margaritas. ;->

22207. arkymalarky - 7/9/2007 6:10:42 PM

Haha! I wish you could meet Mose's new beau. I think you'd approve, but Judith can give you a report!

22208. Ms. No - 7/9/2007 8:53:31 PM

I want pictures!

22209. arkymalarky - 7/10/2007 12:15:43 AM

When I get to civilization I'll email you where to look. What's your email? I don't have it handy.

22210. judithathome - 7/10/2007 12:29:57 AM

You'll approve, MsNo...trust me.

22211. Ms. No - 7/10/2007 2:44:51 AM

Cool! bridgeburner99 at yahoo

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