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22210. judithathome - 7/10/2007 12:29:57 AM

You'll approve, MsNo...trust me.

22211. Ms. No - 7/10/2007 2:44:51 AM

Cool! bridgeburner99 at yahoo

22212. arkymalarky - 7/10/2007 11:53:18 PM

Did you get it No?

22213. Ms. No - 7/10/2007 11:57:13 PM

I'll have to check it when I get home --- I can't follow the link from the office network.

22214. Ms. No - 7/11/2007 12:03:16 AM

Scratch that --- I did manage to get through --- what a doll!! He looks so happy!

Just on appearances alone I'd think him the better match for Mose --- and I don't mean because he's such a looker but because he looks fully engaged in the world and the people around him. He looks thrilled to be doing whatever he's doing and that makes me think of Mose and how engaged she is with the world and the people around her --- and how that was the biggest mystery to me about her ex. He seemed to be a watcher and a brooder rather than a doer.

I'm thrilled for her!

22215. arkymalarky - 7/11/2007 12:32:52 AM

Oooh, you're a good people reader. I think the link shows how much happier and more carefree she is. Of course some of that is finishing college. ;-)

Thanks for responding. I have a neurotic worry about sending private stuff to the wrong email. It intensifies with this gizmo, but I'm getting better.
It's nice to be online at the cabin, but, unlike the laptop, it's too much trouble to become a habit. Good for a rainy afternoon like this one, though.

22216. Ms. No - 7/11/2007 12:42:51 AM

I'm a relentless people-watcher. I suppose the prurient version is that I'm a voyeur, but I think maybe that only applies to people who'd rather watch than do. I like to participate, but I can't help but be interested in whatever everyone else is doing as well.

According to the internet test I'm highly accurrate --- at least at telling the difference between a real smile and a fake one. I can't remember where it was but I took one of those odd picture-based tests --- not unlike the Boobie test --- where you had to decide if the smile was real or fake. It was kind of neat.

22217. wabbit - 7/11/2007 1:15:06 AM

Spot the fake smile!

22218. Ms. No - 7/11/2007 4:12:14 AM

18 out of 20 and the two I missed I really had to think about. When I went back and looked at them they seemed pretty obviously opposite to what I had picked originally, but hindsight and all that. ;->

22219. judithathome - 7/11/2007 4:54:42 AM

I got 16 out of 20 and knew that I was wrong on two of them...funny, but I guessed three were fake that weren't and guessed one was genuine that was fake.

The really long haired guy who looked so spooky? I got him wrong! I guessed fake.

22220. judithathome - 7/11/2007 5:09:26 AM

I am SHOCKED! Keoni only got 15 correct! And him being a former investigator....

22221. judithathome - 7/11/2007 5:09:46 AM

Oh wow...

22222. judithathome - 7/11/2007 5:10:02 AM

I want this post number!!!

22223. Ms. No - 7/11/2007 5:54:19 AM

ooooh! cool number!

22224. thoughtful - 7/11/2007 2:27:27 PM

There were 2 that i was pretty sure I got wrong after I selected them and couldn't go back. but with that I only got 14 right. And I was watching for crinkles in the eyes...I guess I over analyzed...

22225. Magoseph - 7/11/2007 3:15:03 PM

I’ve been neglecting my posting recently and there’s a good reason for it. The demands made on me in respect to our property have taken almost all my time. However, I manage to stay in touch in lurking each time I have to rest and drink something.

Thanks, everyone, for entertaining me!

22226. wonkers2 - 7/11/2007 4:03:09 PM

Ah, the woes of those to whom God in his infinite wisdom has entrusted the property interests of the country!

22227. arkymalarky - 7/11/2007 6:27:30 PM

I'll have to try to do the smile thing when I get home. Sounds like a neat test. I'll be interested to see how I do, particularly in light of my poor track record irl the last year or so. Maybe I'll learn something I can use.

22228. judithathome - 7/11/2007 6:55:19 PM

Here is a belated picture of Keoni's daughter's wedding a year ago (last August) in Utah...it was taken in the lobby of the hotel where the wedding took place and that her husband owns.

Daniel & Leleo 368 - Wedding copy

22229. thoughtful - 7/11/2007 8:09:26 PM


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