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22220. judithathome - 7/11/2007 5:09:26 AM

I am SHOCKED! Keoni only got 15 correct! And him being a former investigator....

22221. judithathome - 7/11/2007 5:09:46 AM

Oh wow...

22222. judithathome - 7/11/2007 5:10:02 AM

I want this post number!!!

22223. Ms. No - 7/11/2007 5:54:19 AM

ooooh! cool number!

22224. thoughtful - 7/11/2007 2:27:27 PM

There were 2 that i was pretty sure I got wrong after I selected them and couldn't go back. but with that I only got 14 right. And I was watching for crinkles in the eyes...I guess I over analyzed...

22225. Magoseph - 7/11/2007 3:15:03 PM

I’ve been neglecting my posting recently and there’s a good reason for it. The demands made on me in respect to our property have taken almost all my time. However, I manage to stay in touch in lurking each time I have to rest and drink something.

Thanks, everyone, for entertaining me!

22226. wonkers2 - 7/11/2007 4:03:09 PM

Ah, the woes of those to whom God in his infinite wisdom has entrusted the property interests of the country!

22227. arkymalarky - 7/11/2007 6:27:30 PM

I'll have to try to do the smile thing when I get home. Sounds like a neat test. I'll be interested to see how I do, particularly in light of my poor track record irl the last year or so. Maybe I'll learn something I can use.

22228. judithathome - 7/11/2007 6:55:19 PM

Here is a belated picture of Keoni's daughter's wedding a year ago (last August) in Utah...it was taken in the lobby of the hotel where the wedding took place and that her husband owns.

Daniel & Leleo 368 - Wedding copy

22229. thoughtful - 7/11/2007 8:09:26 PM


22230. arkymalarky - 7/11/2007 9:37:44 PM

She's gorgeous! And it looks like it must be a beautiful hotel.

Cold and rainy. It's hailed three days in a row. That's not a complaint. We get lots of daily sun up here, but temps in the 60s is a big reason we come here. That 90s stuff was for the birds. And it's been cooler in AR, which is a rip. I'm being all domestic and enjoying "home" now that it's cooler.

We're heading back to AR Monday. My grandmother used to stay all summer after Granddad died. My parents usually do three or four weeks. They'll be up the day after we leave. We're going to try to meet them and Bro--who's playing at Lyons Festival--on the way.

22231. Ms. No - 7/11/2007 10:59:01 PM

What a lovely couple --- and she's clearly Keoni's daughter, same beautiful smile!

22232. judithathome - 7/11/2007 11:07:36 PM

Actually, her mother always told her not to show her teeth when she smiled, since she was a little girl...even though she has beautiful teeth, just like Keoni. It was a cultural thing with her (Japanese) mom. We tried to get her to smile really big and she did, as she entered the hall and saw her groom..it was such an unusual sight, the entire group gathered there gasped out loud, so few of them has seen that smile before.

22233. Ulgine Barrows - 7/13/2007 9:52:26 AM

Aaack! What are you all up to? Busy, busy, bees....I will have to scroll back and read all about it.

I hope you are all well, thriving, and eating the delicious greens of summer!

22234. arkymalarky - 7/13/2007 4:23:57 PM

How sweet! What have you been up to?

We're going on a mountain walk this morning. Bob's been doing 3.5 miles and I'm doing half with him every day until we leave. I just now feel ready for it. I've been doing a stepper and a small exercise bike that we got here last year--it was on the side of the road with a "free" sign. It works great except the mile/calorie counter and looked brand new. The air is thin and I have been so out of shape, I hope I can go that far.

22235. arkymalarky - 7/13/2007 4:33:55 PM

I type long posts to practice while I have reception, and I lost one in Politics yesterday. Infuriating. I wouldn't have retyped it if I could have.reception's spotty here, but in Nederland they don't have cellphone service at all. Gotta love it.

22236. TheWizardOfWhimsy - 7/13/2007 5:02:48 PM

I got fooled by India-American and the Asian-American smiles; I wonder if it was a cultural thing or if it had to do with my past personal experiences.

22237. Ms. No - 7/19/2007 4:13:23 PM


That sounds like the two that got me. When I went back and saw them again it was fairly obvious, but I think I was distracted by the sexual appeal of the one and then misled trying to read the epicanthic folds of the other.

22238. Ms. No - 7/19/2007 9:04:10 PM

Everybody think good thoughts! Hopefully by this time next week the Hen House Debacle will be well and truly over, the property will be sold and I'll have recouped most of the financial loss incurred. The closing is scheduled for Monday and all we're waiting on now is an afidavit of canceled deed from the original note-holder.

Hell, who knows? By this time next year I might even be ready to talk to my father again!

22239. Magoseph - 7/20/2007 3:00:51 PM

Congrats, Ms. No!

As soon as you have obtained the justice you deserve, you will be ready to talk to your dad because it is not in you to hold a grudge against someone you loved, still love, and will always love.

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